Reviews for The Renegade
Guest chapter 31 . 1/29
Thx for such a nice story, dommy mommy konan W
Sololerrerrerse chapter 2 . 1/26
Nice, I always wanted to see that shitty plan bite their ass, I really didn’t like how Naruto just forgave them
Tejon chapter 31 . 1/24
Loved it! No padding, no needless retellig of cannon things, no filler-movie bullshit. Truly a great story. I usually try to give feedback but honestly it's one of the best op-naruto fics i have read. Thank you.
aev49622 chapter 4 . 1/24
My boy danzo didn't get to use his Sharingan arm
D72 chapter 2 . 1/15
He wouldn't really be a missing nin.

If they'd told him the mission beforehand? yeah.

As it is, all the talk of konoha discarding him is true.
vSpirxld chapter 30 . 1/6
YOOOOO Darth Vader Quote absolutely loving it.
silver.blast96 chapter 22 . 12/20/2024
Boooo this author sucks
Lokolow chapter 31 . 12/19/2024
This is the first story in years that I've read to the end... and it was complete!

Congratulations on a job well done, it was a good read and although I read the story in just under 6 hours, it was the right length for the plot developed.

The development was simple, but in a good way. You got straight to the point and didn't get lost in complex ideas.

Naruto abandons Leaf after Blood Prison, allies with Amekagure, Konoha's failed attempt to capture him, Obito's death, Attack of the great hidden villages and finally the end with Kabuto becoming the definitive antagonist.

Honestly, what caught me the most about this story was the Naruto/Konan relationship, which is little explored mainly because Konan is forgotten by the fandom (Kishimoto's fault for killing her in the anime without need in my opinion, she had enormous potential for development alongside of the protagonist, whether as a friend/mentor or even a love interest, although the latter was unlikely in the original work).

Anyway, a good read and I hope you are proud of what you produced.
silver.blast96 chapter 14 . 12/19/2024
This story doesnt deserve an M rating. Its a T rating at best
Razma2468 chapter 31 . 11/23/2024
Man what a great story, konan deserved so much more from the anime. Thanks for the story!
Guest chapter 20 . 11/11/2024
This fanfic is pretty good
HyperionATLAS chapter 31 . 10/31/2024
wow, god damn this was pretty fucking good wish there was more somehow but it's complete in a really good way
Logicalillogical chapter 31 . 10/24/2024
For years, I always wanted to read a fic where the blood prison movie plot backfires on Konoha spectacularly.

I have to say, this fic is easily the best I've read that tackles that idea.

Thank you for the good reading experience.
MaybeWitty chapter 3 . 10/14/2024
this fanfic is fucking goated
MysticStorm06 chapter 31 . 10/11/2024
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