Reviews for Runt of the Litter
Novazzz chapter 11 . 2/5
Please continue
Pjo crossovers chapter 11 . 1/30
You know, that chapter was pretty EPIC. I love it! And I would definitely want this to continue!
Xur911 chapter 7 . 1/27
That was metal asf
Imperium0fMan chapter 11 . 1/25
Love this chapter and the reference to EPIC the musical. 600 strikes is one of my favorites.
Guest chapter 11 . 1/21
Please keep the story and I’d love weekly updates
ArashiNokitsune chapter 6 . 1/19
I see that reference/quote to RWBY and somehow that makes that whole speech hit harder
shadow wolf sage chapter 11 . 1/14
Epic the musical? In a neonzangetsu fanfic?! Incredible, I love it! I simply MUST applaud you my dear author.
Xavier Arias Gonsalves chapter 11 . 1/12
As much as I appreciate another Epic fan, it's still weird when you try to connect things to the song when it really doesn't or barely does. No offense but that whole back and forth doesn't exactly work with Miquella but I will give you that "next to your sister" line. That shit was pretty funny but anyways I'd still like this to remain a story.
cementCANOE chapter 11 . 1/11
You always take things in the most interesting directions! Looking forward to more!
King Of Games420 chapter 11 . 1/10
Can’t wait to see what’s next. Keep it up.
Ghost knight chapter 11 . 1/9
Ha está increíble gracias por escribir ansió leer que sigue que estés bien
WanderingLich chapter 11 . 1/8
Thank you for the latest chapter!
XxWingedOnexX chapter 11 . 1/7
Hot damn that fight was amazing! I really enjoyed the reference to EPIC at the end there with Miquella as well. Keep up the good work!
obliviandragon chapter 11 . 1/6
Love it keep the chaps rolling!
jacobkimes5 chapter 11 . 1/6
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