Reviews for Wise as an Old Qrow
Guerra Bored chapter 61 . 1/4
oooooooh fuck he was set u 3
Tobi wants a kunai chapter 61 . 1/4
I would 100% be down to buy a version of Forged Destiny where all the names of the characters/locations/monsters are changed. A physical copy of that would be great
Memester Damon chapter 61 . 1/4
If your going to post original works might I suggest Royal Road. They have a deal with amazon and Kindle to help publish authors works. With their comment section at the end of each chapter you could even get real time criticisms and suggestions to help flesh out your work.
Dr. Valentine chapter 61 . 1/4
Oh fuck. That's a strong start to the year. He'll be fine, but damn if it isn't worrying.
BoltSamIam chapter 61 . 1/4
Damn Qrow’s luck strikes again because they run into apathy? Oh boy, hopefully the gang will know how to handle this threat cause I’m not sure first years are taught about this type of grimm yet.
Corporal Crunch chapter 61 . 1/4
Welcome back and happy new year! Great use of the apathy in this chapter, I feel like a grimm that can specifically sap emotions isn't used nearly enough, conceptually or literally.
Sebine chapter 61 . 1/4
Whoops you dun goofed, Qrow
Trapdere chapter 61 . 1/4
I feel like apathy is always however OP the author needs them to be, and since I've never actually watched the show (ironic I know, given I read so many of its fanfics), I still have no idea just how big of a deal they're supposed to be.
linkjames24 chapter 61 . 1/4
Yay! Apathy! Wait... No! Apathy! A belated Happy New Year, Coeur, and may your future be bountiful and not at all mess up your writing schedule. Thanks for the update! Finally, some action.
DBoblivion chapter 61 . 1/4
that raven convo had some great foreshadowing
SteelStevenson chapter 61 . 1/4
If you change the names in some of your works to original characters then you can publish them. Forged Destiny and Ars Arcanum are already fully written novels that I would buy.
SteelStevenson chapter 61 . 1/4
If you change the names in some of your works to original characters then you can publish them. Forged Destiny and Ars Arcanum are already fully written novels that I would buy.
merendinoemiliano chapter 61 . 1/4
Cool job. Happy new year
Hero of the Multiverse chapter 61 . 1/4
Well, shit...fucking Apathy, of all things...
Ushio chapter 61 . 1/4
Using Apathy is a great choice! dangerous but shown to be easy to transport and their depression effect could cause guards to make mistakes.
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