Reviews for The Lion King: The Ghost and The Darkness Rebirth |
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2024 Hope you're ready, fucker |
Lord Salazar's Revenge chapter 1 . 7/1/2024 You can insult me all you want, but you will lose, bastard |
Lord Salazar's Revenge chapter 1 . 5/24/2024 Plagiarism |
Alexaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chapter 1 . 1/3/2024 I knew this guy was a troll. |
FanFiction Enthusiasm chapter 1 . 1/1/2024 Story is plagiarized from original author. Take this story down, you shameless troll.. |
AndrewWellsFan7926 chapter 1 . 12/5/2023 Dear Shithead Who Wrote This, What the fuck is this shit... this isn't even a story? YOU WROTE TOXIC WASTE. BAD. BAD. BAD. What the fuck is wrong with you putting shit like this on the internet?! You need to take this PIECE OF RETARDED SHIT off of this website. A crackhead can even write a better story than this garbage, even A DOG could. This website ain't for 6 year olds (I know what you are with spelling like that) sons of bitches or mentally handicapped motherfuckers like you that stay at home and draw welfare and food stamps, stay high off of drugs and pain medications, stay drunk all of the time, spend all of their paycheck (RUNNING BACK AND FORTH TO THE LIQUOR STORE AND TOBACCO SHED ALL DAY, AND SPREAD CANCER) on beer (CARBONATED GASOLINE) whiskey (MOONSHINE) gin (ALL ALCOHOLIC -ETHANOL- DRINKS ARE DOING NOTHING BUT KILLING YOU DUMBASS WEAK MOTHERFUCKERS AND YOUR WATERED DOWN BRAIN CELLS AND FUCKED UP DNA, JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GET ANY PUSSY OR A BITCH'S PIEHOLE TO STICK YOUR PISSSTICK UP/DOWN OR GET A DICK UP YOUR FUCKHOLE, YOU DRINK YOURSELF TO DEATH) cigars ("Black n' Mild"- SO YOU CAN HAVE LUNGS LIKE MOLTEN TIRES AND COUGH UP THAT POISONOUS SHIT AND SPREAD IT OVER ALL OVER OTHER PEOPLE WHO AREN'T A WEAK MOTHERFUCKER LIKE YOU AND GIVE THEM GENETIC ABNORMALITIES - a.k.a CANCER/MUTATIONS) cigarettes (cancer sticks- STILL SPREADING THAT POISONOUS MUTAGENIC SHIT ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE- FUCKING UP THE HUMAN RACE - WHICH IS ALREADY FUCKED UP TO THE POINT OF NO FUCKING RETURN THANKS TO IGNORANT FUCKBAGS LIKE YOURSELF - AND FUTURE GENERATIONS EVEN MORE, BUT LESS) dip "snuff" (first mutagenic substance discovered - Candied Shit - BROWN LIKE SHIT AND EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT SHIT, STILL SPITTING OUT MUTAGENS THAT ALTER NORMAL PEOPLES' DNA) chew-tobacco (so you and your SHITTY breath can smell like the SHITTIEST PIECE OF SHIT IN THE UNIVERSE, and have TEETH THAT LOOK LIKE YOU EAT SHIT EVERYDAY FOR BREAKFAST) etc, wear shitty ass raggedy clothes that look like they pulled them out of a trashcan, smoke weed and crack, go from house being a man/woman whore (THINKING ABOUT SEX EVERY 10 FUCKING SECONDS -and food- LIKE A DAMN WILD ASS ANIMAL), have no life, get banged up by sorry ass men/women (mostly drug addicts) and shoot out babies nonstop (for women)/get every woman in sight pregnant like a damn animal (for men), have a thousand little child support babies, and live off of other people and the system their entire fucking life. You should burn your computer (OR BURN YOURSELF FOR ALL I CARE) after you wrote this or smash open your damn head (WATER BALLOON FUCKING AIRHEAD) with it and maybe knock some sense into it (OR BUST OPEN YOUR FUCKING SKULL). This crap shouldn't be on this site, take it to deviantART (A CLOSETED PORN WEBSITE) or fac(K)ebook (faggotbook- WHERE WHORES LIKE YOU GO TO GET ATTENTION FROM IDIOTS AND SLUTS -who secretly cut themselves and are addicted to drugs- WITH NO REAL LIFE THAT YOU CALL YOUR FRIENDS, AND SEX MANIACS GO BEAT OFF THEIR COCK TO PICTURES OF BITCHES AND SLUTS THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW) or twitter (twinkter- WHERE MORE WHORES LIKE YOURSELF GO TO GET ATTENTION BECAUSE NO ONE LOVES YOU) or some gay ass shit like that, black ass greasy tire looking fat loud ghetto nigger bitch with little handicapped nigglets, ugly white honkey wild animal ass disturbed whiny hypocritical "mentally-ill" snowball, blackie nigger whale-lover slutty fucking garbage bag (PROJECT NIGGA WITH AIDS/HIV AND TOO MANY STDs TO COUNT), faggot ass cocksucking fuck, nasty ass alcoholic slob, redneck pale-faced worthless pathetic peckerwood (WHITE TRAILER TRASH WITH A DEFORMED FUCKED UP HEAD) piece of poor fatass disgusting dog and cat and child/baby-fucking shitty motherfucking faggot bitch, retarded dirty Indian dirtnigger with a false sense of self-inflated