Reviews for Blood and Steel (Cannot Build A Home) |
![]() ![]() ![]() This fic is still goated keep up the good work |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hello Dear, I hope this message finds you well! I recently had the chance to read your story "Blood and Steel (Cannot Build A Home)" and I was completely captivated. Your narrative is so engaging that I could instantly envision it as a breathtaking comic or animation. My name is James, and I’m a professional artist specializing in comics, manga, character design, and animation. I work exclusively on a commission basis, providing high-quality, custom artwork that brings creative visions to life. If you’re interested in commissioning (Paid) a project to turn your story into a visually stunning piece of art, I’d love to discuss the details. You can reach me through any of the following platforms: Discord: freedomstrikes6523 Instagram: freedomstrikes007 Twitter: freedom_strikes Email: freedomstrikes0111 gmail .com Best regards, James |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hello buddy, I hope you are doing great, I just read Blood and Steel (Cannot Build A Home) and am now hooked your story is so good! I would very much love to create a comic or an artwork representing it, showing its depth in details and emotion in bright colors. I'm open for commissions, can offer sweet prices, and guarantee high-quality work. So, if that sounds interesting to you, let's make something amazing_ Here is my discord: yushishigawa Twitter: blogmepaula |
![]() ![]() ![]() I can definitely see Inasa doing exactly what he did! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Man, the build-up in this story is so good. All the little plot-threads are coming together in a most stressful web, and im loving it. But how bout our main characters? Theyre so cool. The build-up in their relationship is going so well, i just know theyre gonna fuck nasty when the time comes lmaoo |
![]() ![]() ![]() and now we move on to the war, seeing Izuku, Ochako and Katsuki in their element, add Shoko and the other side (Fumikage and Inasa), didn't stand a chance And of the two, only Fumikage surrendered, after the beating he received, first from Izuku and then from Shoko, while Inasa preferred to die (to leave on his own terms), with Izuku accepting his decision I guess we just have to wait to see the reactions of the rest of Japan, and for the sides to become more consolidated, whether some continue with their ideas of rebelling or change their minds, or are sure of their first choices and ideas Good luck and keep it up |
![]() ![]() ![]() This... I did not expect lol. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Damn... That was awesome and intense |
![]() ![]() ![]() He's opened up a little, but Izuku is also setting himself up for a massive fallout as he said all that, and still couldn't come clean about what he did to Toya. He just explained how the same boy that cleaned a beach for years to one day become a soldier for house Yagi, could also be the mercaencary whose name is feared throughout America, someone who could and has killed thousands with little effort or remorse. Maybe he's trying to work up to it, get it into Shoko's head how he could have done such a thing as kill someone who he could call the first friend he made over there, Uraraka doesn't count as he only met her thanks to his father's letter to her grandma. Toya and Izuku's dynamic was as organic as his thing with Katsuki, and yet...he could still kill him, all because they were on opposing contracts. However, Shoko also sets up how she was always prepared to settle, as she just wanted a husband that she could get along with, and could keep her interest and respect her boundaries. She didn't think she'll ever fall in love, or care for them all that much. Izuku proving her wrong on that front...well, it's opening her up to new possibilities, but also new pain as that ticking time bomb of a reveal hangs over both of them, and should she realise he lied to her, she might crack in ways he can't help her from. With the reaction of their upcoming marriage from the other houses, it's en eye opening and more proof of the difference in how Izuku and Shoko are seen as heirs. When Kaminari got it, he immediately saw a potential protector, someone that if he could get into his good graces, could defend his famiily from the blowback of ending his engagement to Ibara, and while he's not dumb enough to think he would do it for free, Izuku has proven he's a reasonable and fair man, so not the worst person to owe a debt to. That is the extact opposite reaction that Mina had when she heard the new, as while it wasn't helped by the topic of discussion before they learned of the marriage, it wasn't like her fears came out of nowhere. She knows Shoko, she knows the sort of woman she is, and how she earned her reputation as the most dangeorus woman in Japan, we've seen her casually talk about blackmail, sabotage, destruction and murder in ways Izuku can only do when he's in his 'Titan' mode. Enji's teachings has made her rule through fear, and Mina knows that should she demand it-she could not argue, she can't plead, she must act-she she and her new husband could end up ruined. Which gives sets up its own little domino, as rule through fear only lasts as long as the ruled fear you more then they do the alternatives, it's proven time and time again to be a short term method to rule without brutal crackdowns and reminders of what happens should you break from the mold, and it requires that you remain the msot feared thing. But the thing is, Shoko isn't the most feared thing anymore. Their entire way of life is crumbling, and should things progress as they are, Shoko and her new husband would be the de-facto king and queen of Japan, and if there is one thing competing Nobles(Warlords fear), is one of them rising so far above the rest, that their age of warlords ends. THAT is what Mina fears-much more then Shoko and whatever wrath she might bring on her. All of which means much like the Toya thing, she's a ticking time bomb and Shoko has no idea it even exists. But you know who might? Toya. No, not because he's Batman levels of intelligence, but because as Enji's first born, he would know how that man