Reviews for Traveler
Naedine-Daki chapter 26 . 19h
Your writing talent is truly remarkable, and your story left a deep impression on me. I’d love the chance to chat about it. I’m a commission-based digital artist with experience turning amazing stories into captivating comics. I believe your story has incredible potential, and I’d be thrilled to explore that with you.
You can connect with me on Discord: lishafang or Twitter: Pelu_Oficial123.
starboy454 chapter 26 . 1/13
Excellent update
fallendemon248 chapter 26 . 1/5
Its not wise to keep so many infinity stones so close together...
Meanwhile harry: Hey guys I found another one, this one controls time. Had to spank some bald chick for it but its mine now. Lol.
Hope for some one on one time between harry and wanda so he can help with her chaos magic
steve chapter 25 . 1/2
loki is not thors bother or sister there not even the same species adopted does not count
Super Squashman chapter 26 . 1/2
Great chapter
pix25 chapter 26 . 1/2
Nice one
Yami Luna Kitsune chapter 26 . 1/2
great chapter

eager for the next one
marlastiano chapter 26 . 1/2
thanks :)
Ptool chapter 25 . 1/2
loved it as usual, but really want Harry to drill Betty already!
Yami Luna Kitsune chapter 25 . 12/29/2024
nice chapter

eager for the next chapter
Yami Luna Kitsune chapter 24 . 12/29/2024
nice chapter
Guest chapter 15 . 12/6/2024
hes gonna fuck loki isn't he.
Super Squashman chapter 25 . 12/4/2024
Amazing chapter
Eagerly awaiting the next chapters
starboy454 chapter 25 . 12/3/2024
Excellent update
Mikeblade chapter 25 . 12/3/2024
how does thors dad stealing a child from another planet makes them family? marvel is messed up sound more like a kidnap victim and hostage then family
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