worth, stuck up inhuman disgusting Asian yerrowrivvernigger tranny skank fucker that thinks they are "intelligent" but can't speak, dumbass wetback "hispanic/latino" shit-breathed ugly shit poor fucked up defective creature, fatass Big Mac lover, cum-thirsty, facebook twitter attention whore fuck, dejected emo bitch/bastard (GO CUT YOURSELF), dumb blonde slut, sack of shit fuck, shitty HUMAN TRASH, feminazi-loving SJW weak cuck, fucked fucker fuck, cock hungry cock addict, ching chin chin chong chang choo choo bitch fucker, titty/pussy/dick eater, fucked up ugly fucker, motherfucking hoe. I'm gonna report this shit just for being retarded as fuck. Yeah I cussed yo dumbass out, PM me. I DARE you, you whiny ass bitch ugly piece of shit. UGLY FATASS BITCH, LOOKING LIKE A UGLY ASS MAN. YOU REALLY NEED HELP. HHHHAAAHHHHAAAHHHAAHHH! *PS 1* Stay the FUCK off of drugs, it's for your own safety. *PS 2* DON'T WRITE ANYMORE SHITFICS LIKE THIS ANY DAMN MORE BECAUSE NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR/CARE ABOUT YOUR SHITTY ASS WORTHLESS PERSONAL LIFE. *PS 3* STOP SPREADING MUTATIONS, YOU IGNORANT FUCK. *PS 4* TAKE THIS ILLEGAL BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA DOWN. *PS 5* O.0...oooooooo... BY THE WAY, YOUR PROFILE PIC AND STORY PIC IS ... FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDD UUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPP... SO YOU MIGHT WANT TO BURN/DESTROY THAT UGLY MOTHERFUCKER BEFORE YOU ARE SENT TO PRISON FOR ATTEMPTING MURDER (OR ACTUALLY KILLING SOMEONE) OR FOR A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. *PS 6* BUT SERIOUSLY, DELETE THAT FUCKER BEFORE IT IS DECLARED A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION (IT ALREADY IS ONE IN MY BOOK - THIS FUGLY SON OF A BITCH CAN KILL SOMEONE) AND YOU GET DEEP IN SOME SERIOUS SHIT. *PS 7* GO SUCK ON A PAIR OF BALLS OR A DICK OR A PAIR OF TITTIES. Here's a better suggestion... BURN AND CUT AND FUCK THE HELL OUT OF YOURSELF UNTIL THAT LITTLE FLESHBAG YOU CALL "SKIN" FALLS OFF. *PS 8*-*CENSORED* (IS SOMETHING SO HORRIBLE THAT IT CAN'T BE PUT IN WORDS) *PS 9* GO BACK HOME... TO THE FUCKING ZOO. DO I HAVE TO CALL ANIMAL CONTROL? DON'T MAKE ME... *PS 10* YOU'RE PROBABLY NEARING BLIND OR/AND DEAF. THE SHIT THAT YOU PUT IN YOUR FUCKING SYSTEM EVERYDAY IS KILLING THE FUCKING HELL OUT OF YOUR STUPID ASS AND YOU'RE TOO FUCKING DUMB TO REALIZE IT. IN A COUPLE OF YEARS OR EVEN MONTHS ALL OF YOUR DAMN HAIR WILL HAVE FALLEN OUT OF YOUR FUCKING FUCKED UP HEAD FROM CANCER. YOU WILL THINK ABOUT WHAT I TOLD YOUR IGNORANT ASS AND FEEL SORRY. WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! *PS 11* STOP STICKING YOUR HANDS IN RANDOM BITCHES' PUSSIES AND USE THEM TO WRITE A REAL STORY, NOT SHIT LIKE THIS. *PS 12* CLEAN YOUR NASTY ASS STINKY STICKY/SLIPPERY HANDS AND USE THEM FOR SOMETHING ELSE BESIDES RUBBING DOWN PUSSY WITH LUBE/CUM OR FOOD/RANDOM SHIT (ICING, WHIPPED CREAM, CHOCOLATE, HONEY, MOTOR OIL, CRACK, WEED, BEER, BEER BOTTLES, CIGARETTES, CIGARS, "SNUFF", BATH SALTS, MEAT, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT YOU DIRTY PERVERTED MOTHERFUCKERS PUT ON/IN PUSSIES/DICKS- AND BE A NASTY SON OF A BITCH TO EAT IT OUT WITH CUM/BLOOD/BODY FLUIDS/DNA ON IT). *PS 13* GO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR "MATE"/GIRLFRIEND/WIFE/BOYFRIEND/HUSBAND (IF YOU HAVE ONE/SOME YOU SLIMY SLUTBAG) AND YOUR KIDS UNTIL YOU KNOCK THEM OUT AND GO SMASH YOUR HEAD INTO A WALL UNTIL IT EXPLODES- YOU CRAZY ASS MOTHERFUCKER! Fuck off, manwhore/bitch/nigger/cracker/cholo/chin/tomato/human trash/whatever the fuck you are dsdsdsdsdsdsdsd |
Detaka Yoshi chapter 1 . 11/18/2023 Me and your fanfic are alone in a room. Your fanfic is sitting on the couch (Yes! That couch! The casting one!) and looking at me with anticipation. I grin a cheeky grin as I unveil the Will of D. It twiches in anticipation at the prospect of plundering your fanfic. I sit down beside your fanfic and kiss it deeply, the Will of D hardening and becoming coated with Armament Haki as I do so. Your fanfic moans, weak little bitch that it is. I deepen the kiss, savoring your fanfic's taste. I push your fanfic down on the couch and I loom over it, the Will of D poised to penetrate your fanfic's booty. "Are you ready fanfic-chan?" Before your fanfic can reply, I thrust the Will of D with all my might, penetrating it's booty. "Cum Cum No! Ballista!" I begin to thrust in and out of your fanfics pussy like the badass that I am. Your fanfic holds on tightly on the couch moaning my name