Reviews for The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy |
Guest chapter 3 . 8/27/2022 I am so very glad you're back! I enjoy your stories immensely, I love the depth and complexity. It always causes me to reread your stories multiple times. |
Levenez chapter 3 . 8/29/2022 You managed to bring me to tears… well done for this powerful writing. I am wondering about all the consequences to come from that morning discussion or rather ramifications. I hope the Earl won’t die suddenly in the middle of all this… I am looking forward to reading more! |
Levenez chapter 2 . 8/29/2022 In the horror of what happened to h. This was a somewhat funny chapter. Good idea with the shelves! |
Levenez chapter 1 . 8/29/2022 Thank you very much for the new story. What a sad start to the story. But then life at sea, back then, was what it was. Poor Darcy and Coldbourne on land… |
Dizzy Lizzy.60 chapter 3 . 8/28/2022 So very sad for all involved. He would have been elated to know he had another baby on the way. Lizzy breaking down like that, was heart rending. Very emotional, and very sad. I hope her family will rally around her. She needs all the support she can get, at a time like this. |
Dizzy Lizzy.60 chapter 2 . 8/28/2022 I'm glad he was finally rescued. He had a horrific time in that little boat. I wish he'd remember, but then we'd have no story. Oh well... |
Dizzy Lizzy.60 chapter 1 . 8/28/2022 Oh my gosh. Poor Lz. How will she ever live her life w/o him? Such tragedy. It appears fd will remain in Cornwall, for the time being. |
Ldibo chapter 1 . 8/28/2022 Interesting premise... Thank you for sharing your new story. kind regards, Lorena |
Jansfamily4 chapter 3 . 8/28/2022 I hope that the earl does what he intends to do. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. |
Jansfamily4 chapter 2 . 8/28/2022 Reaching for something on the shelf. That's sad. I am glad that I found this story. |
Jansfamily4 chapter 1 . 8/28/2022 WOW! What a start! Poor Mr Darcy, indeed. |
JohnnyFlynnFan chapter 3 . 8/27/2022 Thank you for this new story. It is deliciously intriguing and quite sad. Poor Elizabeth. The screaming is well-done. I would probably do the same in her situation. Angst-o-meter is set to high right now, and I can’t wait for the rest! Thank you again very much! |
Dizzy Lizzy.60 chapter 2 . 8/27/2022 Very short chapterAnyway, Lz should be outta her mind with sorrow. But why is it tantamount that she marry w/n the peerage? I'm sure he had made provisions in the marriage settlement, for any and all eventualities. What about the dower house? I mean, there has to be something. ta ra! |
Dizzy Lizzy.60 chapter 1 . 8/27/2022 Aw man, tough break fd. I was just hoping that letter got to Lz. Oh so sad. This story sounds so intriguing. I hope the chapters to come, are as emotionally compelling, as this one. Cheers. |
WhimsyMom chapter 1 . 8/27/2022 Very excited to see another Sophie Turner story. Is this the next installment of Constant Love? |