raises his kids, what lessons he teaches them and he's had years to figure out the flaws like I just put out. Hell, this entire conflict was started because he understands how nobles think. No way he planned for Izuku's return as even if he realised who he was-he probabbly thought he'll get back later into things BUT now that he knows about the marriage, well he can realise the potential his debut would bring. Hell, if he can claim Tensei's murder, that creates tension between house Iida and Todoroki as Enji could disown him, but the fact of the matter is, your eldest son killed their heir. Lastly, we have Kai who we know for a fact killed Eri's parents to claim power, but also doesn't mistreat her. Sure, he offered her up as a potential bride to Izuku but that's just court politics. We also know that he sees the issues Toya does, but instead of wanting to exploit them, he wants to destroy them, which could be some sort of quirk eraser project, though it's not like noble houses exist solely because of quirks-not anymore. So his plans need to have some other angle, some means to truly knock the foundations of the noble's power base out from under them. Oh, and one last thing...why didn't we get the scene of Inko putting the fear of God into Shoko? You set it up so well last chapter with Shoko thinking 'She's a former commoner, I can win her over'. I was totally expecting Inko to keep up with Shoko, or just go the blunt route and threaten her should she harm her son. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah, I called it, house Yaoyorozu is gone. Sure, Momo isn’t gonna wake up poor; she’ll have some money and assets saved somewhere, like all noble houses-but she’ll be lucky if she can still call herself a noble house, as she sure as shit isn’t a great one anymore. However, considering she was found by Yagi’s men and not Enji’s, I might need to reconsider whose pocket she’ll be in. Though Shoko might take issue with that as, again, she gets proof that despite her father’s terrible parenting skills and the overly toxic environment she was raised in, she still has that heart. A good thing as if she didn’t, her relationship with Izuku would be doomed to fail as sure, he’s a danger addict. She’s the most dangerous woman probably in Asia, not just Japan if she was just hazardous and nothing else, he’ll grow bored of her as even now, it’s clear whose the stronger of the two in just about every regard. Even to keep the peace, Izuku doesn’t care which way what happens to just about every noble house. So what if they tear each other apart? He might just sit back and watch. Of course, he won’t, as we heard from Momo; when nobles fight, it’s the commoners who suffer like he and his mother used to be. He could probably find a means to keep the peace without House Todoroki’s support. He practically already has house Kaminari and Iida as his vessels; how hard would it be for smaller homes to bend the knee for their protection? If they build a large enough power base, even if Shoko or Enji disagree, they would be smart enough to know they would be crushed, and should they lose ground, they’ll be reduced to a lesser status as right now, they’re seen as Yagi’s sole rival and equal. They could try and counter that through alliances of their own, as thanks to Shoko’s manipulations, they already have House Ashido;. However, Mina is loyal, and Mina’s married to Ejiro, we still ran into the problem of power. Enji and Toshinori probably won’t fight; their children will, and well…which one of them has ACTUALLY faced off against armies and slaughtered them? Onto more fun matters, that exchange between Izuku, Katsuki, and Ochaco was funny, as friends would rip into you, situation be damned, with Izuku not making it easier by trying to present a more respectable front…when no one present cares for it. Shoko’s interest in him started BECAUSE he’s not like other nobles. Meanwhile, Ochaco and Katsuki have probably faced death so often that unless Izuku truly meant it, they wouldn’t flinch at his threats. That said, they weren’t all fun as they locked in the moment they heard Touya’s name, as what were the odds that the daughter of a man famous for his flame quirk would so happen to have a brother with the same name as the fire quirk user they all knew, that Izuku killed? They’re so low it might as well be zero. As for how Izuku could kill someone he considered a close friend so quickly, I would imagine his mind had to create and then section off the persona of Titan to benefit the whole. If he remembered every evil thing he did, the guilt would have crushed him by now or left him as cold as Touya is. I'm not saying he doesn’t remember, but it’s described as if he watched the deed done, not doing it himself. That said, Ochaco is correct in that Izuku is filling the barrel with gunpowder and getting ready to light it by choosing not to tell Shoko the truth now, in a situation and environment he can at least control, none of them can predict how she’ll react to it, yes-but Ochaco is right to worry that should she find out this from a 3rd party, and realize that Izuku purposely kept it from her-she will be pissed, something Izuku should know as she already told him how terrible her parent’s marriage was, and what it lead to. She clearly wants a partner she can actually trust, someone she can depend on. Her finding out you killed her brother will hurt her, but she could grow to understand it was a shitty situation; besides, it was before you met her. Her finding out you killed her brother, learned who she was, and when she asked about it, you lied to her face…well, you’ll be lucky if she didn’t try impaling you on an iceberg after that. With the rest of the chapter, I would be surprised if Toshinori knew exactly what went on in the Todoroki house and was testing Shoko to see how she would respond to his praise of her abusive father. If he knows that much, as I bet, he would probably suspect that it wasn’t Enji who wrote that letter, but it would be in bad form to call her out on it. Besides, even if he could prove it, where’s the fun in that? We then get another peek into the difference in how Shoko and Izuku were raised; while Toshi suspected his son wouldn’t listen, he wasn’t trying to control him like Shoko believed, as