Reviews for In Violent Times
Team Shadow chapter 12 . 8h
What a …. Role to force a child into. No wonder she’s so bitter about the whole thing…
Im a little confused at what she stumbled upon at the end of the intro but…I wonder if she’s runaway to more of the same thing…idk…curious what pregames will bring for her…

Seek out a volunteer one day for the poetry of it all is so tragic of him dhfgjk
Hes such a slut
A photographer eh?
His philosophy about chasing abstract perfection makes me think hes absolutely talking about himself and his goals…he’s always gonna want to chase the next best thing and never be satisfied w what he has…
Oh im gonna throw up. His masterpiece is a dead kid.
Oh theres some connection here with Scylla and Elyse

Okay wait
Whats wrong with her
Very researchy very…pragmatic?
In a soulless kind of way…
God this whole pov is so fucked up and shes literally fourteen
She isn’t upset just bothered…jesus fuck

Great chapter ama!
Team Shadow chapter 11 . 10h
Oh jeez this blew up immediately
I don’t blame Talia!
Damn this family dynamic ;withered;
Gah the mother haunting them both…this certainly wont come back to haunt Val in the Games!

Oh god this whole intro is fucked up
Manipulation to level three thousand.
Curious what happened in scyllas games…
Dude Elyse is so messed up im concerned for her…

Ohh a rebel
Well. Kinda. He doesn’t seem too bothered by the typical rebel stuff. More about not getting caught
God this family dynamic is also fucked up and really sad ;withered;
Brother…what happened to the brother ama…
Poor guy…
He’s in for a time and a half in the Games…

Great chapter!
Tyquavis chapter 12 . 12/8
Meriam-This is like…such an interesting take on a culty tribute. Throughout most of her section it was clear that she wanted nothing to do with any of the three factions. I’m very glad she found her own place away from the three groups and with people she’s familiar with. But we all know what’s com next and I absolutely hate you for doing this to Meriam ama like wtf. I like her a lot and I can’t wait to see more of her.

Apex-As a fellow photographer I thought I would love this guy, but he absolutely ruined his chances of me liking him with each line. Like he actually lacks any sort of respect and ethics? You literally photographed a guy’s last moments and death and you decided to make money off of it? There’s a line that you don’t cross as a photographer when it comes to photographing people without their consent and Apex has LEAPED over it. This guy is lowkey kind of a scumbag ngl. He doesn’t reach Mahra or Sutton levels of hate from me but he’s on thin fucking ice.

Viridia-This child scares me. She has the capability to kill large numbers of people and obviously will not bat an eye about it. She’s so detached from everything but I guess that’s what happens when you lock yourself away and work on creating super viruses. She’s definitely gonna get up to some shit in the arena and I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. Just stay away from my son and we’ll be good.

Mine: Patton
Love: Theon, Selah, Oren, Henley
Like: Eve, Apollo, Aia, Darling, Mirabeau, Sofian, Meriam
Neutral: Rill, Decker, Igor, Asha, Elyse
Ehhh: Snaedis, River, Val, Apex, Viridia
Omg plz stop breathing: Mahra, Sutton
Tyquavis chapter 11 . 12/6
Val-She reminds me a little bit of Apollo in the way she’s so blindly confident. Like go off girl your hubris definitely won’t contribute to your downfall! When has that ever happened? But on a more serious note, Val seems to be a bit more…volatile and reactive than Apollo based on how quickly her mood changed when Talia didn’t express the same level of excitement when she got the letter. I don’t see her getting on well with the other Careers. I can see Val and Apollo having a clash of egos and I think her immaturity will clash with Aia and Darling. Her whole world is gonna come crashing down and I’m ngl it’s gonna be pretty satisfying to watch.

Elyse-She seems a bit…rigid if I’m being honest. But also very intense which I don’t see often out of D4. Still I can see why she turned out that way. Adrien seems to put his “Chosen” through a lot of shit and she’s fallen right into that guy’s trap. Idk what that guy’s all about, but I don’t think he should have this much influence over teenagers. Like you’re a real scumbag for making Elyse go through pain management training and throwing her out into frigid ocean waters. Elyse also worries me bc she seems to be so desperate for approval and being so ready and willing to accept the bare minimum. I hope she realizes how much damage that’ll do before it’s too late, but I have my doubts.

