Reviews for These Foolish Things
guest chapter 1 . 4/5/2023
Wonderful ! Thank you for sharing !
Scruffys Sweetheart chapter 1 . 4/2/2023
Such a gorgeous journey into a tortured Han’s soul, caught between his need to go and his want to stay. This is such a micro moment, but packed with perfect details, visuals, and spot-on writing, like “How could something so small hurt so much?”.

Loved your inspiration material- both the photo and the song. Do you take requests? I would love to see your take on “People will say we’re in love”, just in case you happen to find yourself in the writing mood again soon! Beautiful fic, Mermaid32!
knitzkampf chapter 1 . 3/26/2023
Such a pleasure to see you writing again. I liked how you worked out that scene of what makes him dash to the Command Center
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25/2023
Wonderful! Now in my mind's eye I see a scene where Leia has to cop to cherishing that photo with Han on the trip to Bespin! Do I dare ask for a sequel? Love your story, Mermaid 32!
DarthKoalaBear chapter 1 . 3/25/2023
In the beginning it was indeed easier for them to be mad than admit their real feelings. Great job!
EsmeAmelia chapter 1 . 3/24/2023
Nice little missing moment piece. You captured Han's inner voice well.