that is precisely the type of thing her father would have done with her, which…in a way, is why Enji could never best Toshi, he’s too controlling, too demanding, too unwilling to let things just fall as they would naturally do. I said this before, with the difference in how Shoko got Mina’s loyalty and how Izuku was practically offered up, not just Tanya’s but the whole house Iida's. That seems to carry over from canon as Endeavour never had All Might's charisma; even before the truth of his homelife came out, the former number 2 could never inspire people the same way All Might could. He shows that difference in the fact that, unlike her father, he both has a conscience and the strength to abide by it. While Shoko has plenty of reasons to have…complicated feelings towards her mother, who, unlike Canon, never gets the chance to apologise for hurting her, we in the audience can say that she never imagined her marriage to Enji would drive her to the point where her own children could become targets of her insanity. Like she said, when her parents first got together, it seemed great, like they were indeed a good match…and look how that turned out, so is it really that surprising that Toshi, who was around them, would see those same signs with his son and go ‘Nope’? But that could also be seen as pragmatism. That last exchange reminded her that while he has a heart, he is the man who made the game she plays, and she shouldn’t pretend she can slip one by him. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well, I can already tell how bad things will get for not just the Todoroki family, but the Yagi family as well-all stemming from Dabi, who jus destroyed a Great house. Not attacking their assests, or making them look bad-he destroyted the Yaoyorozu, even though Momo definately survived, she's essentially a refugee and all but a new vessel to the Todoroki family should Shoko decide to help her rebuild. Speaking of the Todoroki, learning that Enji on some level was effected by his shitty...shitty actions towards his family helps remind us he's human, but also a piece of shit who knew it was wrong, and doubled down. A sort of thinking that at times, Shoko seems to also exhibite even if she'll sooner murder you the admit it. That coming in the way she approaches relantionships with others, I don't think that she can't see them more then transactional, but that she refuses to because it both reminds her that her family was anything but, but also leaves her open to being hurt by those she cares about. A notion reinforced by the world she was born into. Which is probably one of the biggest reasons she's so drawn to Izuku was...he just doesn't think like that, and while it's partly because as the heir to house Yagi and the undoubtedly the strongest person in Japan, he doesn's need to, but it's also because Izuku tries to retain faith in humanity as her kind of thinking is a big reason why this AU is considerbly much shittier then canon, and validates Dabi's apparen desire to see the nobles tear each other apart like animals because...well, what good qualities do they have? |
![]() ![]() ![]() Hi there How are you? I hope I’m not causing any inconvenience. I recently read your story "Blood and Steel (Cannot Build A Home)" and genuinely enjoyed it. I’ve been thinking about turning it into a comic in my style, and I believe it would be an exciting commission project. I'm confident you would also be pleased with the results and might even consider sharing it. As an experienced digital artist, I am currently open for commissions, and I would love to adapt your wonderful story into a comic format. If you're interested in commissioning me for this project, we can discuss the details further either in the general chat or on Discord. My Discord is lisakatagiri, and I’d be happy to chat about pricing, timelines, and how we can bring your story to life in a visually engaging way. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Thank you! |
![]() ![]() ![]() Wow, it's been a while since you updated this, but once again, you manage to pleasantly surprise me! The way you write Deku and Todoroki's relationship, it's like you're a master of the slow burn. Knowing that these two are about to be wed in holy - perhaps unholy? - matrimony is the biggest and most monumental happening in this fic thus far, and I quite look forward to the bloody mess that's sure to ensue. That, and I'm also looking forward to what Deku will find out about himself when all hell breaks loose. Will him and Todoroki get to bang each other's brains out? I'm not sure, but I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter! |
![]() ![]() ![]() While what they talked about is part of what they both needed to, making things even more clear between them, but still without touching about Dabi, that given the reaction of the aforementioned, it is something that he will try to capitalize against them (or more specifically against Izuku, although I still expect that his Machiavellian plan, it eventually begin to fail, I do not know, leaving aside that he is an adversary, I dislike him, his attitude); and while Izuku reveals important part of himself, Shoko still maintains certain secrets From the rest, they are basically the reactions of some nobles (and a little of the situations of each of them) such as Chisaki, Kaminari, Kirishima and Mina; And while some see opportunities, such as Denki and possibly Chisaki; others like Kirishima and especially Mina (who made a deal with the devil, er, Shoko), see danger and plan to react according to (that if they were going to ally with Monoma or attack them, being curious if Shoko would be aware of Kirishima's way of thinking, and from there, the help to Mina, thinking of using her as an ace under the sleeve - and hence, the terror that the pink girl feels, more then it does not seem that Kirishima is aware of that deal - if it became necessary, as it seems to be the case) The surprise was that of Chisaki, who amazingly, despite having killed Eri's parents, he seems to be a decent father figure, more to see that he cares about her in his own way, and that she seeks his approval Good luck and keep it up Happy New Year |
![]() ![]() ![]() Intresting concept and great execution! Looking foward to more! |