Reviews for Things Space Marines are No Longer Allowed to Do
THAT Brother chapter 12 . 9/11
*sees rule 591*

What sick frakker does that, who do you think we are Supreme Overlord; commissars? They are clearly our emotional support guardsmen.
lordofthenight97 chapter 12 . 9/12
Under no circumstances is anyone to set up a speed dating event between us, the Tau, and the Eldar
the metaphysical god of heroes chapter 12 . 9/12
Remember addendum to rule 586: plan A calls for a melta bomb, plan b is not to use two melta bombs (the codex astartes does not approve of that action) but instead to call in an artillery barrage upon it... And remember plan c is only to be used once ALL friendly units are out of range... Orbital strikes do not remove grid squares they remove postal codes!
Dragon Blaze-X chapter 12 . 9/11
KINGTIGERACE chapter 5 . 9/6
202 and 203 seem reasonable no idea why they are forbidden
the metaphysical god of heroes chapter 11 . 8/27
Of course the emperor is not karl Franz, karl Franz is someone who the emperor ASPIRED to be... And failed miserably every step of the way LMAO
Krieger Techpreist chapter 11 . 8/27
What the fuck happended with 533?

534 is a dissapointment.

543, ignore it, do the funny warp fuckery.
Dragon Blaze-X chapter 11 . 8/27
LoyalOrange chapter 10 . 8/26
Not longer allowed to make prank call any Craftworld asking for eldar hooker
Not longer allowed to call Trajann Valoris "Kitten"
The Librarian are no longer allowed to try to make alcohol out of Deamons innard
And if they do you are no longer allowed to drink it
No longer allowed to ask two Tesseract Labyrinth from Trazyn the Infinite to have a pokemon battle
No longer allowed to go to Cegorath Stand Up Night after recieving a ticket for it, that usualy make you the joke
No longer allowed to convince the PDF and/or Arbites that Genestealer are xeno that steal jeans
Memes are not the DNA of the Soul
No longer allowed to ask the Ultramarine why their symbol is a toilet seat
No longer allowed to challenge Noise Marines to a Rock-off
No longer allowed to turn of the Gellar Field while in the warp because you are bored
Or for any other reason
Techmarines are no longer allowed to have Servo Arm arm wrestling competition
No longer allowed to grow Ork to have Orkoid pokemon battles
THAT Brother chapter 10 . 8/19
*rule 494: exists*

Hey someone tell the Chief Librarian that these astartes grade edibles aint shiiiiiiiii….
Krieger Techpreist chapter 2 . 7/2
Yeah, the Lamenters need all the hugs.
Slender Guy ACE chapter 10 . 6/11
No longer allowed to work with doctor Jack Bright,no just no
the metaphysical god of heroes chapter 10 . 5/30
mariobadia17 chapter 10 . 5/30
No you're NOT Virgil so please stop stealing plastic chair's and no, you're not the storm that is approaching
ex555 chapter 10 . 5/26
about the rules 490 ... it was obviously this chapter had found the friendly men of iron that can help them out so ...yeah...
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