Reviews for The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy
Levenez chapter 36 . 10/29/2022
Thank you very much for the new chapter. What horrible memories to live with… and Calvert is not stupid of course!
Knitting Princess chapter 37 . 10/29/2022
This chapter shows us so clearly how much Elizabeth and William have advanced in their recovery and also how much, much further they will need to go.

At times, it seems as if Darcy is the one needing more help; other times, Elizabeth. At times it seems as if Darcy is the one who is most ‘blind’ to himself and others’; other times, Elizabeth. And this chapter with the long-awaited reunion/meeting with William’s rescuers goes back-and-forth showing us how two intelligent, loving, and above all striving to do ‘the best thing’ people can have such diverse views of events. For William, this is so much more ‘positive’ in that he has such feelings of respect and love for his friends, and all he can see is how they helped him and how they simply want to be part of his life, and how just as they opened their hearts to him they are trying to do so to Elizabeth and the children. Yes, he has the occasional “I wish I had tried to find out things earlier”, just as Jory and Eseld themselves apologize for not trying to make him have more of an effort, but in one sense, what has happened, happened, there is nothing to do about it (can’t change things) and William has already apologized. And it has not been that long since he regained his whole memory, and look at what he had to deal with, between the bigamy and the latest crimes, and he indeed has been very welcoming to little Elizabeth and trying to help “Mama’ Elizabeth get through the lingering effects of the rape.
Yet, Elizabeth has had not just the loss of William but rape, William returning without memory, the bigamy trial, and just recently having to KILL a person, as well as giving up her youngest child to Georgiana. And now on top of all that (and more) she is to be expected to go make nice with a couple who now seem to be on better terms with William and to have more and better memories. Elizabeth and William were not married all that long, and then he was lost for years, and then even after recovery his memory was gone, and what has been happening is a lot of ‘bad’. Contrast that with William’s ‘happy’ son relationship in Cornwall, nothing but positive feelings, none of the ‘down’s of all Darcy’s responsibilities and Wickham and even the Hunsford proposal, and especially none of the drama ‘after’ his finding, and yeah, Elizabeth must feel very insecure indeed. William does need to give her a lot more time. Heaven knows she has done nothing, really, but ‘give’ to him and everybody else, some of it willingly but much of it not. Now that they have had a visit it is probably a good thing to have some QUIET PEMBERLY couple/family time geared toward happy memory making without others for a while!
777kid57 chapter 37 . 10/29/2022
not sure how I feel about this chapter yet. I know I am not keen on this William/Will. His ability to slip back into the fisherman Will mode so easily, leaving Lizzy "adrift" is rough. If I were sitting next to her would I see tears and hear "this world matters more to him than ours does." The sweet lady is still in recovery mode and playing second fiddle to his alternate lifestyle can't be easy.
I know you are chapters ahead of us readers and I maybe way off base with my take on it but I almost can envision him taking her back to Pemberley with the understanding that he wants to split his time between the two worlds. More frightening - taking the boys with him during his jaunts.
I know I sound like a gloomy gus but if you were not such a superb writer when it comes to bringing your characters to life I might not hurt so much for Lizzy or be as peeved at Duncey...oops I mean Darcy. :)
thanks for another great update. cheers!
wosedwew chapter 37 . 10/29/2022
Loved this chapter - blending Will's life with Williams.
wosedwew chapter 36 . 10/29/2022
At first, I thought this chapter was just a transition to the conclusion with Caroline, but when I re-read it, I realized that a lot had happened.

Kitty and Henry have a bit of an understanding. Henry has his head straight about his future and the past with his brother and his father's guilt.

Calvert made the correct assumptions and decided on the correct action - no action.

Elizabeth has confronted her memories which she must do before she can heal.

And the family will go to Cornwall.

A great chapter, really.
DW.618 chapter 37 . 10/29/2022
What an interesting scenario to read about as an outsider. But when I imagine myself in any of these adults' shoesthe emotions run deep. William loves both parts of his life (leaning more towards the simplicity of his life as Will) but feels guilty over what happened to his family while he was here as Will. And even his internal struggle of what clothes to wear! Elizabeth wants to encourage his love for his Cornwall "parents" but still blames them for keeping him from her during her worst days. And for her to see him so easily being Will rather than William must rip at her confidence if his contentment and happiness with her. And even Jory trying to express their sense of guilt for having encouraged him to remain there as their fisherman "son" when they should have considered the likelyhood of him having a family. Soooo many emotions in this scene and you expressed them very well.
liysyl chapter 37 . 10/29/2022
Great chapters I am glad they went to Cornwall. Thanks again for sharing your story.
Deanna27 chapter 37 . 10/29/2022
time, the universal healer? Elizabeth has so much to heal. from, so many ghosts to exorcize. Will has only happy memories of his time in Cornwall and his friends there, don't get me wrong, they are wonderful people, but Will needs to understand that Elizabeth needs to come to terms with everything before she can accept them into her bruised heart. Thank you for sharing this amazing story!
Guest chapter 35 . 10/28/2022
This story is so intriguing. I find myself going back to read parts!. Definitely your Magnus Opus! Not that I didn't love your other stories. Have to go back and read them again!
Lorena chapter 35 . 10/27/2022
Little by little things become clearer. Caroline is certifiably insane, the lengths she will go for status are remarkable. Would love to see Will visit his friends back in Cornwall with his family. Thank you
Guest chapter 35 . 10/27/2022
I hope that Caroline either does not get pregnant. Ever. Or she dies of childbirth. I know I'm being mean but she deserves it.
Motherof8 chapter 34 . 10/28/2022
I have a question. I came into the story half way through. I would like to read in in its entirety when complete. Will you be leaving it up for a while when complete? Thank you.
Motherof8 chapter 35 . 10/28/2022
Beautiful writing.
Shelby66 chapter 35 . 10/27/2022
Great story, I am enjoying it very much!
Levenez chapter 35 . 10/27/2022
Thank you very much for the new chapter. Ashbourne was quick to find his end… and it happening in a brothel is scandalous enough to not dig further I guess…
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