Reviews for Shrouded Destiny
DarkkingMB chapter 96 . 41m
I will say I quite enjoyed garlans story and am glad he got a good ending
Clavyus chapter 96 . 1h
Venompool chapter 93 . 2h
Some may not care about the Grim Gigachad Garlan but him getting an ending that's both happy and doesn't throw away his character development makes me happy. Shame tho, that the Crown has not decided that they would "accidentally" assume one Silent Sister to slip and fall on her way back to the Sept.

Completely from different tangent, after that last chronicle note I just imagined canon Dany meeting future version of Tommen and Shireen's daughter. One starts with her title as the Stormborn, birthed during one of the worst remembered storms on an island, the other counters it with saying she was born while her mother was scoring a hat-trick in naval battles
bleachorange chapter 78 . 3h
Ive been enjoying the story immensely. Though I dont shy from criticism in my commentary when I want to put in my 2 cents, I never believe the author shouldnt write their story as they see fit. My opinion is just that - an opinion. Ultimately, it is up to the creator of any art (of which writing is one of) to feel satisfied with it or not. Your stance is much appreciated. Even if I hated this story, it is your story to tell. Just as posting it somewhere people can review it means they can offer their opinions on it - even if you think their heads are up their own backsides.

So, anyways, thanks again for the story. Its a fun read, with a lot of work put into many elements of the writing to feel authentic to the setting.
sasuhinaop chapter 80 . 11h
Twin had the same idea as me: TommenxShireen, perfect couple The family surname does not die nor does the I believe that Stanis paid for his mistakes in the other life and avoided all the others by sacrificing themselves to save their daughter and staying silent That alone has earned me the favor of his lineage over his brother Whoremonger.
And through Shireen another royal lineage mixes into the Iron Throne which now has three Baratheon is three times Targaryen;since it is said that the first Baratheon was Aegon's bastard brother and the family has married Targaryen women twice, the last being Robert's grandmother.; There are the Storm Kings, the Durradon, there are the descendants of the Gardening Kings, the Green Hand, througt her. The Florent.
I like this pair. Tommen is already smart, and now he has an excellent teacher.
sasuhinaop chapter 79 . 12h
I accept Dany's end, but I didn't see what happens to the daughters of the Khalesis when they are born they be sold as slaves to other Khauls?
But I don't accept Arya dying like this. At least she could take a boat full of ironmen with her. Or, by some miracle she remembered the afterlife because she died and the god of death found her!
sasuhinaop chapter 78 . 16h
Forget the comments about speed of travel and wars. It seems that everyone has forgotten or forgiven Varys and Co.'s teleportation during the series!
sasuhinaop chapter 77 . 20h
I'm covering for Arya in this chapter for several reasons.
It's the whole family's fault!
Everyone saw that she would never be a lady, they were warned of the danger ahead, that all help was needed.
But no one thought to teach Arya how to command men, how to think strategically in a War or intercede in a clan was a miracle that they taught archery and daggers!

She is a sheltered child with no military education whatsoever.
Her teaching herself how to enter the minds of not only Nymeria, but also the bird was incredible! But she is still a sheltered child with no military training!

I honestly want HER to kill Theon HERSELF!
Not the wolf, not the clansmen. Her!

I forgot to mention the death of fat Tyrell.

It finally happened: stupidity and vanity killed that buffoon!
And Good ridance, Bon voyage, for the knight of flowers.
I hope Jeoffrey and the old maester will keep Loras company as soon as possible.
sasuhinaop chapter 76 . 22h
I'm praying that Bryenne didn't die, but was arrested along with the other women and even managed to escape with the scene was so well done that there is very little chance of this scenario occurring. What a sad end to Blackfish. May Gyles' entire house perish !Poor Garlant, just like Ned in the other life , he realized that he has honor, but others do not!
In any scenario I mentioned above, one outcome doesn't change in either case: Renly's son is difference is that in the first scenario Margareth survives, but in the second I expect her death as well as Lora's.
One death that caught me off guard was Sam's. Poor Sam. I was hoping that maybe he had run away to join the masters of the Citadel! before his father tried to kill him.
sasuhinaop chapter 75 . 2/9
Finally a smart and firm move from Doran.
Kill all the lovers!
Because(my vision of this world) an unmarried princess who got pregnant by one of them couldn't just give birth to a bastard for several reasons and not just because This world is feudal/religious and extremely macho, but why:
1)Even if she were to marry later and have legitimate children,
2)their place would be threatened by the bastard children and their respective father,
because sleeping with the unmarried crown princess is high treason (or wanting to force a marriage or a claim to the throne of Dorne in the future!).
3) If the bastards were men and the legitimate heirs were women, the weight of the acclamation for the throne would be less distant from each other ...
4)The case of the Sand Snakes and their father, Oberin, is not simply because he is male that it is easier and more acceptable.
It's because the line of succession still had heirs: Doran first, then Arianne, then Quentin, then Trystane, to finally get to Oberyn's turn.
Being the last in line there wasn't as much pressure, of course it helped that he was a man, that he was the best warrior, and he only had daughters. Which is not the case with Arianne.
5) and yes, because men prefer other men in power!

Imagine purple eyes and red and black armor.

sappy3 chapter 94 . 2/8
I'd like to get a bit of story from Tommen before the story's done. You wrote a great story but you never developed Tommen. He learned martial skills under Ned Stark and his men but who is he now? A kind man? A hard one? Is he assertive or a yes-man to his regents and his Hands? How did he react to Ned's alienation from him? Is he a good king? What about his wife Shireen? I'd like to see what became of the kid our heroes fought for.
sasuhinaop chapter 72 . 2/8
Twin is a cold and selfish monster, but he is always thinking about the family legacy... From His branch of the family!
Poor Tyrion and Kevan. Never good enough!
Finally the spider has been caught and these poor children might have a future!
Kevan gained some points with me for not summarily execute the orphans.
And Twin _take care of my grandson, because I don't know how to raise anyone! Lanister,
Oblivion chapter 52 . 2/7
I love this story so much! The writing is great and I love your ability to storytell.
sasuhinaop chapter 68 . 2/7
I'm curious now. With Shireen going to Tyroshi, who will rescue the prisoners, aka Tyrion/Lynden? Will Ned participate in the battle against the city with Lady Stone? And Tyrion will never know about Jaime's betrayal towards Tysha. ?
bleachorange chapter 53 . 2/7
Seems a setup for Jon to be the champion of the old gods, Benjen to be the champion of fire, and Ned to be the champion of ice. We shall see, of course, but some of the themes going on lead me to think thats whats happening.
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