Reviews for Luna's Year
sthrobbins chapter 9 . 6/7/2024
Coincidentally, the film version of PoA is on the TV and Loopy Lupin's inability to manage his condition is on full display. Hard to think the bigots in the Wiz would allow a were to ascend to be Minister of Magic. Different story, different Wiz.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 3 . 4/2/2024
Did they get the venom from the acromantulas in Chapter 3?
dorrel chapter 29 . 1/2/2024
Great stuff! Would've loved to see them defeat old Voldy, but I guess I can fill in the blanks myself. Thank you so much for this!
Freddie Rindklip chapter 29 . 9/20/2021
A sequel maybe? Considering it has been 15 years, I guess no. Thank you for writing.
majere4 chapter 29 . 8/16/2021
What! No! Noooooooooo!
*sighs despondently*

That truly was a wonderfully told tale. I know that it is done, I must accept this, however unwillingly.
Still, I will go in search of your other work, and my intense hope is that there is more, but you we're pretty clear that this story was about Luna and secondarily about the healing of her heart and Harry's as well.

I will put this in my Keep folder and look forward to finding another Gem of yours.

Thanks so much for sharing your time and your talent!
majere4 chapter 28 . 8/16/2021
I admit it, you got me, that really messed with my mind!
majere4 chapter 25 . 8/16/2021
So much love for Luna!
majere4 chapter 18 . 8/13/2021
*happy sigh*
Luna and Harry, relaxing in the glade, sharing their past, hopefully building a future.
lily chapter 29 . 8/9/2021
oh i love this story so much, you wrote beautifully about luna and harry's relationship, i will always be incredibly upset that they didn't get together in canon, but hey you did a great job here (although it would have been even better if there was more than one kiss in 29 chapters and only at the very end! i was quite anxious, and there were moments that i thought harry and luna weren't going to get out of the friendship zone, it would also be so nice if there were more chapters...) anyway i loved this!
Jimbocous chapter 29 . 7/7/2021
Thanks for a great read. Nicely done!
Signal Lost chapter 29 . 12/20/2020
Many tears of happiness have been used this day, er morning. This was amazing to read, and I just say that I do hope there is a sequel. Thank you for writing this, it truly was amazing in every sense of the word.
Eagle-Eyes chapter 29 . 9/14/2019
And the story can continue

Wonderful story

Keep writing as life allows
Lydia Andersen chapter 29 . 2/9/2019
FirePhoenixofHogwarts chapter 29 . 10/27/2018
Never fi ished this just a premature end
FirePhoenixofHogwarts chapter 14 . 10/27/2018
You tread where no man shoudl tread. In the dark zone.
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