Reviews for Forever Alive
Stormzy chapter 118 . 2/27/2024
Not too sure about this one. Started off pretty good despite the rushed school era but from that point onwards it became a jumbled mess of lesser quality writing. Still had elements of good writing in certain chapters I happened to skip too but overrall I'd have preferred to see this rewritten with an editor.
Stormzy chapter 107 . 2/27/2024
After the last review I ended up skipping through chapters and man I just don't see the correlation between some of the first chapters and this later weird writing. Also happening to stumble onto this sucking off Snape off chapter wasn't great. Understand originality but this too much for the greasy fuck.
Stormzy chapter 60 . 2/27/2024
Respect the originality but starting to lose interest. Rushed the school time and this Order arc feels weird.
Stormzy chapter 58 . 2/26/2024
Not really a fan of the way you've written Lily and James at the moment but still a good work
Stormzy chapter 32 . 2/26/2024
Jesus man you write some emotional stuff
Stormzy chapter 22 . 2/26/2024
Well this is a first. Your writing is actually making me feel kind of bad for Snape. I still think it was give and take between him and James but damn this writing still hits in the feels
Blckhrbrtsh chapter 1 . 5/31/2022
Best fan fiction ever
Guest chapter 7 . 3/30/2021
This is freaking amazing! Whoever wrote this needs to start writing books!
Miss 710 chapter 118 . 12/10/2020
I love this story! I have been reading it for 4 days now when I am supposed to be doing online schooling! It is sooo sad but it speaks the truth seeing Moony being a scared first year to stoppnig harry from going into the veil it truly was an amazing adventure
AslansHow24 chapter 37 . 10/23/2020
did Sirius just hear Harry from the future?
AslansHow24 chapter 4 . 10/23/2020
why did you add a fifth boy.. it was my opinion that they befriended Peter because he was a dorm mate.. are you really gonna have the four boys ignore the fifth dorm mate.. for the sake of a syory
Eriko75 chapter 118 . 10/21/2020
that was amazing...and so very heartbreaking
Eriko75 chapter 109 . 10/21/2020
This chapter makes me want to cry knowing what will happen next and the doom that is coming. *crying*
Ryan Camp chapter 49 . 8/28/2020
"And finally, Peter Pettigrew," Peter jumped, "We have also chosen you for your loyalty. For seven years, you have never said a wrong word to any of your friends, even if sometimes you feel as if you should. You stand by their side with pride, and I hope that you shall also stand by mine with the same courage."
Oh Gd that hurts. That hurts so badly.
Dramatic irony is a cruel and unforgiving bitch.
Guest chapter 46 . 8/28/2020
"Burn it. Then take the ashes and put an invisibility spell on them. Then throw them off of the closest bridge you can find. Choose one, there are a few here in London. No one will be able to find it, then."
Really, Alastor? You’re not up to your usual standards. I’d have thought you’d ask her to choose a few different bridges and divide up the ashes among them.
To the author: In all honesty, I LOVED this moment. Perfectly Moody.
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