Reviews for git good
Hadrian Kallig chapter 4 . 7/24
My ADHD riddled ass could never remember even half of git's commands, lmao
SirTaco chapter 10 . 7/24
something felt wierd about the characters, but still good
WILLIAM11 chapter 9 . 7/21
This is good I love OP quirk deku that didn't need OFA
Higashiyama Sayuri's Devout chapter 8 . 7/21
I read all chapters In one sitting, it just grabs me.

Looking foward to new updates.
Higashiyama Sayuri's Devout chapter 7 . 7/21
Love the show, keep it up.
Higashiyama Sayuri's Devout chapter 5 . 7/20
I'm loving it.

Keep it up.
Higashiyama Sayuri's Devout chapter 4 . 7/20
Awesome chapter, so dramatic and impactful.
Higashiyama Sayuri's Devout chapter 3 . 7/20
Did Izuku got himself admin rights to the matrix... ?
Higashiyama Sayuri's Devout chapter 2 . 7/20
Looking foward to read what uses could be implemented for GIT.
Swimmahh chapter 7 . 7/15
Reading this on SB, very good story
CriticaofRandomness chapter 7 . 7/15
Brother the addendum is so sad. Hagakure actually hating midoriya and wanting to disappear to start over again is horrible yet feels human
SirTaco chapter 7 . 7/14
keep it up
Wabbayack22 chapter 7 . 7/14
Thank u, ill go check where the storys at on ao3
Echonic chapter 6 . 7/10
Hagakure is gonna 100% die and hes gonna 'revive' her lol
Wabbayack22 chapter 6 . 7/10
I dont make ao3 accounts so i follow this one to remember to check ao3 for new updates as a guest. Thanks for updating here to remind me
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