Reviews for The Criminal Consultant
Luciendar chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Thanks for the new chapter. I love reading the mystery unfold. I just wish it wasn't so long between chapters. I had to skim the whole story just to catch up.

I'm so pumped for Eri. I'm also curious about what's going on with Shinso. I don't know if you've forgotten about him or he's undergoing strict training with Stain to bring him to near Aizawa levels.

Although, perhaps the two things I'm most curious about. How will his mom react when she learns the truth? What crime was Izuku committing when he hit caught?
T M C A W chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
thanks for the chapter
Pally The Second chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
glad to see your still doing this story.
Umbra Lycan chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
glad to see this update, im honestly hoping izuku stays on top of the system and beats it, he's trying to make better changes, albeit through the criminal means, but he's doing as he hoped, keeping it more controlled, keep up the great work
RomeoDreamWriter chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Naomasa, you're going to get a bullet to the head if you try to get at Izuku through his mother.
marlastiano chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
good :)
NewMystery356 chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Dabi and Izuku’s dialogue is brilliant, and I feel like he’d put the Kingpin to shame. As for Toshinori barging in on Endeavor and then wussing out quite like that; that was a good one. As for the Heroes going after Inko… I feel like that could backfire, but maybe with a time delay so they can’t SPECULATE before a court of law that its “retaliation” for potential slander.
BrianShooter672 chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Another great Chapter and as always I'm looking forward for the next Chapter in the Future. Glad to see you back Author.

1. Their gonna questions Inko, bad call since she's knows what her son up too and won't just give him up considering their the reasons why her Son became the person their were after.

2. Knowing Izuku, he probably take out Overhaul and anyone who's loyal to him after seeing what the bastard did to the Little Girl all because of her Quirks. As for Quirks Erasure Bullets, he probably find a way to created more without murdering Eri or put her in the painful trauma.
Leaf Ninja 91 chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Very nice chapter. Thank you very much.
AvidReader2425 chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Going after his mother is probably going to backfire on them lol. Outside of the obvious loyalty she will have for her son, it shows that they are willing to go after his family. That is a very dangerous precedent to set. Thanks for another really awesome chapter, this story is always very entertaining to read.
UnsanMusho chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Oho so it seems the heores are getting ever closer to finding out the truth about Izuku. i wonder what his Mother will say when they try to talk to her?
CaioCoia chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
And that's how Detective Tsukauchi flew too close to the sun, his death isn't going to be an easy one, since Midoriya is going to destroy him piece by piece, and he could be possibly give himself the same treatment as the criminal who had to silence himself on the interrogation.
Poor heroes, their ignorance made them another reason of Moriarty attack with full force.
MasterDarkElf chapter 12 . 11/9/2024
Well now, nice to see this again! Here's hoping Nagant joins Izuku's relationship, haha. She is criminally underdone at times, I feel. Hoping for Jirou as well, but that's a bit more of a blind hope given where all the players are at at this point in time. Looking forward to more!
Barbatus Lupus Rex chapter 3 . 10/25/2024
You’re telling me that inko midoriya if fucking tatsumaki from opm ?! Holy shit !
The masked man chapter 4 . 10/15/2024
Please update this story it’s awesome and I’m absolutely sure there’s many people who feel the same way.

That is a Naruto reference in the title
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