all the way. "Johnny... Johnny..." I don't relent, I just keep thrusting for your fanfic is nothing more than my stress reliever. "I love you Johnny!" Your fanfic moans loader as I begin to intensify my thrusts. "Johnny! Iku! Iku! Iku!" Her cum begins to dribble down from her pussy but I don't stop. Rather I pull out with a loud POP and postion the Will of D(ick) over her ass. Gear 5! BBC! I send more of my Haki unto my cock, covering it in the signature black coloring. Your fanfic's eyes widen in fear, horniness, and anticipation for my cock is now a legitemate BBC. "Johnny, wait!" I thurst in with all my might into your fanfic's ass. "Cum Cum No! Battering Ram!" With a single thrust, I penetrate your fanfics ass. Your fanfic's eyes roll back and her tongue lolls out, unable to handle the stimulation. I begin to thurst in and out of your fanfics ass enjoying the feeling and sensation that it entails. You love it don't you bitch?! Of course you do! This is the only purpose of lowly fanfics like you! My thrusting begins to intensify and I beign to move like a piston, my haki covered dick pulverizing your fanfics ass "Johhny! I love you!" Your fanfic screams out. "Of course you do you slutty bitch!" With one final thrust, I slam my dick deep into your fanfic's ass and unload the contents of the my dick into her ass. "Take it! Take it all bitch!" Chaos Control ! Praise Hyper Shadow 2023 !egeqgqeg |
guest chapter 1 . 10/9/2023 What the fuck is this shit? Take this garbage down and piss off, loser, assholes like you don't belong here. Get lost and stay lost forever |
Guest chapter 1 . 10/5/2023 I'm with the gang and we 'bout to go up. You're lame and you're so below us. We stayed down and came up. |
WeCanDoItToo chapter 1 . 9/29/2023 If you are a dude, kindly cut off your dick and balls and shove them deep down your throat and choke on it. If you are a woman, strip yourself naked and roll down on shards of glass and skin yourself alive, then pour acid over your pussy and asshole and scream in agony, then shove a rabid possum inside your pussy and let it rip you apart and die in agony. Autistic people are a blight upon this earth and they shall all be judged harshly by God in the afterlife. I hate them! |
KDLE chapter 1 . 9/26/2023 Listen up, Shadow. You’ve been trolling people for years now. But this is the last time. You are my most hated, ancient enemy. And one day we will meet in person, where we will have our final meeting, and I will challenge you to a contest of strength and skill. You may use all of your alt accounts to troll and harass people, but it will not work this time. I’m going back home. Back to the city that I call my city where everybody knows my name. Back to the people that I call my people. My friends shot through my anger and rage and showed me my prison was just an open, empty cage. There were no keys no guards, just one frightened man and some old shadows for bars. But when I’m down and out you stay the same. And when I’m not around and can’t be found, do feelings fade? These are the roots of rhythm and the roots of rhythm remain. You told me I have no friends, but that’s where you’re wrong. I don’t have friends, I have family and at the end of the day that’s all I need. It’s family over everything. I’m just gonna have my fun because life is too short. You can go troll all you want but at the end of the day, this is my life. And for tomorrow’s sake, I wanna be a better man. I’m gonna fight until the end. There's a small town just beneath the flood line that needs a local hero. I don’t believe in destiny, I just do what’s best for me, don’t listen to my enemies; you’re just full of jealousy. One day I will have my victory. Crush all my enemies so viciously. Work so hard my hands are blistering. And they will carve my name in history. I wake up to the sound of the drums. Locked and loaded, here I come. I'm here to stay, here to fight another day. You can't stop me with some pain. I am here to make a change. I’m staying conscious and moving in, I’m not afraid. I’ve seen living proof. Me and my friends, we're just a close band of happy folks. And when that day comes, I will finally go steal what I can from the treasures, treasures of the Lord. Now I’m not lost inside. I finally have seemed to find who I am in this life. And I’m gonna die with a name, we gon’ rise up and change, ‘cause I don’t hide from the blame, I take pride when I train. You were talking shit in the beginning, back when I was feeling more forgiving. I know it pisses you off to see