Reviews for His Angel
tomas.yanezverdugo14 chapter 2 . 1/3
Hola, quizás sea un poco tarde, pero me alegro que hayas podido continuar con este fanfic, me sorprendió ver que este fanfic lo hayas reescrito ya que ya me había resignado que a que nunca se continuará, es por eso que me alegra que la continúes, espero con ansias el siguiente cap
Child of eris chapter 2 . 12/16/2024
Great story I remember reading the original this one is honestly better because I feel like this has kept a lot closer to Raynare’s canon character I can’t wait for the next chapter also please ignore the troll below this comment I literally checked the profile and they’ve never written a thing on this website
FlawedBauthor chapter 2 . 12/15/2024
Wow, this is terrible. Maybe stay away from writing forever.
Daserr chapter 2 . 12/3/2024
Well, it's my first time reading this. Absolutlely cinema Roger... kkk
Gimmie moreeeeeeee
Mememan13579 chapter 1 . 11/24/2024
Holy shit man I remember reading the old version of this fanfic back when it first came out in eighth grade. Holyyyyyy shit bro I've read so much fanfiction in my life but never before have I felt obligated to actually write a review. I've been following your work for a while and your stories are actually heart moving. I'm loving the vibe of the characters in this rework, keep up the great work man.
Cyrannus chapter 2 . 10/14/2024
I will say this is so far an improvement over the original version, whichwhile goodfelt a little ooc at times, though it was necessary given the nature of the characters involved.
This, however? Much more in line with Raynare's canon personality (what little we see before she was slain). Look forward to chapter 3.
ZoyeZest chapter 1 . 10/8/2024
Hi ,

I just finished reading your story, His Angel, and I wanted to reach out because it really touched a chord in me. Your characters and world hold great potential for visual storytelling, and I would be more than happy to see your narrative transform into a visual comic.

Why I'm Reaching Out
I'm an enthusiastic artist adaptation-oriented from written works into visual comics, and your story stood out for me in terms of richness in character development and the clever way you weaves emotion into every scene. Your deep characters and vivid imagery of their world hold incredible potential for a visual storytelling adaptation. I feel that with the right visual treatment, your story can engage a wider audience and set an immersive experience for your readers.

A Little About Me
My artist name is "ZoyeZest," and I admire stories that speak at a visual level. I've worked with numerous authors on a commission basis to turn their stories into comics, capturing the feel of their stories while giving another dimension to the telling. My work is fueled by one simple passion: bringing stories to life in visual form. And I am dedicated to making sure your vision comes to life in a way that will strike a chord with your audience.

Let's Talk
I'd love to flesh out this idea with you some more and get some of your thoughts. Whether it's a full adaptation or just wanting to see some ideas, I'm here to collaborate and make sure that it is your vision at the very front. Since this would be on a commissioned basis, I can also give you more information on my pricing and what this process would look like.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance for considering this collaboration.

My Socials
Discord: baran59354
Insta : baran59354
Tumblr : ZoyeZest
Reddit : ZoyeZest
Email :

Best regards,
wizardhunter76 chapter 2 . 9/29/2024
Yo dude amazing chapter! I love the ways you’ve changed and updated from the old version. Personally, the older version is also a gem, but it’s much tamer and less like the actual characters, but there’s a beauty to it too. I love that Raynare is more realistic, and the added twist of Mittelt being an actual “fallen” angel is so interesting. Personally while watching the actual anime, I always felt like Dohnaseek was one of the more powerful of the 4, probably just below Raynare, but I like that Mittelt is getting some attention. I don’t see it in many fanfics. I love the OC’s too, and I’m trying to rack my brain for who Maria is. I’m in your discord so I keep up with the life updates and stuff, so I hope your health and school are going well. I can’t wait for more chapters, keep up the amazing work!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/27/2024
Excellent, I can’t wait for the next chapter
Tenebrionidae chapter 2 . 9/27/2024
Good stuff. Really appreciated keeping true to Raynare's craving for validation and it going at odds with her superiority. You've really gotten her down pat.

If I had to guess regarding Maria's true identity, I'd say Mary Magdeline (The Virgin Mary feels a little too obvious), Shekinah, or a gnostic figure like Sophia.

I totally get the feeling, reviews are an insane confidence booster (when it's not a weirdo making gross requests, or a PM trying to get you to write their Fate/DXD OP OC harem "idea." HATE those. I don't even know what Fate is!) Anyways, major respect for that rant in the authors notes.
Srsvsil chapter 2 . 9/22/2024
Dude it's good to have you back. Seeing this fic from you gave a wave of nostalgia.
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 2 . 9/21/2024
I am loving the potential here!
Missmatch21 chapter 2 . 9/19/2024
I want relapsing lobotomy addict on a T-shirt immediately.

Great chapter, liking the characterisation of Raynare a lot, seems to fit much more with her in universe self and creates opportunities for some very fun encounters especially with Issei when he's stoned.
PoofyOhio chapter 2 . 9/18/2024
XRavenXKnightX chapter 2 . 9/18/2024
i'm a limp-dicked hypocrite that's never seen a woman in real life other than my mother who keeps trying to get me to get a job and move out of the basement. no mom, whining over some guy's version of pixels on a screen is a much better use of my time than actually contributing to society, can you venmo me 60 dollars so i can buy a 1 month sub to an ai chatbot that lets me fuck any fictional woman i want
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