Henley-He’s definitely my favorite out of these three! He seems to be the most “human” out of all the tributes we’ve met so far if that makes any sense. He very clearly has some rebellious opinions but is very hesitant to act on them which is totally valid given his circumstances. If I were in his situation I’d be constantly on edge too. Henley obviously cares deeply for his family and wants to protect them the best he can. But we all know where he’s going so might as well muster up the courage to actually rebel idk. Still, love him down.

Mine: Patton
Love: Theon, Selah, Oren, Henley
Like: Eve, Apollo, Aia, Darling, Mirabeau, Sofian
Neutral: Rill, Decker, Igor, Asha, Elyse
Ehhh: Snaedis, River, Val
Omg plz stop breathing: Mahra, Sutton
Tyquavis chapter 10 . 12/5
Asha-She’s a nice girl. A little brash and rough around the edges, but I can tell she’s well-intentioned. You gave little hints about her past throughout her POV and now I’m left with a lot of questions. Who’s Finn? Who’s Quinn? And what was the accident? Based on her hesitancy to talk about it with her dad I don’t imagine it’ll be easy to pry out of her, but I really hope to find out soon. Also her interaction with Ciara was sweet. There’s obviously some feelings there at least on Asha’s side.

Sofian-Something about a dumb little rat boy is so endearing to me lol. Like it’s okay bb I see you trying to be all cool and manly but you’re just a boy who doesn’t think things through and that’s also okay *nodding emoji*. Sofian does seem to have a bit of toughness about him given the fact that he literally sawed off two of his fingers but he still passed out so idk exactly how tough. I really don’t know how long he’ll last in the arena but I’ll definitely be enjoying him while he’s alive.

Sutton-OMG this guy is even more vile and disgusting than I thought he would be. Like honestly he gives off the most rancid vibes out of pretty much any tribute I’ve read in any syot. His delusional white savior complex is so sickening and not in the cvnty way. Like to be a white guy in a predominantly Black district calling its citizens “low-borns” reeks of eugenics. He’s so unbelievably prejudiced and bigoted and just all around a terrible person with literally zero potential for redemption. Like omg ama I hate him soooo much like you don’t even understand plz blow this guy to smithereens on his pedestal like I wanna see bits and pieces of him flying through the air but I also want him to stay alive long enough to feel the pain of being absolutely obliterated please ama do it for me.

Mine: Patton
Love: Theon, Selah, Oren
Like: Eve, Apollo, Aia, Darling, Mirabeau, Sofian
Neutral: Rill, Decker, Igor, Asha
Ehhh: Snaedis, River
Omg plz stop breathing: Mahra, Sutton
Tyquavis chapter 9 . 12/5
Oren-I really like this guy! He’s got a good head on his shoulders despite all the neglect he’s been through. I really feel for him too. Having to care for your siblings who are both little shits in their own ways because your parents can’t be bothered has really taken a toll on him. I can understand why he feels a lot of resentment and a longing for freedom and connection. I really wish he could find that, but he probably won’t given where he’s going.

Patton-You really knocked it out of the park with him! You really get a sense of just how much shit he’s been through in this section. From losing just about everyone he’s close to to being falsely accused of murder, Patton’s life honestly just really fucking sucks. It’s only right for him to be so bitter and jaded. The world has never been good to him, so why the fuck would he be anything but the worst possible version of himself? I really wish things could get better for Patton, but let’s be real knowing his luck things can and will get worse.

Mirabeau-I like her too! The first half of her POV was so bright and optimistic and I really got a good read on her character. She’s really just a girl who likes to have fun and I love that for her. Then the second half really brings everything back down. It seems like she may have lost her dad in the same way as Patton so they might have that in common. And like Oren, I pick up on a sense of duty within her given that she’s taken up her dad’s shoemaking job despite obviously not being very good at it. Overall I think she’s a really good character and I’m excited to see more of her.

