Reviews for The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy |
Carolineonestop chapter 47 . 11/16/2022 Very moving. Powerful stuff to read. It will be sad to see your story end. Thankyou for sharing your writing talent with us |
liysyl chapter 47 . 11/16/2022 Great chapters I am glad the Trevillses' are settling in. I am glad the Earl was able to meet his heir. Thanks for sharing your story. |
Lorena chapter 45 . 11/14/2022 Lovely chapters settling into a calmer life. A wedding, a new home away from Mousehole for Jory and Eseld. Mr. Bennet and the Earl forming a friendship. The icing on the cake being three new puppies. All lovely. Thank you |
Saralee chapter 44 . 11/14/2022 Lovely update. The change of residence for Jory & Eseld must be overwhelming, but so necessary for both families. I am so happy they are now at Pemberly. The dogs are a marvelous addition, mainly for little Elizabeth. There is nothing like a little puppy of like personality to it’s owner to cure the anxiety of each. |
Colleen S chapter 45 . 11/12/2022 Lovely chapter again! I will cry when this story is finished! |
wosedwew chapter 45 . 11/12/2022 Every time they sail on the lake at Pemberley, I picture the lake from 1995 P&P. A very small boat, a small sail, and just a few minutes to sail across. How big is this lake? If Jory thinks he can fish with a net, it must be fairly deep, too. |
MsLizzie regrets chapter 45 . 11/13/2022 Thanks for the update |
Levenez chapter 45 . 11/13/2022 Thank you very much for the new chapter. This one too feels like a closing!after the Coldbourne, now the Fitzwilliams. I am just wondering what your are planning… |
Levenez chapter 44 . 11/12/2022 Thank you very much for the new chapter. Happy to see that this is the start of part III given that this chapter can feel like a page is turning and could have been us nearing the end. So I am delighted! |
Jansfamily4 chapter 45 . 11/12/2022 Elizabeth and Henry both have ghosts in that house. Time will hopefully be what cures them both. I love how Joey and Eseld will soon be the Grandpapa and Grandmama for the Darcy children. That can be a full time job too. I love this story. |
Jansfamily4 chapter 44 . 11/12/2022 I'm glad that Arthur is back. He will feel like he has a purpose. That's good. How will Jory do with no purpose? No fishing out in the ocean. The smell of the fish. All gone. With his fishing skills, he can empty out the lake and river in no time. But he can teach little children how to be great fishermen and skilled boaters. Thank you for continuing your story. |
Deanna27 chapter 45 . 11/12/2022 loved the chapters, loved the reunion with Jory and Eselde, loved the puppies, loved that Henry and Kitty are |
wosedwew chapter 44 . 11/12/2022 A good chapter - building up to a HEA for everyone, even the servants. |
wosedwew chapter 45 . 11/12/2022 A couple of awkward sentences: ... first hesitant pats were exactly what she would like - the "she" in this case is probably the pup, but it reads like it is little Elizabeth. ... she would rather think about any more trials - should probably be "rather not think" about trials. |
GMA1 chapter 45 . 11/12/2022 This is a continuing wonder! It just keeps adding to the pleasure of the story. |