Reviews for Heart of Iron
KaneGehabite chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
Muir - is Shirou's great-great-...-grandfather, I take it? Otherwise, how else do you explain him touching the Wasteland blade and holding on without harm or even working with it?
blueys50 chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
Thanks for the chapter. Morgan and arturia. It turned out that the new sword won't pick those two XD.
ThisIsStorm101 chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
Great Chapter.

Is Shirou a 'Type' at this point? He could also become a 'Beast' technically I guess.
Grand Foreigner ORT x Type Shirou coming soon lol
Diate chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
Thanks for the chapter
Guest chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
Shirou befriends spider ORT.

The adventure of Shirou and ORT in SPACEEE!
Haruchai chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
We finally see part of the battle against the Crimson Moon! I didnt expect Avel to go gigantic like Ultraman during the battle though and Zelretch barely had any presence. Also, just to confirm Zelretch is not an Apostle here correct?
Still Not There chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
The cannon timeline doesn’t really work either…

My only issue with the change is that it causes a pretty large plot hole. Morgan not being Vivian gives Shirou no reason to give any fucks about her. It also doesn’t give her the fuck you type of power that makes her a threat even when compared to the gods of Olympus. This is a problem because no connection to Vivian equals Shirou turns Morgan into modern art at the first sign of her causing trouble, especially considering he’s now pretty involved. While the lore dump for Morgan in FGO gave us a lot of let’s call them plot oddities, it also gave us a reason why Morgan could be a credible threat to a group of nuclear knights(sometimes literally) guided by an immortal wizard who can see everything going on everywhere. Separate her and Vivian all you want, Its your story, your choices, but find some way to give her the authority of a divided spirit and buff the hell out of the black mana of Britain or we’re going to be looking at some big plot holes…
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
Interesting, seems Arturia wont be getting Excalibur and Avalon here. The only reason she got it in canon was because Caliburn broke but i highly doubt that a Caliburn forged by Avel would break.
RegulusCetus chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
PersonaNinja Lux chapter 13 . 6/25/2023
The Vivian and Morgan retcon is the reason I don't like the majority of the the 6th LB, it just ruins her dynamic as the evil witch character and i feel it diminishes writing for her since she has so kuch more potential if she's not connected to Vivian
Gwynx chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
Huh Shirou become a little Oort...
Ask-if-i-like-lemons chapter 19 . 6/25/2023
I wasn't so sure of this story at the start. Nerfs and un-earned power ups, but as it continued, it became so much better. Better than I could have ever imagined.
Dalke320 chapter 18 . 6/24/2023
From what I remember about fate Vivian is about to get a lot of shit from red and blue.
orocontra2012 chapter 18 . 6/21/2023
The Arthurian legends arc begins!
TalonScythe chapter 18 . 6/21/2023
I really don't have anything to added this time. It would just be reiterating the things already in the chapter, so here's the bullet points;

-Shirou's new state of being a living reality Marble akin to Nrvnqsr.
-The monumental task of pining the Land of Shadows and giving Scathach the freedom she nearly lost.
-Then of course, the transition to Arthurian times with Merlin showing up to likely commission Caliburn.

The real point of intrigue though, is the mysterious ugly sword that managed to make itself into Shirou's domain. Did someone mine the metal from the silver wasteland? Questions to ponder then.

That's all for now, looking forward to more.
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