Reviews for Wolf of the Snow
CCS Guru chapter 8 . 4/16/2007
Oh come on! Ruby eyes & a taste for Shaoran! That girl in the elm tree is a Meirin character!
Luka Mimoi chapter 16 . 1/28/2007
This was the best story ever!

Soo sweet and caring
angeldiane chapter 16 . 10/27/2006
haha, lovely story! i love the touch at the end with the little girl and the sherry blossom! please continue writing! -
Totally Kawaii chapter 16 . 10/23/2006

...ahem... This is a kawaii story and I really love it! Please write some more stories. SAKURA AND SYAORAN FOREVER! *rips all non-SxS fanfiction into bits and laughs evilly*
MeakoXIII chapter 16 . 8/16/2006
it ended so nicely... thanks... its a really good story... ... i love it... lol
Crystal chapter 16 . 7/24/2006
WOW. This story has to be one of the best fanfics I have ever read. The fact that the story almost ended in tradgey played a great overall part in the "happy ending." Enjoyed this piece to the fullest and hope to read another in the future.
Sakurajen chapter 16 . 7/23/2006
I have to tell you it's a wonderful story. truly inspired although i can't help but feel that i've read some stories with the same theme, you were able to weave several of these into one beautifully though out story. there were some predictable moments, but it was creatively executed, giving it a newer look. i guess i don't really judge a story on whether it makes me cry or not, but yeah, its one of those stories i am glad i'm able to read and savor. Please don't stop writing beautiful stories.
Krista chapter 16 . 7/14/2006
great story!
MyRomance chapter 16 . 7/12/2006
So good. Soo good that I read the whole thing tonight. It's addictive. Amazing. You are wonderfully discriptive and had an awesome plot. I always tried to guess what would happen, and at times I would get it, but often you surprised me. This was an amazing story and you definately have much talent! Consider writing another!

xxhiddenkittenxx chapter 16 . 6/23/2006
ya know what? .. i almost wanted to KILL you for being so cruel . ) . but ur forgiven for turning the girl into an old lady. it was a very .. nice read .
shika hiiragizawa chapter 16 . 4/25/2006
whoa... that was one of the greatest stories EVER! I'm sorry if I didn't drop a review each chapter... hehehe! nice one, I really loved it! Tell me if there's another one,okay? Sakura and Syaoran RULE! and also Tomoyo and Eriol... hehehe! _
emerald wolf blossom chapter 16 . 3/22/2006
I love this story, but i think the epologue should have Syao & Saku in it...
purple snowflakes chapter 16 . 1/29/2006
wahahahaha. so romantic ((goes all starry-eyed)) WHEE~~ i love how you ended it.

actually im not exactly an r-rated person, you know what i mean.. but this is still a brilliant story, for your descriptive way of writing! (: i really love this story. this story had made my long-lost craving and over-cooing of syaoran return in full! you rock, dandy!

syaoran as a white wolf. omg. so.. argh! SYAORANNIE! I SHALL LOVE YOU FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE - or rather, syaorannie lives. mwahahahahaha! this story is going into my fav story list and you're going into my fav author list! :D:D:D:D
purple snowflakes ONEONEONE chapter 7 . 1/28/2006
hullo! nice story you've got there! uh, i dont remember any time in which syaoran mentioned his surname to sakura, so um, like how did she know?

ehehehe. i was being lame. nice story. i mean it! i love the part when you ended one chappie with "tears fell from amber eyes" i almost cried. wah. (: go syaoran! you rule!
Roja-Cyd chapter 1 . 1/28/2006
Hi there,

Thanks for reviewing my story The Prize. You write reviews so well I was kinda melting into a puddle myself! :)

This story looks very interesting. Dark Forests- love them! :)
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