Reviews for Two Unbowed Crows |
Phosphofinite chapter 44 . 1/23 Super interesting, Tracey is becoming more and more likeable. |
end5 chapter 44 . 1/22 That was a good chapter goodluck with the next one. |
steve chapter 44 . 1/22 i would never trust susan her aunt runs the dmle s most likely she's a spy |
steve chapter 38 . 1/22 this is getting dumb now you bring in dumbles butt buddy |
steve chapter 37 . 1/22 the hell harry and daphne have internal bleeding then how come they have not died from it. |
uchiha cat chapter 44 . 1/22 And with that the inner circle has been founded. May Magic have mercy on the world, for the Crows will have none. A great chapter, and I really appreciate the characterization of Tracey in this, it reminds me a lot of the fanaticism of Bellatrix. |
BMS chapter 43 . 12/29/2024 Another good one. I especially liked the scene between Tracy and Astoria. An intriguing little cliffhanger at the end too. |
yoto chapter 43 . 12/25/2024 bon chapitre |
raimondimi chapter 43 . 12/23/2024 Thanks for the chapter! |
zugrian chapter 43 . 12/23/2024 Neville & Susan soon to join in the cause, just as Hermione & Ron walk away. Awesome chapter, I can't wait to see what comes next. And I really love the idea that Harry & Daphne have so much more that they want to do, not just focused on the usual 'defeat Voldemort/DE' plot of most stories. Keep up the great work! :) |
BMS chapter 42 . 11/20/2024 Cool, can't be a Dark King and Queen without followers after all. |
loki0191 chapter 1 . 11/19/2024 no prob on the english. Animagus is gender neutral btw. No need for diff terms. |
yoto chapter 42 . 11/19/2024 bon chapitre |
ElementalMaster16 chapter 42 . 11/19/2024 Well now, that is very interesting! I hope having a follower awakens something more in our beloved couple. |
end5 chapter 42 . 11/18/2024 That was a good chapter. |