Reviews for Remnant Invicta |
![]() ![]() I’m not sure how or why, but this is a story that lingers in the back of my head when I’m done with it. I don’t know how you did it, but this story is pretty much despair incarnate. Killing off the main characters in a brutal way one by one is one thing, but the way you do it is fascinating. Sun’s death is a straight up unforseeable accident, but not one that someone could plan for. There’s no one to blame, no real outlet. One second he’s there, the next he’s gone. And then Ren is pretty fucked too, getting infected means that it’s only a matter of time before he dies. Blake and Nora literally die offscreen, and it’s brutal in that we and the characters don’t know how they died, and we have to imagine it. These are purposefully meaningless, and because of that, they’re tragic. There was no lesson learned or advantage gained. Their existence is not validated through their deaths. They die for nothing and that’s tragic. On top of the purposely meaningless deaths, there’s the ones that do have meaning, and yet they’re still sacrifices, sacrifices they had to make, sacrifices that almost imply that the life of a person is worth less than resources, worth less than a strategic objective. Treating human lives like they’re expendable. And then there’s the mass casualty events. Holy shit. These civilian deaths are horrifying when you make Jaune zoom in on each civilian he’s handing a weapon to. Civilian deaths in this story are the deaths of grandmothers, fathers, mothers, children. Pregnant women. It’s all the characterization they get and it’s all they need to make them worth something. The only thing that bugs me about the ending is that it’s almost too upbeat. There’s nobody left to narrate from, but it would’ve been nice to see the immediate aftermath of Salem’s defeat. How does a civilization heal after so much death? I love the stories you write that are so heavily focused on where they go and end up. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ABSOLUTE CINEMA (or whatever the reading equivalent should be) 10/10 story and one of the best I have read on this website |
![]() ![]() ![]() It's so. Fucking. PEAK. Can't believe I missed this by over a year. Never stop, Couer. |
![]() ![]() ![]() 10/10. I went through some of the complaints of reviews myself and noticed a lot of them just don't read. Majority of the issues talked about in other reviews are answered in the story. like "Jaune not being trained properly", no shit sherlock, thats the point. They dont have time to train properly, only the basics so that he can do the job hes assigned and be a cog in the wheel against grimm. Amazing story, and unironically it might be one of the best Coeur has ever written. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Remnant Invicta |
![]() ![]() ![]() Remnant Invicta |
![]() ![]() ![]() On a completely unrelated note, I love this story because it bogs everyone down. no one is as strong as strong as they are in any other story, and thats by design. I love that so much. Of course, Qrow was still a badass even in this timeline, but any other verison of Qrow would supercede him due to much better weaponry, training, and adaptability. This is one of the only stories I genuinely wish was longer, or maybe some dumb AU's of divine intervention in the way of Forged Destiny Jaune Arc and his squad wiping these advanced Grimm out like bugs. I hate that its ending, and yet I find myself having loved every step of the journey. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I wasn't expecting that way of introducing Weiss. Guess I hadn't really given the other characters much thought in general. It is nice that you have everyone being much more disciplined and competent than in canon. Acting like they're not kids playing games and instead are, in fact, fighting monsters. |
![]() ![]() ![]() "She must be high society for that." For what? Having babies? Having enough babies to at least keep the population stable? Do you...not know where babies come from? Not know that people who die have to be replaced? A woman being able to retire to push out babies is not a "high society" thing. It's a "humanity doesn't want to become extinct from the darkness monsters attacking us" thing. I know you're going for the "they have very little and so they have to be very careful with the resources they have" but, you don't seem to really grasp it. You have the kingdoms apparently being EXTREMELY wasteful. This results in severe decrease in quality and the tools needed to do the jobs needed, which drastically increases fatalities against the Grimm, which in turn requires rapid population production and population numbers that strains resources. All they really need to do is either get rid of the excess population and focus on quality or else take a slower process of having ever stricter requirements on who can have children so that only the best reproduce and the rest simply die out naturally while still being useful. Take the thing about Jaune's engineering training, for example. He is not taught enough to do his job and, while learning in the field is fine if he's taught what he needs to learn that, if the people meant to teach him are busy, or there aren't enough people to do the job because he and others like him were not taught it, or they are killed before they can teach, then it's game over. They won't be able to fulfill whatever purpose they were sent for or job they needed to do. Then the consequences come down. By making that the standard across the board while waging a massive, never-ending war? That GUARANTEES the kingdom's defeat. Basically, you're going for the attrition approach (which is stupid against Grimm, by the way, and they'd know that) despite a lack of resources for it while also having their kingdoms behave in the way one would if they had a heavy reliance on overwhelming numbers, which they do not. It's a square peg in a round hole kind of problem in both aspects and those problems are things the kingdoms in this situation would never have done because it is suicide. Any society that tried to do that (presumably corrupt politicians preferring to rule ashes or something like that) would have been eradicated by the Grimm. Most people don't realize this because they don't study it, but quality has ALWAYS proven vastly superior to any other strategy. Quantity just plain does not work unless the quality is good enough. The US in WW2 is a perfect example of combining "good enough" with quantity, the USSR in WW2 is a perfect example of how to fail miserably because you threw quality out a window. I mean, heck, in WW2, Germany nearly conquered the western world and failed only because it started too many fronts instead of finishing what it was already fighting first. All because of outstanding quality. Since the power and intelligence of the Grimm has increased, the kingdoms' only option is increasing their quality in both skill, training, and technology. The evolution of the Grimm would also make prioritizing the reproduction of the smartest, healthiest, and strongest people over the rest an important point in society because the rest would be dead weight, soon to be literal. The way you wrote it is outright the opposite of what they should do to survive. They're trying to have as many people as possible and grow as much as possible within the amount of resources they have. All that does is spread everything so thin that it's fragile and easy for the Grimm to destroy while simultaneously encouraging the weak and stupid to breed and grow by throwing your best and brightest out to get massacred by the Grimm. And, from the sounds of it, before they even have any children which also means the genetics of said best and brightest dies with them AND your reproductive rate drops every time. The kingdoms in this fic are literally too dumb to live. They win Darwin Awards. They win ALL the Darwin Awards. |
![]() ![]() ![]() So, basically this is "What if Salem had two whole brain cells, rubbed them together, and miraculously achieved a single spark of intelligence instead of being an uncreative, brain-dead moron?". |
![]() ![]() ![]() This is the only time I am ever going to comment on this website, and it is to say: 10/10 |
![]() ![]() This was a mid story, filled with clichés and it became nonsensecal grimderp at the end. Can you fuckers stop overhypeing a 6/10 Frankenstein of better dark sci-fi/ fantasy stories please and thank you. |
![]() ![]() ![]() I fucking hate this story especially what happens to all of phoenix squad but I keep coming back to read it. I emotion I feel when the characters interact and, in the end, the Deveolpment between ruby and jaune but that's the reality of war in the end not everyone comes out alive. 10/10 Coeur you are one of the best RWBY writes I have discovered. Keep it up mate. |
![]() ![]() I usually prefer your more light hearted stories. But you truly outdid yourself with this one. This was not a happy story, but a human one, thanks for writing it. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Fuck, i decided to read this story again, finished in three days and cried. It hurt so much to see those beloved characters die, but every death was uniqe and well writteneven noras, which showed once again how cruel this world is and how fast one can be ripped away from life. It was not a heroes death, but a soldiers, which in turn promps the reader to think on the deaths of all these faceless soldiers. As always a masterpiece Coer. |