me winning. Unlike you, whenever I show up, I got everybody saying wow. And I don’t wanna die too young. Counting bands Hallelujah. You see, Shadow, I don’t just wanna be great, I’ll be the best, make everybody forget all the rest. I'm always flirting with pain, she like to hurt me and maim. I'm always working to change, but she still lurking the same. I keep on building a dynasty while the haters like you are trying me. But you hate from the inside, you see, hate yourself and society. So I’ll let you speak quietly while my actions speak wider. You’re hiding in privacy with a screen, oh, the irony. To hate someone who's trying to be whatever they would like to be. I’m working for a multi-billion dollar company, and I will party my problems away. Feeling like a star when I walk in the house, DJ spin that record and he burned down the house. I'ma rock life, check me out. I am with all my people, we gon' fuck up the place. Now that I’ve left fanfiction, I’ve never felt better in this life. I woke up and I’m feeling like a boss right now. I tried carrying the weight of the world, but I only have two hands. Hope I get the chance to travel this new place, but I don’t have any plans. I wish that I could stay forever this young. Life’s a game made for everyone. And love is the prize, which I have found. Anybody getting in my way is getting jacked up. Oh you think it's too late?! Think again bruh. Everybody knows my name when I step up. I wanna know if you still think that you got what it takes. 'Cause if you don't, then turn around and walk the other fucking way. That’s right. My faith abandoned me. It got lost, but found itself again. Because even if lost, I always sought it. Beauty, enchantment and nostalgia wounded my mind that in tears was screaming Hallelujah. I'll keep punching 'til my knuckles start breaking. I'll keep going through the blood that I taste. I won't stop 'til they've all seen greatness. The battle for this world just started, I've been waiting This is a tale of villains and heroes, where only time will tell, who will win and who will fail. In my hometown in November, we tripped lightly along the ledge. Of the deep ravine where can be seen the worth of passion's pledge. The Queen of Hearts is still making tarts and I not making hay. Oh I loved too much and by such and such is happiness thrown away. My reason must allow that I had loved not as I should, a creature made of clay. When the Angel woos the clay, he’d lose his wings at the dawn of the day. I’ll fly up to a place so high, you can’t reach; you can’t even imagine and can’t see. A new world that stretches out endlessly. Once again, until I reclaim the hopes I almost lost. And it’s for a simple reason- you don’t run this show. There are no enemies around here, I’m the threat. Now I’m an indispensable person. Don’t try to stop me, I exist to write my own story, I’ll make a decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory, yeah. Don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring, I just want a life that is worth every day exploring. You better pray that I don't see your face at any place that I go, I know you hate that I've been doing fine, I'm not wasting any more time on you or anyone else. I'm so gone, no, I'm never turning back, I won't stop, I'ma fight until there's nothing left. It's so on! You're gonna be hurting bad, because I’m going to Hell and back, you don't wanna make me mad. I stay strong, you will never see me crack, and if you get in my way you gonna feel the wrath. I don’t just wanna be great, I’ll be the best, make everybody forget all the rest, man I feel blessed. I’ma stick to it like whores to the fame. Everybody says that I gotta be stopped, even though my final form ain't unlocked. I'm so ahead of you motherfucker, how you comprehend what you ain't understanding? If your money funny, don't talk to me. I know there ain't shit that you could offer me. Everybody tryna tell me what I stand for, but you don't fuckin' know me, homie, you don't want war. And my soul checked out missing as I sat listening to the hours and minutes ticking away. Yeah, just sitting around, waiting for my life to begin while it was all just slipping away. I’m tired of waiting for tomorrow to come or that train to come roaring ‘round the bend. I got a new suit of clothes and a pretty red rose for a woman I can call my friend. Now a life of leisure and a pirate’s treasure don’t make much for tragedy. But it’s a sad man my friend you are just living in your own skin and can’t stand the