Reviews for Harry Potter and the Key of Dagon
Lydia-Hood chapter 6 . 9/26/2011
Interesting story but... Virginia? Ginny name is Ginevra... I know its a Fan Fic and open to a certain leeway but the character's names shouldn't be open for alteration unless you pull a "Superman" which is Clark Kent among humans & Kal-El as a Kryptonian name.
M chapter 42 . 7/9/2011
I think Andrew's gay. He was practically in love with Warren.
mamaGorilla chapter 1 . 5/31/2011
Lexi0521 chapter 59 . 3/27/2011
Very well written and excellent story line. While true to both universes, the mix was incredibly well thought out!

Thank you for sharing your unique talents!
Briememory chapter 59 . 1/1/2011
A truly fantastic story, from start to finish
SWSW chapter 59 . 8/17/2010
Really loved the story! Keep it up!
mangalover589 chapter 59 . 5/9/2010
great story would of like to read an epilogue
Freiheitkraft chapter 59 . 11/20/2009
That was just a fantastic story. I stayed up way too late just because i had to find out what happened next. The pace of the story was good, maybe a bit slow in the middle but building up quite nice. Other people have review and love it also. My highest prasie is that I would buy the book.
Tilius chapter 59 . 9/8/2009
Great story.
runnerman87 chapter 33 . 9/7/2009
I'd like to point out that it's not a great idea to keep beating up on Harry without respite. If you make him out to be nothing special, then Voldemort, Dumbledore, and the entire wizarding world become nothing special by association. Once you've done that, you don't have much of a story anymore. I'm going to keep reading because I like your style, but I'm becoming a bit skeptical.
Of Hope chapter 59 . 8/1/2009
God! Make a sequel!
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 59 . 2/7/2009
Oh yeah...

Y’know, I DEFINITELY wish there were more HP/Buffy crossovers out there like this one; the length is good, the characterisation is intriguing, the pairing is believable- Harry and Dawn really do make a VERY interesting couple; I’m just disappointed there aren’t more stories featuring them together like this-, and there are some VERY interesting moments between the two ‘teams’ over the course of the plot.

Dawn’s introduction to Hogwarts was very well-written, with her interaction with the various groups of students managing to be interesting and amusing; her treatment of Malfoy when he attempted to attack her was particularly funny, especially when she kept his wand on her afterwards, and as for her relationship with Harry…

It really worked out rather well, to be honest; both of them forced to deal with a power and responsibility that neither of them asked for or wanted, they find in each other someone who accepts them for who they are as PEOPLE, rather than judging them as ICONS.

And then, of course, the issues raised by Voldemort looking for the Key...

Trademark Voldemort, really; he learns about a potential source of power, and then he spends a great deal of time and effort trying to acquire it when he probably doesn’t even know what it could be used FOR.

On the topic of power, I wasn’t certain about the idea of Harry being able to wield Willow’s ‘type’ of magic as well as the type he’d been learning at Hogwarts already, but it certainly created a more interesting idea about the ‘power the Dark Lord knows not’ than just Harry being more emotionally capable to make decisions or take risks that will almost certainly result in his death (Nice moral message, but this one was a bit… cooler, really).

However, I do have one fundamental problem; the time flow in the story is very erratic.

I mean, you have at least a couple of dozen chapters dedicated to the month or so between Harry’s birthday and returning to school, followed by the first couple of weeks in Hogwarts, and then the entire year seems to go by in about the same number of chapters?

I get that you wanted to get to the main part of the plot as soon as possible, but everything just felt so… rushed towards the end (Particularly Harry learning to access Willow’s brand of magic; nice idea, but given that you only introduced it in the last few chapters it felt like you’d just realised all of a sudden you didn’t know what you were going to do about Voldemort and come up with this at the last minute).

Overall concept and character development? VERY good.

PLOT development? Could have been better.
BeckyMorganJamesPendragon chapter 59 . 6/29/2008
that was great but you might want to change it so it shows the story as compleate in sted og in progress
Skye Ryde chapter 29 . 4/19/2008
I've read this fic before and I'm rereading it again because I've been craving a good Buffy/Harry crossover. Rereading it now, it kind of amuses me how comparable some of the Harry Potter aspects are to the sixth book, even though you wrote this before Half-Blood Prince came out. So good job! lol

I do have one critique for this story though-all the characters seem to have similar personalities. Don't get me wrong, I completely love the story, but it just seems that everybody acts the same way.
Asterisks chapter 59 . 4/9/2008
I think this is one of the best HP crossovers I've read yet! Mostly because it's actually finished :D

But really you managed to make Dawns character likable. And I think most of the characters remained in character. I would have liked to see more Buffy, but nevertheless it was really good.
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