Reviews for Worth the Fight
QueenGB chapter 22 . 1/27/2024
Honestly I was surprised about Bella’s thought’s on Charlie so their chat will be interesting. And dirty fighters going to Volturi makes sense. I bet a show down is coming in the ring. I just hope Edward doesn’t get hurt worse.
QueenGB chapter 21 . 1/27/2024
I don’t read WIPs. I like the full story in case it never gets completed. But i wanted to say you are one of my favorite writers and I am sorry to see from your AN that you were unwell while writing. I hope you are doing well and journeying towards good health.
QueenGB chapter 20 . 1/27/2024
Im glad he wasn’t just a drooling fool for her but let her know she hurt him. At least with her guard down he got to the root of the matter. Progress.
QueenGB chapter 19 . 1/27/2024
These crazy kidsD
QueenGB chapter 18 . 1/27/2024
Given Jacob was a cheating loser he shouldn’t rob her of her life now. At least be Edward’s friend. Or watch him with the pretty new brunette with blue eyes. That will suck.
QueenGB chapter 16 . 1/27/2024
I love that Emmett was stuffing his face while being encouraging to Edward.
QueenGB chapter 15 . 1/27/2024
I know Jasper is a lawyer but hes also a MMA fighter too right? I think that came out in early chapters. And Bella running isnt new so Im not mad at her but Edward knows exactly how she feels. That should aid in the trust area. But right now Edward needs friends more than a girlfriend. I hope she doesn’t ace him out completely.
QueenGB chapter 13 . 1/26/2024
Yeah that sweetheart needs friends.
QueenGB chapter 11 . 1/26/2024
I don’t see how Bella and Edwards past relationships are different. They both got equally screwed so move on you cuties. You deserve better. Edward’s is so sweet. BTW I love the way he dumped Victoria. It was awesome.
QueenGB chapter 9 . 1/26/2024
How did he get out of his contract? With that kind of brain injury a second opinion could have voided it. I like the description of how that tshirt fit Edward
QueenGB chapter 6 . 1/26/2024
Only a guy can say I love you with two women in his bed. Haha
QueenGB chapter 3 . 1/26/2024
That was a day not worth repeating. Poor Edward.
QueenGB chapter 2 . 1/26/2024
Yeah lets dump her and cut her off and can Marcus really be trusted? Brass knuckles? Damn!
QueenGB chapter 1 . 1/26/2024
Jesus his own coach drugged him. Well the Volturi should have given way to deceit. Poor Edward.
Flippysten chapter 47 . 11/26/2023
Aww sad to see this end
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