Reviews for Darth Vader: Shattered Galaxy
Night Shadow76 chapter 5 . 2/13
Ow, my brain. That's all I have to say about this chapter.
Spikingthebeast chapter 7 . 2/13
Nonsense, Vader doesn't run, he force yeets himself. He can basically fly with how far and fast he can jump :P
NewMystery356 chapter 23 . 2/10
That trooper being to scared to BE shitless in Vader’s room was a funny piece of dialogue~ As for the rest being so-afraid of Mouser Droids that they want to stop them from being MADE in that timeline… I wonder how Vader would pitch THAT to Damasque…~ Vader actually FIGHTING the horde of Mousers is something I’d very mich like to see.
Wicked.A chapter 23 . 2/10
Finally caught up, still a great story
AyeJimmy123 chapter 23 . 2/7
DS2010 chapter 23 . 2/5
ROFL Mouse hoard. Hahha
c-wolf chapter 23 . 2/4
it would be kind of amusing if the engineer when she became lucid again, discovered she'd somehow created a successful very informative do it yourself engineering holovid series across the known sentient planets
Guest chapter 23 . 2/3
Fun, fun, fun!
LittleVikingDK chapter 23 . 2/1
Lovely as always. I hope we get a summery of the berry situation at some point.
Having damask being aware of padmes importance and deliberately staying away, portrays his character really well.
DraconeKing chapter 23 . 1/31
Spikingthebeast chapter 23 . 1/30
Darth "I don't have time to order anti-psychotic medications" Vader XD
Qrs-jg chapter 23 . 1/30
Fantastic update! Great to see Vader in control of the situation
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 23 . 1/30
Neat chapter.
Elimbargodeus chapter 23 . 1/29
Vader: studies puddle of piss
Stormtrooper: spontaneously combusts
HyperExia chapter 23 . 1/29
Plageuis is just a much much much nicer version of Sidious- oh who am I kidding, if there was a Dark Side master that you could ever want it would absolutely be Darth Plageuis.
Not a complete and amoral monster, knowledgeable, and also capable of long term planning that benefits many overall. Rather than wallowing in the misery of others to feed his Dark Side power.
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