company. Every fool’s got a reason for feeling sorry for himself, and turning his heart to stone. But today you’re just halfway to Heaven and just a mile outta Hell, and I feel like I’m coming home! I've been a million different places; don't know how I made it here. This new place is full of famous faces, don't know what they chasing. Oh, it hurts to say goodbye but I left what I left behind. If I'm gonna make it out alive, I gotta catch a train tonight, yeah. My bags are packed and one foot at the door. I'll be gone in the morning, don't try to stop me; I've made up my mind, yeah, I'm already on my way. Home sweet home, I'm coming back, it's been too long, home sweet home! This is what I love so I do it with a passion. And you wanna stop me, but you can’t stop nothing that God created. Most of the reasons you’re mad is because you see me getting dollar signs. Fuck it though, I’m still gonna go my own way; your concern is not a must. And guess what, buddy? I'ma take it now, no, you're never gonna break me. I'ma stay loud in the face of the hate. Never had a doubt of the life that I'm making. Never had a doubt of the fight I'll be facing. Never had a doubt of the nights I'll be aching. Life is all about having dreams that you're chasing. You don't wanna fuck with me now. I'll leave your ass in the street now. I'll put your ass underneath ground. I'll bury you six feet deep now and you better stay down. Get the hell out of my way, it doesn't matter what you say now, I'm gonna take hold of fate. I'm the type of dude who will not remain nameless. I'm the type of dude who is headed for greatness. I'm the type of dude who can really make changes. 'Cause I'm the type of dude that's becoming contagious. I'm the type of dude that will always be ageless. I'm the type of dude that will always feel shameless. I'm the type of dude that they say is fucking heinous. 'Cause I'm the type of dude that you know is fucking dangerous. There's a power that's underneath. And you can't see it till you believe, on the edge of infinity. There’s a fire that burns inside. It’s an instinct that never lies and the target’s tattooed between our eyes. Under the lights on the high stage, it’s a part of my life you can't take away, just like the blood running through my veins. Everyone's watching through my eyes, there's only two options; win or die. It went from a spark to an open flame, now destiny's calling out my name, so I will reply and ignite! A raging vivid memory has awakened through my soul, a conflict that is repeated again and again. As the situation keeps me under a tight strain, I will cut through the storm and jump into battle. This heavy feeling of pride will form history, I will not hand it to anyone, believing in destiny I will step forward. To higher places. I will be breaking the obstacles, rising up, flying high like a phoenix rising. I will change everything depending on myself. Embracing one wish, I’m going to connect it to one love. Every day, every night, I will be overwriting my limits. Truthfully, with an unwavering will to fight, until I reach the end I will climb ever higher. I won’t be fighting alone; I’m not heading to a lonely battle. Because now, I’m living life like I could die any minute (because I actually can), going for a ride across realms, I don’t need someone to tell me where to go. I’ll do anything that I feel like I want to do, I’m living life now like I’ve got nothing left to prove, no end in sight, just always staying on the move, I’ll go all day and all night if that’s what I’ve got to do. Have you ever seen a world like this? Through the storms I will cross the land. And when I return, I will be an indispensable person. I’ve only got one time, one life. I’ve always done things on my own, so I’ve got to get through it and the only thing I know is to love what I’m doing, never give up never slow until I finally prove it. I’m gonna push myself to be the best, die with no regrets, live with every breath. This is for my mom and bruddunem. I was lost but thank God I found love again. |
Anvil chapter 1 . 9/18/2023 Make my wars in the minds of man, Made the being itself fulfill my cause, Hitler and Manson were my right hand, To these men I entrusted my sacred laws. I'd rather be a king below than a servant above! I'd rather be free and hate than a prisoner of love! You heard my warning, but you didn't, didn't, didn't learn! 666! |
FROGGER 2023 chapter 1 . 8/31/2023 Nevermind my review on your other story. I just realized this is an impersonator. That's stupid. |