Reviews for New Employ
Kodiac chapter 11 . 1/18
I Can See Ajax Go absolute Beserk On The Exterminators.

Kodiac chapter 11 . 1/18
Really Love This fic. Hope There'll Be New Chapters Soon
Ultyyyyy chapter 8 . 1/16
i just realized that this is supposed to happen before Harvest Moon
Br2nd66 chapter 11 . 1/1
he is gonna be fine. no one has told him the exorcist are immune to regular weapons and he is holding a blessed rifle.
Bladewolf101 chapter 11 . 1/1
Oh shit, it's Extermination Day. I'm going to assume this is the one that happens a week before Hazbin Hotel begins, right?

Also... those Exorcists are fucked. if Ajax can do what he did to fellow humans... imagine what he can do to Exorcists, and he's not even a Sinner! So holy weaponry won't weaken him but he can be hurt and killed.
Kn4sakura of fierce deity chapter 10 . 12/26/2024
I wasn't sure of this chapter at first with it just being a simple episode retelling. That ending with all the bodies everywhere more than made up for it and was a nice change from cannon. Now I'm hoping we see more Loona/Ajax moments in the future date/killing. Lol

Great chapter!
Br2nd66 chapter 10 . 12/25/2024
i get the feeling it was similar to seeing a combination of Riddick and Ryu Hayabusa going full hand of murder mode.
Akren483 chapter 1 . 12/2/2024
I really admire your writing in "New Employ" Your characters and storytelling are captivating. As readers, we appreciate exploring the landscapes of your imagination and discovering new ideas and truths along the way. I'd love to hear about your ideas that you are working on also if you have any book recommendations, I'd love to hear them. I'm excited for your upcoming projects.

Feel free to DM me here
Discord: akren8_29921
Instagram: akren_35
Kn4sakura of fierce deity chapter 9 . 11/4/2024
I love the story and ideas you've come up with for your oc. Your reality thinking outside the box here.l! Now I can only hope Loona and him get together. Lol) update soon!
Bladewolf101 chapter 9 . 10/31/2024
Jesus, Ajax is gonna be on John Wick levels of badassery now that he's got a younger body again. Or maybe John Wick and the Punisher combined.

And it seems Loona is liking it.

I am so looking forward to what's to come, can't wait to see Ajax fuck up DHORKS like he fucked up the Colombian drug cartel.

Curious question, will any of the Hazbin Hotel crew make a cameo appearance?
Bladewolf101 chapter 8 . 8/27/2024
So, I'm going to assume that de-ageing him to like his twenties is going to make it easier for a Loona x Ajax pairing, right?
Arika 24 chapter 8 . 8/11/2024
Why is Blitzo demanding?
coldblue2015 chapter 8 . 8/10/2024
Sorry for not reviewing every chapter.

Life has been...rough.


I can't believe what Ajax did, but love it! Honestly, this makes Ajax a different mortal with almost a whole century of experience that would make Veteran Soldiers nervous in a young body. It is something to consider that...Ajax has hit Super Soldier territory. Like he is in PRIME of his Youth, possible his 20s maybe even young 20s. Obviously this chapter foreshadow Age with "CHERUB" episode, but it also shows that Ajax really did not want to let go of his profession...Basically a sign of a Sin of Pride, Wrath and Gluttony. Ajax is not a Sloth or Greedy, but we have no idea on Lust. The Cherubs got to interact with Ajax and I am glad Ajax is kind to Collin because Cletus and Keenie are the worst and kind represents the PROBLEMS of Heaven in the "Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel" Universe. Still...I wonder if Ajax will die at some point. Also, love the fact Ajax was involve with Lilye and Loopty death by trying to make their Deaths look like accidents and when Ajax did not complete the Job...well, that was another mark that Ajax was slipping his old age and he did not like that.


1) Are we going to get more description of young Ajax, like his features or where he stopped his age at what time: 20s or 30s?

2) Would Ajax be considering a Super Soldier given all his experience and training back in a young body?

3) How will Loona, Blitz, Moxxie, and Millie deal with working with a young Ajax?

4) Can we expect Heaven or someone to notice Ajax youth back and realize he is threat/dangerous to natural order or someone that knows too much?


1) I figure Ajax in his early 20s. Kind of like Ajax wants to be at the prime of his youth to fight back harder and to not have all pain/mistakes will old age. I know Ajax has black hair, facial fuzz, red eyes, and probably a tan skin tone. Some more descriptions about Ajax height or body built or even other descriptions like freckles.

2) Yeah, I would consider Ajax a Super Soldier with all his experience and even with a young body. Probably Ajax going to train his body back up and figure out his new limitations given his OLD body was very limited.

3) Blitz, Moxxie and Millie are going to surprise and interesting to read how Ajax can work on the field. Probably Ajax being better killer or even have more personality traits in his youth being sadistic and creative with his kills...Loona will be test because she recognize Ajax even his youthful body. Probably Loona having thoughts she did not have before or realizing she had attraction to older Ajax before he became hot and young to Loona...Which might be issue with Blitz given he protective of Loona and with Ajax being young we can see Blitz trying to keep Ajax and Loona apart.

4) I figure DHORKS will notice. Heaven would be interesting because Ajax is breaking LAW by extending his life through unnatural means or the fact Ajax committed the sin of murder so much that it becomes aa issue. Ajax could have Human mortal threat and Heavenly threat in the future given Ajax has become something more dangerous or better at his professions.

Keep up the good work, stay safe, and stay healthy!
Ultrautahraptor chapter 7 . 3/3/2024
I love what you did with Striker in this chapter, made him feel somewhat more menacing and experience like Ajax, although not as much. I was literally excited when Ajax and Striker fought wnf i was hoping for Ajax to win however as he himself as pointed out, hex hold.

Also what is he planning to do with that golden tooth? Make a neglace out of it like how people would do with a Shark tooth? Makes sense really
amurphy616 chapter 6 . 1/1/2024
Huh that's the second story where afghanistan has popped up
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