Reviews for Soulless
nxf chapter 1 . 2/26/2007
Please update. It's been 2 years!
pinehead chapter 1 . 2/18/2007
please update
Jack.and.Jill.89 chapter 7 . 12/28/2006
. was awesome. honestly. definitely keep going. i cant wait to see what happens. -and im glad that like half way through you started giving a heads up on whos talking. anyways its good.
Crys chapter 1 . 12/4/2004

I've read this story a while ago and I just wanted you authors to know that has now made a category for Pansy Parkinson :).

We do have to keep her alive.

DMPPs all the way, of course...
Maccy chapter 7 . 1/23/2004
I love the new chapter! Jeep up the great work!
DreamsofDraco chapter 7 . 1/5/2004
Once again, beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
Shire.Conspire chapter 7 . 1/5/2004
Okay, you know my horrid Monday-After-Christmas story, when all my old friends completely abandoned me and left me for loner? Well, I'd go through three more Mondays-After-Christmas just to see this chapter alone turned into a two and a half hour movie! I LOVED IT!
The first POV was fabulous (duh). Draco, thinking, all just seems to work fantastically!
Blaise...isn't her last name Zabini? I dunno, I stared at the name a long time before I noticed the 'm'.
" I've always been told to never say never; that things have a way of changing on you."..." I suppose you should never say always either."..."Never say always." ~ Could I love this contradiction any more? YES! Brilliant
""I didn't believe it Pansy, you know I wouldn't, but the way he spoke, it felt like daggers! I thought you might like to know, though there's nothing you can do now. He'll go crawling into the arms of some tart, not worth half as much as you. He'll find out what he's missing soon enough." If only they gave Oscars in Britain for social performances." ~ Oh, the cleverness of you. Blaise's cynical humor is perfect for this story. She doesn't seem dumb or shallow, but rather another version of deep ambition. Nice.
"I can see the blood flowing down, like a slow, crimson waterfall. I know it should hurt. I know I should cry out. I know the pain of severed muscles, I've had it before, but I don't say anything. I don't cry out. It doesn't hurt. I just watch the blood run down my arm like an external vein. It goes in an ever twisting spiral, winding down each slim, tapered finger and falls in five equal droplets. As they landed the sound of their slamming into the card began beat in my head. Like a tribal drumming it spoke volumes. With every beat it said "Death, death, death, death,". I knew whom it was talking about as well. It is who I had hoped. The person who caused all this mischief, the reason I am slowly turning mad. He will be dead by this evening." ~ Chills. Chills. Not at all of the depressing sort, but more of a gothic drama worthy of severe intelligence. I kept reading this paragraph over and over, playing the scene in over with different camera angles, sound bites, and scene effects. Anyway you play it, it's bone-chilling.
"He took this moment to slap me." ~ Ow. How rude.
"So this wouldn't be any different from the others. I would don the cold mask of indifferent refinement; I would be charming, beautiful, but nothing memorable or clever. I would be a mere doll in a case. To be admired, but never interacted with. I suppose I should get used to it; I will be doing for sometime as Mrs. Maligo."..."I will no longer be the doll in a case; set out on display. I have ignored myself and my son long enough. I will no longer be ignorant and go along with whatever anyone else says. The time has come. My husband has gone mad, my son is in danger, and I will not standby like a helpless lamb. The blindfold is off; out comes the wand." ~ Great segue between the two paragraphs. I absolutely adore Narcissa, and your last section on her POV was dynamic! Willpower and headstrong, the essence of every woman. Right on there, my sister! muaha
All in all, fantastic chapter. Other than a few grammer mistakes, (which are totally common, inevitable, and you didn't even have that many), it was flawless. Kept me on my seat the entire time. Can I give you higher praise? Maybe tomorrow during third period, so yeah, be prepared. Anticipation for the ball is mounting! I love these dreaded balls, their so much fun.
Okay, I better cut this short. God bless!
Maccy chapter 6 . 1/3/2004
Hey There!
Are you going to continue this story? I really think you should because it is great!
DreamsofDraco chapter 6 . 1/2/2004
Everyone's right. You REALLY need to update, or please, pass this on to someone else. The anticipation is killing me (and from the looks of things, everyone else as well)!
This is the best fic I have read in A LONG TIME. It may be the best EVER. I usually despise drama/angsts but you may have just changed my mind.
Please continue soon. I love this.
Recna den Eres is right. Whoever is out there on and has not read this really needs to. It's a brilliant piece of writing and could teach more than a few people here more than a few things.
Anon chapter 6 . 12/11/2003
You didn't finish this! And you only got 22 reviews! This is madness!
Elani chapter 6 . 11/4/2003
Must know what's going to happen. Please write soon.
terrasomnian chapter 3 . 11/4/2003
I know that this doees not pretain to this story, but it is still quite important.

Please please please please! Update "Are You All Bloody Mad?" I have been waiting for a very long time for closure and none has happened! If you don't want to finish it, let me finish it, because the anticipation is driving me nuts!
Shire.Conspire chapter 6 . 11/1/2003
As always, WOW for this chapter. Like I told you before, I love our brand-new Ravenclaw, especially her sassy attitude. Kudsos for the chapter and I'll do a better review on you next one. Right now I'm packing like crazy. Oh! And for this paragraph:

I understood why this was happening. Being a part of our circle means you are related to everyone and can trust no one. You are cousins, you are aunts, you are uncles, you have all the bonds of friendship on the surface, you all have the bruises of enemies beneath. It is the curse of the blood running through my veins and through Draco's: loyalty is never ours. You owe loyalty, you never bestow it, and you only owe it to two people, yourselves, and the dark wizard of your day. We are a new species, you see. We are not ruled by a monarch or a minister. We are ruled by self-interest, etiquette, and blood; and there are only two kinds of blood swirling in our melding pot, pure blood and spilled blood. Well damn etiquette, damn loyalty, and praise self interest. I am going to do things my way now and heaven help anyone who gets in my way.

~I just have to say HOLY GIOVANNI! Best dern paragraph I have ever read. Fabulous imagery and metophoric use of the words...I love it! The essence of the lost creativity in Theatre has been channeled into your story! Bravo, encore, and all that jazz.

Shire.Conspire chapter 5 . 9/22/2003
Okay. WOW! eye boggles, eye boggles...maybe even a few well-placed asthma attacks for good measure

And I loved it too! You're right, I have no idea what is going on and i won't even attempt to because I'm still in awe of your writing. I'd make this review more detailed had I not wasted my day on the couch and am now late for dance!

Well, Draco is just amazing and that Flaveo guy is being a butthead, but a well-described butthead. Pansy is being just as immculate as ever and I love your dialogue.

Are Draco and Flavie-boy gunna get into a fight? I'm not suggesting one but I've just got this cool scene playing in my head where Draco's just kicking his butt. Ah...the over-excentric imagination.

Anywho, your little bit about Draco's eyes and the silver cloak was magnificent. Irrelevent point out, I know, but credit must go where credit is due. I can't wait for more and I hope that becomes a pushing point for you to write. heh heh

See you in class tomorrow and let me just say this one more time...


Liebling chapter 5 . 9/20/2003
You've got such a lovely way with words.


Love this fic, love your characters, just so awesome.


Update soon!

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