Reviews for The Power He Knows Not
Selenity84 chapter 2 . 1/4
lol Voldemort's own stupidity cost him dearly.
Great chapter 2 . 11/2/2024
Awesome and gives a giddy feeling! Especially love how everything got solved by the accidental mass poisoning. Looking forward to more!
Bronze chapter 2 . 10/6/2024
Honestly, have you ever read Make a Wish? In that Harry's blood is incredibly toxic as well. Some dimwitted assassin gets it in himself and dies. My favorite line from that series is, " I'm just a guy on vacation. " If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. Anyhoo, I absolutely believe Harry is right about Fudge and the unmarked Death Eaters coming after him if it became known how Vulturewurst died. I'm surprised Good Ole Fumblemort didn't insist that Harry return to the Dursley's even though Oldy Moldy Voldy is dead. After all, in canon even knowing the Moldy Voldy had taken Harry's blood for his return ritual he still forced Harry to return to those useless wastes of Oxygen! As to the Potion to resurrect the Dork Lard, supposedly in canon Snape is said to've said that mixing the wrong ingredients can cause an explosion. Now, if we take that at its face value, why didn't that potion react to ALL the wrong ingredients? If I'm right and Wormtail DID drop his hand after cutting it off on the ground before dropping it into the caldron, then why didn't it react? After all, Harry's blood had Basilisk venom and Phoenix tears in it and Wormtail's hand would've had grass or dirt or even both on it. So, why no Earth-shattering Ka-Boom? However, I do very much like what you had Harry do in this fic. Though, I'll never understand why Harry stuck around for FIVE years at that death trap of a supposed school! After two it really should've been Calgon Take Me Away! And leave Good Ole Fumblemort and the other so-called adults to clean up their own mess. It's not like in those five years they taught Harry anything he really needed to save his own life against Death Eaters. There's a fic called The Irish School where after first year Harry enrolls in a school in Irland that runs year-round, and which Good Ole Fumblemort can't find. I thought it was quite funny. Thanks again for a wonderful fic. Though I think I may've read it before. I just can't shake the feeling that I read this some years ago. But still a damn good fic.
Kai chapter 2 . 9/6/2024
And the best thing is: nobody can claim the Imperius again, I mean, in defence of their deceased "friends". The were on the way to Riddle's resurrection site and there was no dark lord available to put them under at their (two dozen different) houses all over the country. Every single one took robes and masks and tried to attend their owner of their own free will.
Kai chapter 1 . 9/6/2024
Sad thing is, Harry HAS to go to the hospital wing on his own. Several times Dumbledore held him for interrogation in the books, when medical treatment would've been a lot more appropriate. On the other hand, that's what the story starts with. Paraphrased: "Albus, the child is injured!" "Pfft, so what? I have a pretty scar on my knee, wanna see? No, the brat doesn't deserve medical treatment!" That's the second chapter of the first book, and told me everything about Dumbledore I would ever need to know. Even though, I admit, I didn't really notice the monstrosity of that interaction on the first read-through. But once I did I eagerly jumped on the Dumble-bashing bandwagon. Because the books deliver a lot more material like that.
akj chapter 2 . 8/30/2024
Great story. I loved it.
serialkeller chapter 2 . 8/25/2024
Nice short story, thanks for writing!
J chapter 2 . 8/17/2024
But wouldn't Harry have to prove his word under Veritaserum? In which case he'd be proven to be lying?

And if he blamed it on the mark, why did he have to send the DE's home, they could have died upon arrival to the Graveyard.

Well, if Dumbledore had been willing to kill the DE's in combat, far fewer wizards and witches would have died (as their victims) in the long run. So the way to save more was to take out a few, cut out the rot as it were. He didn't do that, trying to get murderers to repent rather than trying to stop them killing again, so all their victims deaths are on him.

Good concept, but the Phoenix tears healed him fully in canon didn't they? Otherwise they wouldn't be called a 'cure'.

So did the DE's never actually get outed as DE's to the public? Or did the people learn?
peggy77 chapter 2 . 8/1/2024
This was great, I really enjoyed it!
littleditto chapter 2 . 7/25/2024
This is great
Love2read23 chapter 2 . 7/8/2024
Absolutely brilliant! It's crazy that the baslisk venom in Harry's blood has such an effect. Major props to Harry for the connection spell. And I love that Harry used the Death Eaters' money to better the government and Hogwarts. And yay for Harry being a healer and not an auror. I always thought auror was a weird career choice after having to fight Voldie his who adolescence. I figured Harry would be tired of fighting dark wizards.
Thank you for writing.
BillBrink chapter 2 . 7/7/2024
How could everyone miss this? It's so simple. Thanks for sharing.
Naruto30 chapter 2 . 7/6/2024
U write such excellent stories. Hope u keep writing like this
Wingardy Levily chapter 2 . 7/3/2024
English isn’t my first language, so I’m sorry for the poor review I’m leaving, but I loved this story ! It was amazing, even if I am a Ron’s fan (but JKR doesn’t help us to love him if I can be honest).
Thank you, I discovered your work with the French translation of Redirection, by Harry Sterek 1968.
Bye :)
ak chapter 2 . 6/29/2024
bonne fic!
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