Reviews for Your Bloody Friend Norrington
Astro-Sagi chapter 22 . 3/23/2004
Great! Fantastic! Absolutly Amazing! This enough for you - I mean to make your want to write the next wonderful chapters of this story! I love it!
Write soon, please - preety please.
Rae Roberts chapter 12 . 2/15/2004
OOh, I loved the bit about the earring. I'm thoroughly enjoying this entire story !
Salienne de Lioncourt chapter 22 . 2/12/2004
Hehehe... Bloody BRILLIANT, mate! The whole lot of it! I've actually managed to read all 22 chapters today! Wow, I MUST be obsessed! Update as soon as ye can, mate, though I'm not hurrying ya. I know how it is to be pressed for time... -_-
REALLY good though, I guarantee ye.
Salienne de Lioncourt chapter 12 . 2/12/2004
Bah, humbug, I have no time to read the rest of this now, but so far, it's bloody AWESOME, mate. You have everybody down to perfection. *Can't wait until she can get on the computer again and actually read the rest of what is up*
technetium chapter 22 . 2/5/2004
This is still great and interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next.
ErinRua chapter 22 . 2/3/2004
Well ... I must confess I am sufficiently confused as to whether Ana Maria is really preggers or not, and most certainly curious as to what Jack and Elizabeth really whispered about, and what sort of "large-scale fiasco and all-out emergency" went on at the jail, and - and - and - oh, drats. Now I'm all caught up reading and I'm STILL hooked! Please more soonly! I'll feed your muses chocolate, yes I will! I am a very happy reader when I can't tell what's coming next, and believe me, I have no clue, so I'll be eagerly awaiting the next chapter. :-)
Cheers ~
POTCLover chapter 22 . 2/3/2004
Hey this story rules. Keep writting. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. The story is great I don't think there is anything you could do to make it better. But I'm sure you will find one. Keep up the good work!
starrynight265 chapter 22 . 1/28/2004
Forgive me for not reviewing before, but I absolutely love this story. It had me in fits of laugher and I love how you've got the characters down. Jack will make a pirate out of Norrington yet! And I have yet to figure out where it will go with Ana Maria and her baby, meaning will it turn into a Anamaria/norrington or a Jack/Anamaria. hm. Update soon, I can't wait! Wonderful job.
Viviane chapter 22 . 1/28/2004
I am thoroughly enjoying this tale - good characterization of Jack - and even your poor, abused Norrington is quite believable. Good work, luv! :) However, this last chapter - in your next one, you're going to reveal that this nonsense about Elizabeth telling AnaMaria to stay on land is just that - nonsense, right? Because Elizabeth is no idiot female to actually believe that AnaMaria, who has probably never worn a corset in her life, is actually in any danger from her not-so-delicate condition, savvy?
I am looking forward to the rest of this rollicking tale!
Songofthewind chapter 22 . 1/27/2004
'S wonderful, mate! Keep it up. Y've a nice style.
If you post the next chapter soon enough, I jus' might give ye somethin', savvy? Int'rest'd in treasure?
Left-the-building chapter 22 . 1/26/2004
Come on, longer chapters! Please? For me? Lol, that's all I have to say, my creativity seems to have vanished...
Peace, Ipzy.
ElvenPirate41 chapter 22 . 1/25/2004
hehe.. nice ana/elizabeth bit. "you WILL drink it!" heh heh.. update soon!
ElvenPirate41 chapter 20 . 1/25/2004
"whose wig had grown to epic proportions" lmao. how amusing.
o0h.. plot twist! sure, she's pregnant haha..
i like it. and hah! to think norrington could be the father. swann is most gullible hehe..
ElvenPirate41 chapter 19 . 1/25/2004
hey! lotsa new chapters, aye?
" it's only a flesh wound."" monty python reference? or maybe not...
SilentStep chapter 22 . 1/25/2004
Dude- this is really good! I am impressed. Descriptions, perhaps, could be more detailed, but it really just depends on the tone that you're trying to set for a scene. Anyway, write more!
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