Reviews for To Shatter Fate
Guest chapter 32 . 8/8/2024
To the Guest below. Shut the fuck up. You woke bastard.
Guest chapter 32 . 8/7/2024
Can't believe I have reading a fic written by a misogynist who doesn't even know the meaning of 'hoe'.
guest1 chapter 5 . 8/6/2024
Those fight scenes were almost all pretty bad. Sorry but you really need to work on the damage the grim can take and the damage that ichigo does, that Nevermore had more plotarmor than the MC with all the damage it took and still didnt die, if u plan to make all grim so hard to kill then make the world to be in a far worst state to make it more coherent.
JensenDaniels32 chapter 32 . 8/5/2024
Okay, the dialogue felt forced, but the fight was awesome.
JensenDaniels32 chapter 32 . 8/5/2024
Ignoring? Agreeing that you're literally courting Death isn't something someone can just ignore. Stop using completely asinine obviously non-believable excuses to hide that Ichigo is literally Death, author.
JensenDaniels32 chapter 31 . 8/5/2024
808Joker808 chapter 32 . 8/4/2024
Another gourmet chapter. From the fight, to chasing Raven down and even Yang getting in the last shot. Good shit. Hell even that getsuga from shotty was bad ass. Always make me wondered in cannon bleach if Ichigo ever got around to training his quincy powers if he would have a bow or a gun. looking forward to more.
Guest chapter 32 . 8/1/2024
You have The Substitute Squad (My name for Ichigo and his group whether they be from his world or remnant) go to mistral city after dropping of the bandits at prison and collecting their bounties and having Lionheart discover that they have raven and amber with them resulting in him telling watts and hazel resulting in the battle of Haven . Also couldn't Ichigo use his spiritual energy to jump start amber's high speed regeneration it's not proper medical attention but it's better than waiting and being close to death's door. And for ichigo's reaction to toward lionheart's cowardice he would probably be pissed of with him though he would sympathise with Lionheart wanting to protect his students and kingdom.
Aaron21hardin chapter 32 . 7/31/2024
Yeah, Adam before the fall of Beacon didn’t really have reputation with the general public, Blake knew about him personally, but that was about it from what we saw. The Branwen Tribe was infamous, so based on how Ichigo is (i.e. he has sever friends who tried to kill him on the first meeting, and some multiple times), as Adam has not yet gotten to the point where he deliberately targets innocents when Ichigo met him, Ichigo would not really have a problem with Adam, but he absolutely would have an issue with Raven.
TNT20095 chapter 32 . 7/30/2024
an idea for when ichigo gets the relic in haven 2 of the 3 questions can be used to show his past and to know how to get back to his world with the last question being used by asking on how to beat salem's imortality or to show why ozpin is with holding infomation
Imperial Superior chapter 30 . 7/30/2024
New trauma for Raven.

Orange haired male Salem.
Journey to the End chapter 32 . 7/30/2024
Nice to see Yang showing how she's tired of Raven's shit, and punch her in the face. Honestly Raven had that coming a looong time.
GreenEspada chapter 32 . 7/29/2024
Fantastic chapter! The dialogue was funny with its weird back and forth and petty insulting As for the fight, yeah I could empathize with his rage and the mind boggling cowardness and hypocrisy of Raven. The ending felt sooo satisfying
sickboy398 chapter 32 . 7/29/2024
Ichigo's bankai is the something Remnant isn't ready for literally
the esteemed one chapter 32 . 7/29/2024
Good fight! And the chapter is released early! Thank you so much!
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