Mine: Patton
Love: Theon, Selah, Oren
Like: Eve, Apollo, Aia, Darling, Mirabeau
Neutral: Rill, Decker, Igor
Ehhh: Snaedis, River
Omg plz stop breathing: Mahra
Tyquavis chapter 8 . 12/4
River-Ngl he’s a weirdo. Like I can see why no one came looking for you when you ran off into the woods. You’re weird as fuck! I’m sorry but to me River reads like a “I’m so edgy no one understands me” type of character which is sooo played out. I would tell you to touch grass but obviously that didn’t work so maybe like…try talking to people instead of just looking at them like you’re all mysterious and shit? Like yeah you’re weird anf off putting but so am I and that hasn’t stopped me. I hope River finds someone that’ll actually talk to him tho fr bc now he just isn’t all that appealing to me.

Darling-I lowkey like him lol. I thought he would be sooo pretentious and haughty but it’s actually kind of endearing with him. Like yeah he makes me roll my eyes when he says no one gives him enough of a challenge but the way he treats Miss Gabardine shows me he actually is actually capable of respecting others. As for who might actually give Darling a decent challenge I’m not sure I’ve met them yet but I’m sure it’ll be an interesting read. Can’t wait to see more of this guy.

Selah-Okay I really really like her. Something about a character that’s super tough and defies expectations. Like yeah all the guys at the fight club are grimy and gross but she beat their ass! She also fights to provide for her sister which is always great. I really like tough and hardened characters that still care deeply for their loved ones. She’s super bold and confident but not in a way that’s hard to digest if you know what I mean. Like she can actually back it up and that’s awesome. Love her down.

Mine: Patton
Love: Theon, Selah
Like: Eve, Apollo, Aia, Darling
Neutral: Rill, Decker, Igor
Ehhh: Snaedis, River
Omg plz stop breathing: Mahra
Tyquavis chapter 7 . 12/3
Apollo-Y’kow there was a time where I didn’t like characters like Apollo, but now I find myself smiling while reading these cocky mfs. Apollo’s so blissfully unaware of his own naïveté bc he’s so brainwashed. Like yes king you’re so talented and funny and cool but you are also oh so beautifully ignorant and you have no idea what’s coming. In my opinion characters like Apollo have the most potential to go through the biggest changes and I can’t wait to see how his arc progresses.

Aia-She’s iconic I fear. I love a character who forges their own path and defies expectations. Aia’s so detached from everything and everyone and honestly I love that for her. She definitely has the mindset required to be successful in the arena. Will she actually be successful is the question. Personally, I think she will be. The only problem I can see her running into is getting along with the other Careers which is unlikely but I doubt she cares lmao.

Igor-Bro gives early 2000s 4chan user vibes tbh. In all seriousness tho, he’s obviously pretty damn smart. But boy oh boy is he gonna go through energy drink withdrawals. I can relate to his feeling of not belonging in the real world but idk maybe locking yourself away isn’t the best idea. Like maybe try touching grass? Idk tho I feel like I’m being too hard on him lol he’s ight.

Mine: Patton
Love: Theon
Like: Eve, Apollo, Aia
Neutral: Rill, Decker, Igor
Ehhh: Snaedis
Omg plz stop breathing: Mahra
Tyquavis chapter 6 . 12/2
Theon-He’s just a normal guy with normal guy problems. I have a bit of a soft spot for these types of characters bc I’ve submitted so many normies to SYOTs. Like yeah reading about murderers and witches and gang members is cool and all but sometimes you just need someone who is just some guy to keep everything grounded. Characters like Theon can still be interesting! I picked up on a lot of secretiveness from Theon and I’m super interested to see what he does.

Mahra-Uhhh I do not like her lol. Like she takes being a bootlicker to the absolute extreme. And she’s so self-righteous and has such a terrible superiority complex like I can’t stand her omgggg. Like okay we get it you think you’re better than everyone. And she’s so stuck up like ughhh. I really need to stop before I get too mad ama pls absolutely destroy her.

