Reviews for Champion's Date
Pillager61 chapter 15 . 2/6
I liked this telling of Harry's life and times.
Having a trio of Harry/Hermione/Flure is in my top 5 romance groups.
Harmony one (almost any 1):
Plain Harmony:
Plain Haphne:
Harry/Multi (over 5 gets too weird):

Thanks for writing! Thanks for feeding my fantasies.
Kairan1979 chapter 15 . 12/24/2024
Marietta's mother was a Death Eater? Somehow I'm not surprised.
Kairan1979 chapter 10 . 12/24/2024
Nice first DADA lesson.
I half-expected Fudge to 'deny, deny, deny'; I'm surprised he changed his tune.
Kairan1979 chapter 9 . 12/24/2024
I wonder how long before Mount Ron explodes and says something Harry WON'T forgive.
Kairan1979 chapter 7 . 12/15/2024
I half-expected Dementors to show up and ruin everybody;s fun.
LeoniusDong chapter 15 . 11/22/2024
I really like the stories have a happy, clear ending, I hate it when reaching an open ending... it like you hang on a cliff by your finger tips...not fun at all!
ChryslerBuildingFeathers chapter 15 . 11/4/2024
A lot of details seem to be placed only to be forgotten later on.
This felt kind of like a smutfic without the smut? Like all of the chapters were written solely as setup for smut, and then you just faded to black every time.
Goosefire chapter 15 . 9/24/2024
Very cool.
a fan of this chapter 4 . 9/19/2024
Honestly, this bothers me a little... it's hard to consider it a Harry/Hermione/Fleur when it seems like Fleur and Harry will only have sex for Fleur's well-being and not for love and it doesn't seem like Hermione and Fleur are going to do anything together... I hope love comes, if not, this is a Harry/Hermione with sex without love for Fleur.
PhoenixIgnis chapter 15 . 8/15/2024
Alas, the quality of the dialogue didn’t improve all that much and I found a lot of unecessary conversations made their way into the final piece.

This story could definitely benefit from a thorough rewrite.

Still, the plot was somewhat interesting despite the short length of the story. I only wish the epilogue had been more detailed as I found it to be quite vague.
PhoenixIgnis chapter 6 . 8/14/2024
This chapter is full of some of the cringiest, most childish, and unrealistic dialogue I have ever come across. I have had to stop reading on multiple occasions already due to second hand embarassment, and I’m only halfway through the chapter…

The previous chapters weren’t much better with their dialogue, so I can only hope it improves as the story progresses.
tammgrogan chapter 15 . 5/25/2024
A FANTASTIC story! Thank you so very, very much for sharing it with all of us. Until next time, take care, and stay Happy, Healthy and Strong!
DriftWood1965 chapter 8 . 5/11/2024
Slightly anachronistic. In 1996 there was basically NO airport security. Anyone could walk to the gates. Fleur would have been waiting at the gate. Basically metal detectors were all you had back then and that was only to prevent weapons...and they were mostly a joke. Definitely didn't have the hours long lines we have post 9/11.
Chris Fox chapter 15 . 2/16/2024
This is a good story. Its very similar to another story I read but also different as well... Good work I enjoyed reading it!
G Fawkes chapter 15 . 12/6/2023
Um...? How does Hermione get pregnant two WEEKS after Fleur, but has the baby two MONTHS after her (not) rival? End of September sounds right for Fleur. Two months later means Hermione was preggers TEN and a half months.
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