Reviews for To Shatter Fate
Chaos Bringer chapter 33 . 12/29/2024
If your gonna have amber be senna you should at least have it were it is revealed in the later chapters such as 35-38 in the stories universe first rather than editing the story to make it seem amber was known to always be senna from since the earlier chapters.
nicogo707070 chapter 34 . 12/27/2024
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Blast Ketchup chapter 34 . 12/26/2024
Probably going to have to reread this so the Amber-Senna thing doesn't throw me off. Eh, it doesn't bother me; you're dead-on with your reasoning for replacing her.

Granted, I never saw any of the Bleach movies, so Senna's no less of an unknown to me, but it is what it is.
ikusatsunagi chapter 34 . 12/26/2024
Thx for another great chapter. I love Senna
808Joker808 chapter 34 . 12/26/2024
Kinda crazy to think it's been 2 years, when I stumbled on this story I think had 5 chapters but I knew it had potential so I kept my eye on it. I was right. Here's to another 2 more years lmao.
ThatRandomNerd1 chapter 34 . 12/26/2024
Holy fuck I have been reading your story for two years…

Dude Im not gonna lie I thought you were going to burn out and just straight up stop, but whenever I hop in because Im bored there’s always an update.

Youre like a pimple that pops up for no reason randomly(I say this with utmost respect).

Im just here for the ride bru, watching you from sigma alpha stories(Quiggers and all) to spending 2 years on a goddamn novel.
PSIs your profile Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet? Cause wtf man youre reminding me of the fact that I watched that banger on VHS tape(Im not that old I swear)
PasiveNox chapter 34 . 12/26/2024
Great chapter wonderful
Wraithangel08 chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
I can see Winter and the Ace Ops going up against Ichigo resembling how the fight against Superman went in the Justice league movie. Them trying to restrain Ichigo while he just methodically bodies all of them without trying, similar to how Clark bodied Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, and Diana.
Zepolmoon chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
I see no issue with Senna ‘taking’ Amber’s place, since like you said in canon Amber is practically dead and has no backstory, i personally enjoy the personality Amber has in this, and i honestly did not think to connect it to Senna until you mentioned it here, that’s how enjoyable she is as a character in this fic. I don’t see an issue if you do decide to ship her with Ichigo, seems like a likely outcome to me though. If it doesn’t happen that’s fine as well. Can’t wait for Amber to just pull out her Resurrección to put the baddies down, or for Ruby to pull up with her shikai. Is Ichigo going Bankai?
the esteemed one chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
I like that you will replace amber with senna. I really like senna from the movie and she’s the pairing i want with ichigo if he’s not with orihime so its a win for me. And yes, the personality of the amber character you created is much more like senna from the movie.
BlueShard20 chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
As much as I love Senna, I don't think the Amber change would be good idea after coming so far. I've read a lot of Rwby stories, but you really fleshed out Amber's character so well that it feels like your throwing all that build-up away. Instead I can see Senna as Amber's inner sword spirit and the release name of her arrancar form.

And Raven pretending to be sleeping beauty was not a surprise since she's a trained assassin. Though I do wonder when she was filled in on the plan to attack Mistral, or was she surprised by Vernal's choice that she's keeping it cool? Either way, things are heating up to another level.
GoldQuartz chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
Like the change, Senna is a pretty good character.

Also, if Ichigo comes and kicks the bad guys' collective asses, I kinda want to see Ichigo use his Quincy Abilities to rip out the dust from Hazel. Like, it's been shown in the story that he can manipulate dust, so doing that wouldn't be too much of a stretch.
guy111 chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
Merry Christmas! Truly a great gift.
But I have to say I really dislike the Amber change, does senna remember her time as a shinigami, is she still a shinigami, is she still an arrancar? I haven't seen the movie so I'm quite confused on how this will work. How could someone not from rwby be a maiden or have a prior relationship with ozpin? I really don't understand how any of the scenes of her and ichigo exchanging information work now! Are you just changing the name without actually making any changes? Because if so I it'd be better to just let it be, Amber is a wonderful character even if she is your own creation and this is coming from someone who usually hates big changes to the original work, in fact I think i would have a problem with you changing Amber's name if I was reading this the first time.
Redburndragon chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
As an arancar I feel Amber can body a good chunk of the RWBY verse if at full power given her soul is technically on a higher plane of existence all that’s missing is the skill to do so but I’m sure her hollow half instinct can help play catch up after awhile …. Thou only if she releases if she knows how to
Nai Darkor chapter 34 . 12/25/2024
I have no idea who Senna is but alright.
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