Reviews for The Crimes of Elizabeth Darcy |
Lorena chapter 41 . 11/7/2022 Mr. Bennet said and did everything right, Kitty’s happiness paramount for him and Will’s children and little Elizabeth gain grandparents, all lovely. Thank you |
MsLizzie regrets chapter 41 . 11/9/2022 Great update |
Saralee chapter 41 . 11/5/2022 Wonderful update. |
Colleen S chapter 41 . 11/5/2022 Still amazing story! |
Dizzy Lizzy.60 chapter 41 . 11/6/2022 Lots of lovin, but also lots of trauma. Odc have come a long way. I hope Lz is w child. It would be wonderful for them. I think the Travellises will be the quintessential, doting grand parents. Beautiful chapter. Cheers. |
Dizzy Lizzy.60 chapter 40 . 11/6/2022 Loved the proposal. The col. and Kitty make such a great couple. But it's so funny how the pesky Lady Cat, has now come a callin' with her ever present lies. Anne's poor cousins, are doomed to suffer her mom's false clames and antics. wth? lol. Only LC could transfer her desperation for Anne to marry, from cousin to cousin. Great stuff. Cheers. |
liysyl chapter 41 . 11/6/2022 Awesome chapters I am looking forward to the wedding and the Trevillses coming to Pemberley. Thanks for sharing your story. |
Levenez chapter 41 . 11/6/2022 Thank you very much for the new chapter. It is indeed very calming, coming together chapters. Even if it is not all plain sailing around them. I am wondering what Darcy will find in London. You must have a plan in your head… |
Levenez chapter 41 . 11/6/2022 Thank you very much for the new chapter. Horrible news of course in the context and difficult memories to handle for Elisabeth but all is well in the end. |
RHALiz chapter 41 . 11/5/2022 This Elizabeth is really really kind... kind to Darcy, kind to All her children, kind to the rest of their Pemberly's staff, kind to Jory n Eseld n most importantly also kind to herself in recognizing that she can allow herself to be happy with the old and new After everything bad that had happened in her life where she had suffered greatly like no other... Thus Elizabeth is one of the strongest Elizabeth I've ever known to be created... And I'm glad he didn't take on Jenny or that country lady or another, as honestly, to me personally, that would actually kill off every romantic nature between ODC... different, vastly different from Elizabeth's former situation...she was trying to keep her family at a certain level of recognizability and dare I say future survival, while in Darcy's case, it is just his indolence of not trying hard to know where he came from nor his past.. guess I do still feel the hurt for Elizabeth for what she'd gone thru but I do feel hope that she is healing and will heal well without other bad I said She is Strong... Thank you for this story...the depth of which rarely reached by others.. Thank You. Please take care and stay safe. |
Levenez chapter 40 . 11/5/2022 Thank you very much for the new chapters. lady C is perfectly incurable again. Welcome in writing this. She is so ridiculous! |
Jansfamily4 chapter 41 . 11/5/2022 I was expecting Elizabeth to suggest that they buy a small estate close to the village where they are now. Both Jory and Eseld could visit old friends and the Darcy's could enjoy the ocean. But, Elizabeth is ready to move forward with her life. Won't Elizabeth be happy that her Papa isn't so far away. And Kitty will be close by too. Thank you for the double chapters. So much fun reading your story. |
Jansfamily4 chapter 40 . 11/5/2022 Sweet words Henry. And plenty for LC. I can't even call her a lady. Nasty old croan. But I still feel bad for Anne. Maybe she can come live with the Darcys or Henry and Kitty. |
Motherof8 chapter 41 . 11/5/2022 Good chapter. Thank you. |
Deanna27 chapter 41 . 11/5/2022 I live your stories, you have such depth to your characters and believable situations. thank you for sharing. I love that Henry and Kitty will have their HEA. Lady Catherine is such a piece of work. I hope that Anne finds someone to love for herself, not Rosings. |