Reviews for Is it Wrong to Live Transmigrated as Bell Cranel in a Dungeon?
Sullifield117 chapter 31 . 1/16
it's been a more a month author, we really really miss you
kirosyamcha chapter 4 . 1/13
Kinda goofy how he ran from Ais, doesn’t even really make any sense even. Is he Bell or is he the OC?
ZandroMoll chapter 30 . 1/13
Hey Meetra 0 Surik! How have you been lately? I see you haven't been updating my favorite fanfiction. Well, I just want to say, can you please start updating this story? It's been a really long time since you posted a chapter, and I've been starving for your fanfiction. Unless this fanfiction is abandoned and you don't plan on continuing this story any longer, you better say something so I don't get my hopes up.
NotInigoMontoya chapter 31 . 1/5
I binged this story over the past several days. Overall I really like it. I love what you've done with Lilithis is one of the two best Lili depictions I've read. Good Lefiya and Ryu too, and you're doing real interesting things with the Freya vs Syr distinction. I do think some. of the more game-based chapters (like this one I assume) kinda drag, but that might be because I'm impatient for "main" plot points to get resolved (like the War Gameespecially with the unique not-castle-siege structure and different participantsand Syr/Freya).
ZandroMoll chapter 1 . 1/2
Hey Meetra 0 Surik! You haven't been updating this fanfiction for awhile now is this fanfiction abandoned or something?

I just really like this fanfiction and I hope that you continue this fanfiction.
DankeaterMidir chapter 31 . 12/23/2024
Last update June? You must continue can’t leave me hanging like this!
qian zhu -Senju chapter 31 . 12/20/2024
JackofTrades27 chapter 7 . 11/29/2024
I dont like Lili at all and have been skipping most of these paragraphs lol
JackofTrades27 chapter 2 . 11/29/2024
It would have been so nice to read a fanfic where Bell goes to Freya
Sullifield117 chapter 31 . 11/24/2024
Is the author gone?
ZandroMoll chapter 31 . 11/22/2024
Hey Meetra 0 Surik, you haven't been making some chapters lately. Is the fanfiction abondon?
Plasma Dragon 312 chapter 18 . 11/15/2024
Personally not a fan of making his sick as a nerf. Cause I just know it’s going to be used over and over. It’s like giving someone cancer and then suggesting radiation therapy but it only does so much and each time the cancer comes back a bit more resistant to it. Until it just overflows and there’s nothing but angst. Again.
Plasma Dragon 312 chapter 15 . 11/14/2024
I wonder if Lefiya meets Belko would she potentially fall for her?
Plasma Dragon 312 chapter 14 . 11/14/2024
Is it bad that I’m a little sad Lefiya won’t be part of the crew?
Plasma Dragon 312 chapter 12 . 11/13/2024
Is it bad that I don’t consider Freya to be a villain? Even though what she’s doing is wrong I don’t think of her as evil or malicious. She wants her loved ones to grow.
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