Reviews for Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate
Guest chapter 23 . 3/30/2017
So much detail in docs are a chore to read, but not this one because how well written everything is ! This story should have 10k reviews and title of #1 h hr fix and I do believe it comes along with a sticking charm bcuz I haven't been able to put it down
Guest chapter 22 . 3/30/2017
What an amazing beautiful story I haven't skipped a single word, you write hp uni so natural it feels like I'm in it
Guest chapter 21 . 3/30/2017
Oh god,I just love the way you portray hermione all this time, and I am looking forward to seeing how Krum affects h hr I love... LOVE this brilliant story
Guest chapter 17 . 3/30/2017
I'd have reviewed every single chapter of this once in a lifetime story but I've been reading it on mobile and I really hate typing on phone! but seeing as you have 2k reviews I thought it was okay, and believe it or not, I just realized this diamond is 500k worded, holy! you have no idea how happy this makes someone who has been starved of quality h/hr fics that they would starting to lose hope that they would ever find another quality one. So I just want to thank you, I hope you are taking care and living happy, thank you for this gift :)
Guest chapter 20 . 3/30/2017
And , yes! Hog warts! So many interesting happenings and possibilities, we made it
Guest chapter 20 . 3/29/2017
Holy smokes, that was hot, and you still imo manage to keep their tendencies and wat not in tact thru the entire process, how lovely
Guest chapter 19 . 3/29/2017
Super!harry done right :) if there was ever a cliche I didn't mind it is this one, and when it's done correctly and with actual progression I really like, brilliant
Guest chapter 18 . 3/29/2017
lol Arthur wanting to know what muggles use for protection What a wonderfully written story, I've not read such in tune portrayals of characters in any fix like this one. Usually all I care about are the two, but you are really talented in naturally portraying each person in hp uni
Guest chapter 14 . 3/27/2017
Omg what an amazing story, amazing!
Guest chapter 13 . 3/27/2017
This is an in depth absolute quality story, something I've been searching for quite a while, ty
Pathseekerme chapter 54 . 1/29/2017
You did an AWESOME job writing this whole 54chapters! I really like reading your work because I like to watch Rickman movies in my head! He is such a wonderful, conflicted character! I love the way this Harry and Hermione continued to grow during your story; some writers start them off at a certain level of maturity and then they never change. I love your writing! Thanks for writing this!
Jestrbob chapter 54 . 9/24/2016
More please!
Jestrbob chapter 49 . 9/23/2016
I have looked for the Yahoo group for several days? Is it invite only now?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
In 15 Days, it will have been 12 years since the last up and there is no way to contact the Author of this Story or find what has happened to them and the story.

So there isn't a way to ask if this will be continued or if One can continue it themselves by adopting it, I think if someone wants to adopt this, they should just do it.

I know people will say thats stealing or you have to ask for permission from the author but in cases like these where there are people stilling reviewing, asking and wanting an update, the author is impossible to Contact and has left nothing for those reading it and all of this over a Decade later.

It should be allowed and of course this author should be credited at the start/end of each chapter and in the Bio, if someone takes this story up, but I say for those that love this story, they should adopt it and continue it from where it left off or at least write their own version of it.

I am aware many people will disagree with me, but I consider it greatly upsetting and somewhat insulting when Authors leave those that have read, followed, favourited and Reviewed their story and then just leave with nothing (No goodbye or saying that they are leaving fanfiction/writing and that their sorry), making it seem as though they will come back someday and continue, it also makes it look like they don't care about their readers, who you do have an obligation to by the way, which yet again many would disagree with me and my opinion, but you do have a obligation whether your a Fanfiction writer, a Book writer or a Movie writer, you can't just leave your Readers/Fans with no explanation...Nothing at all.

I say someone should adopt this story and continue where this Author left it or at least adopt its ideas and plot and make them in to its own story, or at least I hope someone will.
Saddened Reader chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
In 15 Days, it will have been 12 years since the last up and there is no way to contact the Author of this Story or find what has happened them or the story.

So there isn't a way to ask if this will be continued or if One can continue it themselves by adopting it, I think if someone wants to adopt this, they should just do it.

I know people will say thats stealing or you have to ask for permission from the author but in cases like these where there are people stilling reviewing, asking and wanting an update, the author is impossible to Contact and has left nothing for those reading it to know what has/is happening and all of this over a Decade later.

It should be allowed and of course this author should be credited in the start of each chapter and in the Bio, if someone takes this story up, but I say for those that love this story, they should adopt it and continue it from where it left off or at least write their own version of it.

I am aware many people will disagree with me, but I consider it greatly upsetting and somewhat insulting when Authors leave those that have read, followed, favourited and Reviewed their story and then just leave with nothing (No goodbye or saying that they are leaving fanfiction/writing and that their sorry), making it seem as though they will come back someday and continue, it also makes it look like they don't care about their readers, who you do have an obligation to by the way, which yet again many would disagree with me and my opinion, but you do habe an obligation whether your a Fanfiction writer, a Book writer or a Movie writer, you can't just leave your Readers/Fans with no explanation...Nothing at all.

I say someone should adopt this story and continue where this Author left it or at least adopt its ideas and plot and make them in to its own story, I hope someone does at least.
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