Reviews for Written in the Stars
Silky Button chapter 58 . 10/24
oh wow. this was a wonderful story!
thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing.
In Purgatory chapter 1 . 10/17
I have to admit I'm quite picky about which HP stories I read. I especially detest poor grammar, excessively evil Harrys that turn dark for almost no reason, and unexplained OOC behaviours that don't read properly.

This story is the first in quite a while that I've found none of that. It's an extremely refreshing journey that manages to involve all the different aspects of the universe in just the right amounts. Durmstrang, politics, different races, bits of ritual magic, the Black family, and even Grindelwald's involvement was handled very well. Many a fic have him be a fatherly mentor that takes Harry in, and I've yet to find one where that's done correctly. Dumbledore tends to become the 'secretly kinda-evil, manipulative for the Greater Good' way too often as well, but this telling of him feels much smoother and well written. Maybe Harry is a bit OP by the end, but that's quite a small nitpick when considering everything else.

Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story
Gabe2000 chapter 58 . 10/14
Enjoyed this fic as well as some of your others. Though I will admit I am disappointed we didn't get a mention of Pansy after she and her family went into hiding. Also curious what happened to nagini and Snape. Obviously nagini died but it definitely felt like there was more planned for the two. Otherwise no complaints.
Cele13hrt chapter 58 . 10/10
Not too much to say here other than the fact that you are now teasing a multiverse, which means we need to have all the Harrys fight each other to see who is the superior Harry.
Lukoshi chapter 32 . 10/9
I hope he still ends up with Daphne, I honestly can't see him and Lucinda working out long term
AzrealKills chapter 35 . 10/7
i love the harry evans easter egg from when the roses bloom again.I was hoping will will get to meet Eleanor Summerby the spider animagus.
Zegal chapter 58 . 10/7
I love the story.
EvenstarMoonblood chapter 58 . 10/6
Wow, what a beautiful story. Thank you for writing it. You get to know so much about the characters. It was lovely to read. It took me a few days to finish it. Wish there was more.
Whiley chapter 2 . 10/5
It always breaks the immersion when children portrayed a certain age act like someone far older.
No 4 y/o I know rolls there eyes and rarely do they speak in full grammatically correct sentences.
Either have a kid, borrow a kid, or speak to a kid portrayed a certain age to get their mannerism and speech patterns correct.
Otherwise, enjoying the story.
drg0n-dud3 chapter 58 . 10/3
I can't decide if "written in the stars" or "When the roses bloom" is your best work, I love them both so muc 3
RevDorothyL chapter 58 . 10/2
Wonderful work! I'm really impressed with the depth of character and plot, and I cried a little when Jonas died. Well done.
Itack23 chapter 58 . 10/1
Interesting epilogue, it even let us wonder just how long the Harry of this story will really live
Thanks for the story! Now I'll go read the begining of The Reaver's Legacy :)
Itack23 chapter 57 . 9/30
Huh, a bit of an underwhelming end... Though not all stories can massive fights with an action by action description like some others you wrote. Even so, it's quite a fitting end to the War for the Black family lord.
Itack23 chapter 56 . 9/30
Huh... Aragog as an ally to shred some Death Eaters? RIP them, then.
Itack23 chapter 54 . 9/29
Narcissa is quite pitiable in this story...
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