Reviews for Encyclopaedia Mythologica
yukicrewger2 chapter 3 . 12/17/2024
I have an immediate bias that says I should suggest some form of mythological fox.

- Huling should be avoided at all cost
- Kitsune are up there, but it depends on if Taylor can seperate out the Yako from the Zenko or if that's a personality thing
- Kuda-gitsune/Kanko would be an option, they're basically look like a fox shaped like a ferret. They like to live inside bamboo tubes or piples, can become invisible to everyone except their handler, and can "possess" their handler, which grants said handler limited precog powers. However they multiply in legends by being near weddings
- Renard the Fox is an option, it wouldn't be able to breed, but you would have to watch out as it would most likely have an insatiable urge to prank Hookwolf
- Finally there's Irish Fox Spirits, who can take the form of beautiful red haired women and have the ability to predict the death (doom) of others that they are close to
LordLucifer666 chapter 3 . 12/13/2024
I badly want more this is so good
LordLucifer666 chapter 1 . 12/13/2024
This is good
Pliocene9 chapter 3 . 11/30/2024
Honestly so far im loving the current pacing and lack of grimdark-ness in the story. Not sure if thats going to continue but looking forward to finding out. All in all a great story that i hope continues!
Obama chapter 2 . 10/17/2024
No offense but isn't fairy dragon dnd? Also plenty of Pokemon are based on mythical figures. Btw golden goose is from a myth too, so free gold from its eggs.
Lawbringer chapter 3 . 10/18/2024
Absolutely adore what's here for this story and I hope to see it continue!
AthanMortis chapter 3 . 10/14/2024
I found this by chance, but I really like what's been done so far. Hope to see more sooner than a year from now. Not that I've got much room to talk.
Rodrigo25 chapter 3 . 8/25/2024
Espero que continue, pois estou gostando muito.
NorthStar-3969 chapter 3 . 8/11/2024
hey love both the concept and execution of the story and b definitely look forward to any and all updates to it.
Greyff chapter 2 . 8/2/2024
Is she restricted to animal life? If not, healing herbs are a common fantasy trope. If not restricted to fantasy, there's quadrotriticale from "Star Trek" that is widely known and a sci-fi wheat with an enhanced growing period might be of interest to some people.
Historians know about the reputed properties of the extinct silphium and might well be something to consider.
For that matter, what about extinct animal species? I wouldn't suggest a t-rex for various reasons, but trainable dinosaurs or human-caused extinct species like the dodo might get some people on board with her.
Julie Q chapter 1 . 6/22/2024
Will Pax 'moult' - i.e. shedding his old scales while he grows new ones - on a periodic basis? [E.g. once or twice a year.] Because if he does, then Pax's old scales might prove useful to Colin / Armsmaster after Pax has shed them. They might make for nice keepsakes for Pax to gift to his favourite humans [which so far consist of Colin, Taylor, Vicky and Amy; and I'm guessing Hannah and maybe Emily will soon find favour with Pax after he's introduced to them] too.

...I ask because you have compared Pax to lizards, and I vaguely remember something about various reptilian species shedding their skins while other reptilian species shed their scales, in both cases to make way for shiny new replacements, and that led me to wonder if dragons might do something similar.

Is there any chance of Taylor making Faerie Dragons for Hannah, Amy, and / or Vicky, too? And maybe Emily? After all, Emily Piggott is already a very intimidating figure within the PRT - imagine how much moreso she would be if she had a miniature dragon backing her up all the time. ;) ...also, a Faerie Dragon companion might have a broadly similar effect on Emily's metal health and well-being as a trained therapy animal; and the dragon might detect that Emily is being slowly poisoned by Coil via her kidney dialysis.

Come to think of it, what if Taylor is given authorisation to make a Faerie Dragon companion for herself? [Especially if she's home schooled instead of attending Arcadia.] She would therefore have a completely incorruptible 'bodyguard' at all times to protect her, plus she would benefit from the little dragon's similarities to a trained therapy animal - and she really needs therapy after everything she's been through.

...and I can easily see Pax providing similar benefits to Colin as a trained therapy animal would. Enjoying quality time with Pax could help Colin to improve his social skills and his overall emotional health and well-being. Being accompanied by Pax at all times will likely make Colin be publicly perceived to be more relatable and thus more popular.

...on a related note, everyone from New Wave would benefit from a Faerie Dragon companion-cum-therapy animal, not just the Dallon Sisters.

Faerie Dragons can fix so many trauma-related and other mental health problems for so many characters - because Faerie Dragons are just awesomesauce like that. ;)

Sending you cuddles and kisses,

And all the best wishes,

- Julie ;) xoxox
recon100035 chapter 3 . 6/22/2024
thx for the chapter
Vector23 chapter 3 . 6/11/2024
Well Taylor went OP faster than normal for an Alt Power fic. Kinda disappointed cause it pushes her creations firmly into the realm of win more. Turns it into just a case of “What mythological creature can the author find on Wikipedia that will fix everyone’s problems” All we need now is for Taylor to create Behamut to go kill the Simurgh and we will have reached peak Mary Sue.
Aren Gisly chapter 3 . 6/6/2024
Pretty sure you said it was saturday, why would KW and the girls had school then? TFTC! I really like the idea!
Aren Gisly chapter 2 . 6/6/2024
FUCK! No second breakfast... did you heard that? That was the pieces of my broken heart... What about the dragons that can shapeshift into humans? Actually, I believe several species can do that, like some Imps...
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