Reviews for A Ghost's Revenge
Torquin chapter 26 . 12/1
interesting story
not a fan chapter 1 . 11/29
Although it is interesting, the ending completely ruins the episode. We know that every week or month Dudley receives things that he ends up breaking before he has a month to live with them, so they have no shortage of money. On top of that, they have made Harry work for years, which means that he has been working without getting paid, therefore the Dursleys should not receive money from the Potters. They probably also receive government aid for having an orphan child at home, so they do not deserve any money.
louan706 chapter 26 . 11/27
Great fic once I started reading it I could not stop so you’re to blame for nothing getting done around me.
Guest chapter 26 . 11/19
Amazing story one of the better ones I've read/heard
wandamarie chapter 26 . 11/12
thank you for the story
wandamarie chapter 25 . 11/12
thank you for the update
wandamarie chapter 24 . 11/12
thank you
wandamarie chapter 23 . 11/12
wow getting good thanks
wandamarie chapter 22 . 11/12
keep up the great work and thank you
wandamarie chapter 21 . 11/12
thank you for the story so far
wandamarie chapter 20 . 11/12
thank you for the story
wandamarie chapter 19 . 11/12
keep up the amazing work on the story please and thank you
wandamarie chapter 18 . 11/12
thank you for the story and chapter so far
wandamarie chapter 17 . 11/12
thank you
wandamarie chapter 16 . 11/12
wow dumberdor needs to go to jail or get his bottom spanked with a drangen belt
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