Reviews for Giving Up
God1643 chapter 34 . 11/28
This story was absolutely phenomenal; once I started I just couldn’t stop. What a beautiful ending, for a beautiful story. I hope your daughter is every bit as magical as Little Tori! :D 3
dixonjason403 chapter 24 . 11/26
i dont think this author knows how to write relationships.
dixonjason403 chapter 1 . 11/26
how in the FUCK is daphne the pairing in this story? especially after watching...that.
shaunak.1998sk chapter 34 . 11/23
Man this was a great story, thank you for sticking to it and finishing it. Also congratulations on your baby girl. Thank you for sharing your amazing work.
AerynS chapter 34 . 11/20
one of the most interesting tales I've read. Thank you for sharing.
Ghrotto chapter 34 . 11/14
This was a fantastic read and an interesting journey through the story. I’ve never seen it done this way to be honest, and it was very well done! I do feel like the ending was a tad rushed in the last chapter, but its understandable considering your IRL status. (Congrats on the baby btw!)

Looking forward to more good reads from you!

darthjosh420 chapter 1 . 11/13
just drama for the sake of drama, a total au of HP with all the shitty tropes put on because the author is lazy or never read HP.
daled73 chapter 34 . 11/12
Well done.
javiermnb chapter 34 . 11/9
gracias por la historia, al princio me aburrio por leer todo los primeros 3 años pero luego le emcontre el gusto. que gran final. El desarrollo de los personajes gracias por esta historia. y felicidades por tu familia. aunque no le entiendas
James Palmer1 chapter 34 . 11/8
man this had me in my feels. excellent fic, thank you!
Ukarnian chapter 34 . 11/7
An absolutely brilliant fic, I really hope you decide to write more in the future. Thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/4
One of the most original in some time only other on my list for the year "Dear Order" by WolfgangNH
Hedwig68 chapter 34 . 11/1
What a truly amazing story, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this, Thank you.
Tagrin chapter 34 . 10/24
An excellent story that kept me reading until the end
Techno Blade chapter 19 . 10/17
I never die.
I never cry.
Damn you!
You made me cry!
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