Reviews for Second Verse, Same as the First
SunPho3n1x chapter 34 . 11h
This was such a great story! Sometimes I think they went a little bit too far, but I love their sense of adventure and feelings of playfulness. Thank you for writing this.
noylj chapter 14 . 20h
"...amount of books..."
Was there a cup of books? A cubic yard of books? What amount of books?
Books come in numbers.
A cup of sugar is an amount. 655 books is a number.
Why can't people say/write "...number of..." For things that are individually countable?
noylj chapter 2 . 10/5
Well, let's be angsty, horrific and emo. Where did Herms screw up?
ThatOneRandomDude chapter 14 . 9/20
This is sh*t.
Linda chapter 34 . 9/10
Absolutely the best story I have read love it
Reader8916 chapter 16 . 9/7
Ok, seriousl, wtf? Dan Granger is African? In a way one can tell at first glance? So Dan Granger, father of he purely Caucasian Hermione Granger, heir of an old British wizard in family, is a black man? Holy crap, what a twist. I think the author likes writing while under the influence.
Reader8916 chapter 15 . 9/7
Uh, apparently the author didn’t even bother paying any attention to the details of their own writing.
First multiplying the population of wizards by 6-700 times, now having Remus marry and have a son with an underage girl, 1 year older than Harry … how romantic.
Reader8916 chapter 14 . 9/7
… 1,000,000 magicals in the uk, with 500,000 in diagon ally? Where did you get that nonsense? Even if you want to ignore canon and just make up you own numbers, that’s an absurd population. 1 in 60 is silly enough, but for half of them to be hiding in the middle of London? Literally every person alive would know a family with magical children. How exactly would this be a secret?

According to estimates based on statements by Rowling, the wizard population of entire world is well under 2 million, with the UK under 1,500. About 660 TIMES fewer.
erstwhile-S chapter 34 . 9/2
This story is definitely rather different and unique even, including the various characterisations. Harry’s personality was such a dichotomy; unforgiving and unrelenting, but also so very large hearted. I felt conflicted about Sirius as he seemed to almost enjoy cruelty. Well, given what he went through, maybe it should be seen as just deserts instead. Felt for Remus as he had to constantly weigh his personal code of ethics against his loyalty to his friends and family. Malfoys sure got off easy, didn’t they. The transplanted personalities and their entourage were entertaining though. Thanks for sharing this story. It was full of unexpected twists and turns.
Royaussie chapter 34 . 8/20
I so enjoyed it. Even wish it was longer. Thank you for writing such a fun story.
Pepperonyfan1982 chapter 2 . 8/16
This is the dumbest story I have ever read. Please, never ever write again. Your spelling, grammar, context and Syntax are disastrously all over the place and this "story" makes zero sense.
RomanQrr chapter 14 . 8/14
Holy heck there is just so much wrong with this chapter. Not only should Nymphadora Tonks be at least 2 years older than Harry, because when he was in 5th year of Hogwarts she already were n auror. Not only there should not be any books left in any valts Harry visited the first time around, because he cleared them out of books. Not only should it take longer than a day to even magically copy all the books in 2 full Gringots vaults. Not only the 2 full vaults of books should not fit in a couple trunks.

But also how dare you write Granger parents like that?! The only ones to even give them a run for how great a parents they are are the Weaseles, and that's only because Molly has more screen time.

The premise was interesting. The execution was horrendous. The highlight of the lack of care is a Gringots curse breaker saying Voldemort a few months after his first death while not recognising the Boy-Who-Lived. On par with modern Disney for not knowing the world they write about.
Stone Elbow chapter 26 . 7/18
Skater boi Draco is hilarious!
Urahara-Kisuk3 chapter 1 . 7/18
Is the title a reference from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged from Anderson?
CharmedArtist chapter 34 . 7/11
This was a wonderful, wild ride! Thanks for sharing!
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