Decker-Ummm so is this a masochist bc he certainly gives off those vibes. I’m assuming he’s terminally ill just based on the first section of his POV. He seems to be super charismatic and captivating which could serve him well. Idk how well tho bc bb you’re literally already dying. He obviously had a terrible childhood and inflicts pain on himself to feel like he’s in control. Which also leads me to believe he’s volunteering for the Games which honestly good for him. Way to go out on your own terms.

Mine: Patton
Love: Theon
Like: Eve
Neutral: Rill, Decker
Ehhh: Snaedis
Omg plz stop breathing: Mahra
Tyquavis chapter 5 . 12/2
Eve-She’s very charming and I really like that. I found myself really engaged with her as a character which is a testament to your writing as well. The highlight of Eve’s POV for me was their interaction with Oren. I picked up on a longing for connection from Eve, especially towards the end. She really intrigues me and I’m looking forward to getting to see more of her.

Snaedis-Okay so she’s a little…unsettling to say the least. Like I was reading her second and something in my mind kept telling me to be very wary of her. Like I totally understand wanting to get rid of some like Loomer bc he seems like a total dick but damn! She really hexed him out of existence and that’s kinda crazy ngl. And the way she’s justifying it…kinda makes me think you’d hex anyone you don’t like idk.

Rill-The first half of their section had me so hopeful that I forgot I was in Panem and this is the Hunger Games and nothing good ever lasts! “It was an accident” and my entire perception of Rill came to a screeching halt. Like wdym it was an accident? How do you fuck up that bad? And then them being too scared to own up to it bc they’re afraid of losing everyone else that ever bee
n nice to them like wtf. Tbh overall I’m so conflicted on what to think about Rill.

Mine: Patton
Like: Eve
Neutral: Rill
Ehhh: Snaedis
Omg plz stop breathing:
dyloccupy chapter 11 . 11/24
you’ve done such a great job with intros ama! fantastic work letting us get a window into the lives of all these kids before you destroy them.

val - girl lover…yay! they’re so cute besides the impending doom. val please listen to your girlfriend bc i fear that you’re in for a very rude awakening my dear. like so far she gives first career death vibes. mommy issues? well shit. this letter is crazy lol. fuck her dad though fr like his abandonment has obviously shaped val’s self-worth and understanding of what happened with her mom.

elyse - i’ve been looking forward to meeting this creature bc i know she’s involved in your D4 lore. and ofc i right away we get a scylla cameo! oh mawma she’s been swimming in the kool-aid like cult brainwashing vibes are off the chart. love. holy fuck this trial is insanity. uh that flashback hurt. da heal, why would you do that? sob. making the D4 trainees look like wimps fr! she’s gonna have a fun time with the careers.

henley - he’s from D8 right? i saw D11 and had to check the blog lol bc some of these kiddos have such similar names. but im not crazy. confirmed. for now. dad in jail? bad luck. a smuggler? okay i dig it. and to make his mom smile? i’m emo. but i don’t think she would like it that you’re risking getting caught up a rebellion, sir. but the guilt eating him inside…again, another layered character! can definitely potential for this wholesome boyo.

mine: sofi
love: darling, apollo, elyse, eve, patton
like: aia, decker, selah, henley, henley, oren, rill
neutral: val, igor, asha, river, snaedis, mahra, theon, mira
eh: sutton
dyloccupy chapter 10 . 11/24
asha - okayyy handywo(man)! cute! a problem solver that can easily switch to obsession. blood…oh mawma what we got going on here. the quinn/finn lore has me invested for sure. and the weird dynamic with her dad also has me ? liked her relationship with ciara though! not much to say on miss asha.

sofi - im crying what a way to start his intro. this is perfectly stupid in all the best ways what a rat idiot. obsessed. A KITCHEN KNIFE IS KILLING ME BRO JUST STRAIGHT UP WENT FOR IT. love love love your interpretation of his form! all the bravado in the world can’t save this weirdo. the way he’s hyping himself up by wanting to show he’s not a pussy…sir! AND HE PASSES OUT IM HOLLERING. kind of metal…i cringe and laugh at my son. he truly is the epitome of a fuckass 15yr old with rocks for brains. and using this to hit on his desire for friends…i hurted. AND AZRAAAA ughhh you nailed their dynamic i’m !? that last line. i’m emo.

