Reviews for Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate
Story341 chapter 2 . 10/5/2024
That seems to be the most plausible theory for Dumbledore's actions that I've read anywhere.
Guest chapter 54 . 8/28/2023
Good story, but incomplete at Chapter 54...
jar chapter 16 . 4/21/2023
Everything seems to be conveniently going harrys way, how about a little resistance?
Guest chapter 23 . 9/27/2022
A wonderful trick for Dumbledore/Erised.
Guest chapter 15 . 9/27/2022
More uncapped bold.
Guest chapter 14 . 9/27/2022
Another uncapped bold in the middle.
Guest chapter 13 . 9/27/2022
You got an uncooked bold in the middle here.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/26/2022
I doubt you’ll see this- I found it through hearing of its abandonment.
But this was a neat explanation of Legilimency and the idea of a “quest” is neat mix of question and vision quest.
Epicboss67 chapter 54 . 10/24/2021
First of all, thank you so much for writing this amazing story, even though it is next to certain you won't continue writing it again after 17 years. Thankfully, the wasn't any major cliffhangers, so we all can definitely be thankful for that. I hope that you at some point will at least read my review, just so you know how talented of a writer you are. Thanks again for a most enjoyable experience and have a great day!
Epicboss67 chapter 48 . 10/23/2021
Wow, that was a very emotional letter, I actually feel for what Ron is going through now, it makes a lot more sense.
Epicboss67 chapter 47 . 10/23/2021
Oh my God, the ending of this chapter was amazing. I've only seen one or two fics where the fact that there even is a prophecy is widely known, and even though I am close to the end of them book, I'm glad that this is one now.
Epicboss67 chapter 39 . 10/21/2021
Seeing Andromeda Tonks act like Luna is so funny, I've never seen someone do that haha
Guest chapter 3 . 9/18/2021
This story has a lot of potential for me to read but so far i notice theres too much needless detail that doesnt do anything for the plot or character/relationship development. Kinda like reading a definition out of a dictionary.
Jimbocous chapter 52 . 10/20/2020
Truly exquisite story. So sorry it didn't continue! Thanks for a great read as far as it went!
Guest chapter 54 . 9/14/2020
This is an absolute masterwork. Every character is elevated in quality and personality yet you never seem to deviate from Rowlings intentions for them. I feel like you understood them better than she did. the plot points are well foreshadowed and given proper explanation. i especially love you interpretations of details that seem completely unimportant in the original material; it gives the world so much more depth. you seem to have such a keen understanding for the world to the point that this work does not come off as even remotely dated. its as if you had independently come to the same conclusions the entire fandom has spent years to discover and agree on all before the last two books even came out, not to mention the fact that it is in these two books we receive a great deal of explanation. the whole novel seems so original; which might i add is something extremely difficult to maintain on this website. its so well understood, though-out and presented. i honestly cant sing your praises enough as you may have guessed by this wall of text. I sincerely hope that you finish this work or at the very least tell us what your plans for it were. I dont think ive ever read anything this great and i feel like ill never be able to enjoy HP fanfiction ever again lol
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