Reviews for Wise as an Old Qrow
Arcangel Guerrero chapter 64 . 1/25
Astuto, muy astuto, y paciente pero supongo que cuando el único juego que juegos es el de largo plazo las cosas tienden a estar relacionadas entre generaciones, perdieron las batallas de su generación sin siquiera darse cuenta de ello y fue la siguiente la que casi perdió la guerra por ello.
Hasta la próxima
Wild card in the deck chapter 64 . 1/25
…so as far as Ozpin doing anything about the tribe, didn’t he already do that like, a while ago in the story? I actually looked it up; it’s at the end of ch 24, with him calling up Leonardo to have some huntsmen he dispatched to take the tribe down for good. And considering Leonardo shouldn’t be a traitor yet, unless your plans have changed for the plot or something (and you plan to use the tribe in the story later), did you (understandably) forget about it?
daccu65 chapter 64 . 1/25
So, Qrow is outing himself, putting in more thought, and from more experience, than a teen should have. He's also put a target on himself; there are going to be those in Atlas who are going to take a fall because of this, and a couple of who thinks too much and another with a hair-trigger temper, will make for good targets for their blame.

Finally, I think it's becoming obvious that his nieces aren't going to be the same people as his earlier go around. Raven isn't just in denial, she honestly has no romantic interest in Tai. How long before he gives up and sets his attention on someone else? How about Summer? Is she going to lose her crush on Qrow or will he eventually cave in? Willow? Gretchen? Will they eventually find someone and if so, will there be a different form of Ruby and Yang?
StrangestQuark chapter 64 . 1/25
Really cool to see just how much of the setup for the events of RWBY's canon timeline are intentional sabotage by Salem in this. Makes the Salem-Ozma fight feel more like the whole metaphorical chess match it's supposed to be then the barely concealed slugfest the conflict was in the show.
FatedWait chapter 64 . 1/25
Nice chap
FishEyes101 chapter 64 . 1/25
If i have one critique it would be that Qrow doesnt have his own experiences. Everything he talks about is from the show. We know he spent years working for Ozpin. He should know more details about Salems activitiesstuff that happened before the show.
Ultimatrix bearer chapter 63 . 1/23
Was not expecting a side Quest while they were still recovering.

PasiveNox chapter 63 . 1/22
Thanks for the nice chapter
Super98 chapter 63 . 1/21
Some1call4MR-E chapter 63 . 1/19
So then, I'VE FINALLY FINSHED my relative journey, only to now wait for the next update!

I get distracted, sue me!

I've seen the response note on 59 and on this one too, yay~ I don't have to explain anything this time!

The most well known, of those damn BOT'S is called ZoyeZest, and I've literally seen THAT one,
going all the way back to, Late July, early August of last year, followed by~

I've honestly lost count on how many bot's there are now, *sigh*

But hooray, I'm not alone in the knowledge of them anymore!

(T_T) (teary face, of joy, emote) (T_T)
Guest chapter 63 . 1/18
Trivia.. Keep in mind Opzin Stated New Students Stay im Their Team Together For 4 Years..

So I take it that it would take four years to graduate beacon academy...

Looking back in the audio chapters , it's clear that the brawan Tribe Got Destroyed.

Plus Raven Is ironically a bit Similar tl Yang . Lol.. But based on the how She Handled The Apathy Shows She Probably channel her emotions To Overcome The Apathy Grimm.. I'm pretty sure she would probably flash back to that moment and make a Connection.

Tyrian is Implied To Be Mid to Late 30's ..So Tyrian Would A Little Bit Younger Then...No More then 5 Years Younger Then Qrow

It Would be Funny if Qrow Befriemded And Recruit Tyrian.. I heard that he was a deranged a serial killer Before Salem Saved amd Recruited Him.

Tyrian Would Still Be Young Teenager if Qrow Encounters him
RedNephilim chapter 63 . 1/20
Split up and search for clues.
Guest chapter 63 . 1/18
Hm. Politics. Atlas wants to save face and throw Qrow under the bus; Ozpin wants him to not be around for that.

A mystery to solve!
Guest chapter 63 . 1/18
An AU where Salem uses apathy instead of beowolves as her primary offensive force against everyone on remnant would be prime horror material.

Also, are you implying with those long-term side-effects of the apathy on the brain that team RWBY's encounter with them in V6 is the real reason why they all went off the deep end for the rest of the canon timeline and destroyed Atlas?
Of the Worst 3 chapter 63 . 1/18
I love democracy, quoth the Palpatine.

Good chapter!
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