sutton - now what the fawk is going on here on this very day…ew bad vibes omg i want to inspect this bitch’s brain. getting plastic surgery done in D11 by a creepy teenager…y’all MUST be desperate im crying. and sutton’s whole perspective on his district…what an asshole lmao. the way he talks…i want to slap him. he gives that kid in class that thinks they’re better than everyone and speaks like a nerd but really is just quite shit. can he die first?

mine: sofi
love: darling, apollo, eve, patton
like: aia, decker, selah, oren, rill
neutral: igor, asha, river, snaedis, mahra, theon, mira
eh: sutton
dyloccupy chapter 9 . 11/24
oren - messy family situation ftw. emo/cursed vibes are always so fun to play with like yea give me the angst and the suffering and the maybe hopeful moments before they’re snuffed out! always fuck with an older sibling acting as the parent…and oren’s desire for peace and maybe a life where the twins don’t have to rely on him…but he feels obligated to care for them…i sob. brining then along for robberies though..uhhh! seems it’s just them and maybe eve at the end? idk but i’m interested to see what the hell happens next.

patton - love the format of the interrogation! patton saying acab okayyyyy….bro just wants to be left alone. mood. he’s definitely going to cause problems with that attitude in the games. death following him around like a dark cloud…ooo love love. like he didn’t even do anything wrong this time! bleak is the word i would use to describe mr patton but good thing i love depressed rats.

mira - aww making the most of your situation despite wanting to find freedom. i fear she is going to make me sad. her friendship with cannen was so cute. and then the suddenness of the rug being pulled out from underneath mira was so good. it’s crazy the difference a year can make, right?

mine: sofi
love: darling, apollo, eve, patton
like: aia, decker, selah, oren, rill
neutral: igor, river, snaedis, mahra, theon, mira
dyloccupy chapter 8 . 11/24
river - freak of the forest, indeed. and a kleptomaniac? what a vibe. girl i’m at the point too where i’ll pay for a love potion. he’s edgy and either delusional due to trauma or truly is the maltida of panem. either way, im hesitantly curious.

darling - beth harmon count your days, hoe. ooo ok sir is seeking out challenges in form of other people so life feels purposeful. inch resting. bro is horny for a rival. he’s like awww i’m tew good for everyone and life is soooo boringgg. pretentious bitch LMAO. though he’s giving burnt out academically gifted kid so he’s valid. coffin makers in D1 is unique and so cool! love.

selah - giving pitfigher!vi vibes. i love it. she doesn’t take shit and down for a fight. baddie. and doing it for her younger sister. i cry. dismantling sexism in panem one knock out at a time. she’s a complex character, especially with her desire for attention and praise so it’s not like her sole motivation is family. which i appreciate. give me character layers! she’s gonna hate sofi so bad and im excited for that! beat his ass.

mine: sofi
love: darling, apollo, eve
like: aia, decker, selah, rill
neutral: igor, river, snaedis, mahra, theon
dyloccupy chapter 7 . 11/24
ok slowly but surely catching up:

apollo - he’s so unserious i love him. funny personality overconfident career one spectacular arc! i can see him developing in so many different ways, so i’m excited! at least we have some comedic relief in the career pack, thank fuck.

aia - her last name KILLS me im sawry. she’s so mysterious and angsty and such a weapon. cool, calm, and collected if i’ve ever seen. robotic as hell aia paired with…boything apollo is perfect. ended cassian with ease, iktr! she’s gonna be intense and uncaring and cause problems in the pack - im hype.

igor - cure for humanity? bro’s sounding like viktor from arcane. i’m officially freaked out. yet he’s still just an incel that drinks way too much monster energy and spends more time on discord than anything else. consider me intrigued.

mine: sofi
love: apollo, eve
like: aia, decker, rill
neutral: igor, snaedis, mahra, theon
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