Reviews for Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate
Amanda Sidney chapter 1 . 7/16/2003
Happy, happy, happy!

Girl, I love your fic! I've already told ya all of that, but I need to leave a review singing your praises.

Thank you for not making Harry an idiot... Thank you for making him ask questions and even letting him be a smart ass in the process.

And there'd better be slash. :)

Love ya!

fanficaholic1377 chapter 3 . 7/16/2003
And the amazing chapters keep on coming! I absolutely love this fic; your writing is so great!

I think Hermione's letter to Harry was very original, it wasn't like anything I've seen before. (Which is a good thing.)
fanficaholic1377 chapter 2 . 7/16/2003
Another great chapter! I love the very last paragraph where Lupin talks about how the past is in the past, and the "So There's a Dark Lord After You and You're Not Ready to Die Yet" I think it's so funny!
fanficaholic1377 chapter 1 . 7/16/2003
I really like where this fic is going so far. Your writing is great, and I can understand every bit of it. Now, onto chapter 2!
He Who Hunts chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
I don't know if it's the best Harry Potter fanfic out there, but I do know that it's the best that I've seen.

A few quotes here and there need their own paragraphs, but that's about it.

Keep up the good work! I'll beg if I have to!
Show1022 chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
Very nice start. Quite the little cliff hanger at the end there.

The plot is very good so far, you seem to have gotten the right mix of anger and sadness that I could see JK herself doing. Most other writers have Harry moping about and crying constanly which I don't see happening in cannon at all. Yours though I can see.

I must say that I hope you keep the romance if any to a very minimum, simply because it's nice to read a story where teen romantic angst is not the words of the day. If you do have some romance, an unsual pariing would be nice (err..I don't mean slash, can't stand that).

You also seem to have something up with Snape. Maybe I am reading it wrong but it seems Snape has another agenda. This fits perfectly well with what JK herself has said in an interview "Watch out for Snape, he was and is not a goody goody". As of yet you haven't included Malfoy, but I hope you continue in JK's vein of thought. Apparently, Malfoy is going to die or remain evil to the core. When asked in an interview her reply was "You are all getting way to fond of Malfoy, way to fond of the way Tom Felton plays him". So you can see why people have said that he will either die or remain evil.

Lastly, I have no idea why I just wrote all that stuff, I suppose I got on a roll. At any rate, put you in favorites, and I hope you update soon.

BoltLightning chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
This is a great story. What will Dumbledore say now that Harry has confronted him about the lie that he told the order and why does the old man trust Snape so much? Can't wait for the next chapter.
B0B chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
This story is awesome. I hope you date soon.
Facade1 chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
Harry's wand fits for the 'Celebration thing. You're going to use that, aen't you. Anyway I'm loving the story, please continue!
Rei chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
I like it. What makes me wonder is, Harry's wand is made of phoenix feather and holly ain't it?
Lindee chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
I would like to congradulate you on making a story, with letters that aren't two words long. So far this has been an excellent story, and not to change a thing.
JT chapter 4 . 7/16/2003
What a great Story so far!you've got me hooked!im not gonna be able to sleep till you finish it!give me more and soon!
Star Mage1 chapter 3 . 7/15/2003
You are doing a great job and I think your story is great.
Facade1 chapter 2 . 7/15/2003
I love your dry humor Harry. Please update soon.
bob chapter 2 . 7/15/2003
this is good so far. The writeing isnt confusing and you do have a plot.
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