Reviews for The Sorcerer’s Legacy
ImmortalDuck chapter 10 . 2/12
Thanks for the chapter, this is trally good hope it get updated soon
Simon D. Uzumaki chapter 10 . 2/5
have to say i did enjoy this one more than the original story.

now i did like the originals library part more when it came to him getting the book, but i did like the rework library part more then the crystal puzzle in the original.

the story line movement was over all better as well and the newer parts you added was awesome, when wensday addams showed up i actually cheered a little because i love wensday addams and you got her personality down to a tee as well.

i do hope to see more of this and how good mr greyson will become lol

keep on keeping on my brodda mon
81MrX chapter 9 . 1/22
Keep writing my boy, otherwise Dumbasadoor will be disappointed
Rononono chapter 10 . 1/11
I thought the original story was amazing, albeit with a one hand wrapped around way, but you have clearly become a much better writer if you can make this. I hope you finish this story!
WOLF-GOST chapter 10 . 12/30/2024
Lord Of Domination chapter 10 . 12/29/2024
wow, imagine getting a job... i shudder at the thought
Guest chapter 10 . 12/25/2024
Thanks for the chapter
marius1117 chapter 10 . 12/24/2024
good stuff
BetOnRonHIMly chapter 10 . 12/20/2024
I don't understand. Why you guys keep falling for this guys' scams? Do you love the feeling of being robbed and outwitted? Then invest in my bitcoin. Rugpull. I promise it will not be a scam.
Sunwolf27 chapter 9 . 12/21/2024
Right now I'm on chapter 9 so I don't know if you already did this but any chance of enid making an appearance in this story also becoming a hogwarts student and she's also unable to turn into a werewolf yet because it is still dormant.
cameron1812 chapter 10 . 12/21/2024
2nd time around and Juliet's intro to Slytherin is just as awesomeGotta love Gray's comeback at Lyra!
GamerBlood chapter 10 . 12/20/2024
Ah, sinceramente me encanta esta remasterización, estare esperando las proximas actualizaciones
Pizza-insomaniac chapter 10 . 12/20/2024
God I love this story it's orginal and well written with a lovely tinge of smut. Great work give me more
Kalstorm99 chapter 10 . 12/20/2024
Great chapter! I'm excited to see what plans both Daphne and Damian will think up, and I'm curious if we will get to see what Damien might be up to with Molly.
sortofbored chapter 10 . 12/20/2024
Great chapter. Looking forward to more.
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