Reviews for Running to the Edge
Sulzi chapter 11 . 7h
naruto should just storm the tower
Scallywaag chapter 11 . 2/8
Woooo I like a sneaky Yorinobu. Looking forward to it!
Baou Zakeruga chapter 11 . 2/5
I’ve been obsessed woth cyberpunk fics for a while and this is scratching that itch. Keep it up!
Blue-flamed-ninetails chapter 11 . 1/28
Whoooo! i flew through this! cant wait for the next chapter! What will yorinobu do about his meddling children i wonder? bringing phantom liberty in would be a sweet cherry on top too! stay frosty Z!
Blue-flamed-ninetails chapter 6 . 1/27
This has night city legends potential! Let him cook! keep the chapters coming plz im on my cyberpunk addiction cycle rn
carsten.w20 chapter 11 . 1/26
CarLost chapter 11 . 1/25
Yay! Thousands of times yay! Keep it going!
Guest chapter 11 . 1/17
pugboi33 chapter 11 . 1/16
BladeDevil chapter 11 . 1/15
Hey thanks for picking up this this fic again. It's one of cp2077 crossover that i enjoyed. Hooboyy Yorinobu is here shits about to go down. I wonder how you're going utilized him now. great chapter. keep up the awesome work. Hope things are better for the author now.
sadoutomaki chapter 11 . 1/14
When's the next chapter
Thebezt215 chapter 10 . 1/14
Great chapter
DragonDriscoll chapter 11 . 1/13
i love this story. i understand yhe need for your break. rest well
Sons of death chapter 11 . 1/13
I am loving this.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/12
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