Reviews for Wise as an Old Qrow
brianng306 chapter 66 . 5h
Monkey D. Conan chapter 66 . 9h
Everyone has their own goals, plans, and angles. Qrow’s been brought into the game much earlier and that is going to change so much. QrowxGlynda! :P Excellent work as always! Can’t wait for more!
sirbruno95 chapter 39 . 10h
Pretty sure crow mentioned that they weren't able to send satellites to space yet, either this chapter or the previous one. If that's the case, how does he even know what a space horizon even is?
Ultimatrix bearer chapter 65 . 11h
Politics. the greatest necessary evil.

Nai Darkor chapter 66 . 13h
For the greater good!
qwefg chapter 66 . 14h
Where doing a good deed ironically lets an incompetent man further screw up things.

The better question is how to ensure you don't repeat the some mistakes without letting the same idiots remake those mistakes far sooner rather than later?
Guerra Bored chapter 66 . 15h
Dr. Valentine chapter 64 . 15h
It is so very nostalgic seeing Oobleck and the VSS. God, has it actually been 7 years?
Reader20448 chapter 66 . 16h
Another good chapter
Arcangel Guerrero chapter 66 . 17h
Si aplazan las cosas lo suficiente para que descubran a Merlot podrían resolver ambas cosas, con un culpable real, aunque no fuera responsable de todo, podrían exculpar al colmillo blanco y si rastrean al benefactor original de Merlot, ese es El general actual, esto resultará más molesto de lo que parecía pero así es siempre con la política, al final ese general podría incluso librarse pero mientras se evite el golpe contra los faunos sería una victoría.
Hasta la próxima
PasiveNox chapter 66 . 18h
Great chapter wonderful
Monster King chapter 66 . 18h
Awesome work please continue the story it's incredible your doing great work
linkjames24 chapter 66 . 18h
Oh fucking hell this is good. Also Qrow misunderstanding the timeline, or perhaps understanding the conclusion albeit with an incorrect formula to the similar result. This is fun! Also, the fucking politics, man. It is so intense and the necessary evil shit is so sickeningly real.
merendinoemiliano chapter 66 . 19h
Trapdere chapter 66 . 19h
I had to check if I read the wrong fic, for a moment I thought I was reading In the Kindom's Service.
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