Reviews for Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos
Daniel Dmc chapter 36 . 2/5
Otro gran capitulo, realmente quiero ver la interacción entre Caín y Peston. Ya que se encuentran en casi las mismas circunstancias, o se encontraron.

Obviamente Caín y su suerte llevo todo a un nivel mucho mayor.
Brithund chapter 36 . 2/3
Excellent as ever! I'd love to see a "meanwhile, back at the ranch" bit; we've not heard of how Zerayah's been getting on. She IS effectively the Crown Princess, being Cain's heir...
rockhard034 chapter 1 . 1/28
Loved the chapter. I joined Spacebattles because of this fic. I loved reading all the fanfiction for this fanfiction that the members on threads have been making. I think we wouldn't all mind Omakes regarding what life is like on the ground for the average Slawkenberg citizen during Cain's enlightened and magnanimous rulership. Especially getting more of a read on what Zerayah's civilian life is like now that her father is away and her relationship with whatever interim wards she has now that Daddy Cain, Uncle Jurgen, and Aunt Malicia are away.
giraldomacias38 chapter 36 . 1/27
Que bueno es ver otro capítulo de esta historia tan buena si lo senti mas corto de los otros capítulos y se sintió algo raro si la perspectiva de otro personaje
Sable Dawn chapter 36 . 1/27
At this point I half expect the Inquisition to send the Gray Knights after them, it would fit his luck to fight the only all Psyker force in the Imperium after making sure the army is warded.
CrimsonDemon666 chapter 36 . 1/27
Another great chapter! Good to see our good old vampire queen show a bit of her stuff. Please keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 36 . 1/27
I'm surprised he didn't just "liberate" and recruit the psykers (witches)
ramul chapter 36 . 1/27
hellfire45 chapter 36 . 1/27
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next
Heracross64 chapter 36 . 1/27
Lady Akivasha is brutal! The ever present mental gymnastics Cain does to validate his bravery to his cowardly self is great as always, and the tidbit of the Borgs and Akivasha gave me a chuckle. The transformer psyker Cain fought was a little hard for me to imagine. The best I could come up with was a gnarly sharp teeth version of a tiny titan from AOT. As always I'm forward to the next chapter! Best of luck!
merendinoemiliano chapter 36 . 1/27
Spectacular, cannot wait to see if and when the Traitor Primarchs Will appear. Hoping to see Magnus. Happy new year
NuMo1 chapter 36 . 1/26
New year, new chapter. Excellent. Looking forward to Cain's suffer... success! Whether here or as Darth Cain.
whitekitsune1857 chapter 36 . 1/26
Great chapter keep up the good work
Cerberusx chapter 24 . 1/25
What kind of ship is the Worldwounder?
Heracross64 chapter 35 . 1/23
NNNOOO! I've caught up. I hate it when this happens. This genuinely is one of the best fan written stories I've read in awhile I'm absolutey hooked. Your incredible at imagery especially you want to convey "presence", and despite Cain's insistence of how much he doesn't like the "heretics" around him his family of lunatics countiue to grow and I think he is genuinely getting attached to them (Maybe even begin to love his family?). People might disagree but Cain getting the massive steel balls to not only fight not just a Greater Daemon but A PRINCE for gods sake just goes to show the lengths he's willing to go for these lunatics. In my opinion Cain isn't running on fear (If that was the case he would've found a way out of the rut he's in a long time ago.) but geninue care for humanity in his own werid way, but this is just my wishful thinking. I would love to see more of his daughter in the future I'm excited to see what you have in store for her! Best of luck!
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