Reviews for Enchanting Melodies
SIismydreamandnightmare chapter 405 . 5m
It truly feel like the countdown to the end now
bowpow chapter 407 . 29m
The revelation that Solomon was just a recording to Harry was justChef’s kiss*
scyfly chapter 407 . 32m
sounds like solomon thinks the same of ragnarok as grindelwald, a new beginning a chance for something better or different. just without the light and dark
Nai Darkor chapter 406 . 2h
I think that this is exactly what he deserved.
EvelynnSylph chapter 111 . 17h
I had a feeling she would choose red. It sas foreshadowed a bit
rivmae16 chapter 397 . 21h
What happened to the lesson that Mcgonagall’s promised to harry ? Is he going to use it?
Topkick502 chapter 94 . 2/5
It's a nice idea to have HP acting more like Patrick Jane. Patrick Jane's schtik was manipulation. His intelligence was innate. Manipulation of his own team, of his opponent and its followers. And frequently, Patrick was informed just as much by his team as he was by (ultimately) Red John's. Without a team for HP, the story really won't emulate The Mentalist. Luckily, we have two smart witches, both of whom are interested in Harry's brand of living, but bewildered that he's so developed. If I had to gamble on it, I'd say that both will eventually be on Harry's own team, which might also include the remainders of the Gryph and Slith teams, with maybe a little Raven joining in. That seems like something that might occur under Remus Lupin's influeance. We'll see I guess.
EvelynnSylph chapter 94 . 2/5
Wow, Harry's even more powerful than I thought

I have to say, I do love your lore. It's wonderful. A lot of it is similar to how I've been thinking of things, but you put words to my thoughts, and so elegantly too! Amazing
grovepjp chapter 406 . 2/4
fraewyn chapter 406 . 2/4
Love it!
Alan wake chapter 405 . 2/2
So author you made Harry here no longer a human,yep he didn't realize he's becoming an eldritch abomination
Joe Lawyer chapter 406 . 2/4
Harry is turning into a cut rate Eru Iluvatar singing a realm into existence. I wonder if any of the Creator Gods are taking notice of it.

At some point, he may start wondering whether or not he can sing a change in his own personal existence.

As an author, I completely understand the desire to draw things out, but Harry is too smart and too risk averse to let the threat of Voldemort linger. Given all the many things on his plate right now, I can't imagine he wouldn't want to resolve at least one of his problems. So I think it was exactly the right move and in line with the character.
Ranger McAleer chapter 406 . 2/4
Thought voldemorts death was perfect tbh. No grandiose speech or last stands. Just defeated and a few regrets.
Aether Dragon13 chapter 406 . 2/4
Honestly, this was probably the best way to handle Voldemort's death. Quiet, quick, without fanfare, and useful towards stopping other, greater threats.

Time for Harry to get his power-up.

This is a future thought, but I'm kind of hoping that Harry, after he truly master's his magic to become THE lord of space and time and deals with all of his worlds problems, will travel back and visit the canon universe just to say hi to Sirius and see how his counterpart turned out. A little side-epilogue kind of thing.
harry uzumaki chapter 406 . 2/4
I think it was appropriate for Voldemort to go now, he felt like an unimportant NPC, especially after Lily’s death. It’s better now that his demise eliminated dementors for good. Maybe Harry can credit it to Tom Riddle and his name will be remembered like he wanted.
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