Reviews for Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate
Amanda Sidney chapter 8 . 7/23/2003
When are we going to hear the in depth story of Harry polishing his wand? Or do I have to write that?

Maybe this is just me, and if it is, you can slap me next time I see you, but some of the sentences in here are run-on. I still like it, but shortening them or making them into two separate sentences could be beneficial. But if you disagree with me, more power to you. It's your fic, write it how it needs to be written. I'll just check the spelling. :)

Love ya,

Arya1 chapter 7 . 7/22/2003
Stupid HTML conversions -I cannot tellyou how many times this chapter had to be reuploaded and redone to try to account for all the HTML/MS Word miscommunications. Arrgh!
warbl365 chapter 7 . 7/22/2003
This is great story i can't wait to read what happens next i mean this is really good.

lol polishing wands
Kathleen chapter 7 . 7/22/2003
I like the story. You gave a very good rational for having Petunia buy him anything; it was very in character. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
feh chapter 6 . 7/21/2003
HA! oh that bit with Tonks at the end was hell-fricking-arious

"don't go losing a buttock now, they make a charming little pair"

LMAO! oh man.

i think that tonks/harry is a good idea, after all she can change her molecular buildup. sure would make sex interesting
Amanda Sidney chapter 7 . 7/21/2003
Go, Harry, go! It would be worth two years of potions just to annoy the hell out of Snape, run your fingers through that hair, stare at that voluptuous ass... sorry, back to reviewing...

Nice snippet about Ron... "That sucks, mate." I could hear the little dork saying that.

A voice in his head sounding like Fred and George... I need one of those, but can we make it Sev's voice... that dark, sexy, rich...

I have to go polish my wand.

Love from

Your Beta
shdurrani chapter 6 . 7/21/2003
just out of humorous curiosity...are you aiming for a Harry/Tonks story. let me know.

Till next time.

shdurrani chapter 7 . 7/21/2003
This is really good keep up the great work

till next time

He Who Hunts chapter 7 . 7/21/2003
It's so nice to find an author who doesn't think anything less than a praising review is a declaration of war and who can back her/his story up! Here, have an imaginary cookie.

As for Tonks hitting on Harry, well... I laughed for a few minutes, but now I'm fairly sure that it's going to give me nightmares. :)

Anyway, like I said, it's the best Harry Potter story I've seen.
He Who Hunts chapter 1 . 7/20/2003
I believe Dumbledore cast the Fidelius Charm himself and the he founded the Order specifically to fight Voldemort, but this is relatively obscure knowledge and bigger errors have been made in the movies, I don't really care that much.

Keep up the good work.
BoltLightning chapter 5 . 7/20/2003
This is a good chapter. When will Harry begin his training and what else will he learn? Is Dumbledore a serogate father? Please update soon.
fanficaholic1377 chapter 4 . 7/17/2003
Oh... good chapter! I hope you update very, very soon!
Amanda Sidney chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
Good! Finally, some Assertive! Harry. Don't leave that room until he answers all of your damned questions!

I'm still brassed off at the fact that my Puppykins is dead... but the ceremonies and the explanations are a nice touch. ;)

And where in the hell does Lupin think he's going? Drag his wolf butt back in here! He needs to hear this, too, doesn't he?


Amanda Sidney chapter 3 . 7/16/2003
I wanna see Ferret Boy's face as well when Harry pulls that stunt on him. "Do you feel lucky, punk?" Hee hee hee!

As for that letter about Pansy & Draco losing their prefect status, the strangest thing happened a few days ago... I got a letter from Professor Snape enstating me as the next Slytherin prefect! Woohoo! (Although he also requested that I stop staring at his arse and questioning him about what he wears under those robes...)

I like Fawkes talking to Hedwig. Do I smell some hot bird lovin'? :)

Love ya!

Amanda Sidney chapter 2 . 7/16/2003
*Squeal!* I love that line in the last chapter about Harry's "used to be white-ish shirt." Just like Snape's underpants. LOL! Baby, you know what I like!

Are we gonna see more Smart Ass! Harry and maybe some Manipulative! Dumbledore? And more Lupin... I need more of my remaining Puppykins.

May I borrow your copy of "So There's A Dark Lord After You and You're Not Quite Ready To Die Yet?" My copy's all battered.
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