Reviews for Learning To Live Again
An outdated meme chapter 6 . 2/4/2017
Can you feel that love tonight~
:3 Really liking it so far!
An outdated meme chapter 4 . 2/4/2017
McDonald's bashing XD
I'm loving it though! *McDonald's theme plays* Pun not intended!
OmegaCommander chapter 15 . 7/6/2006
Alright, I have been reading this whole story for a day, and have just finished. It was spectacular! In fact, its the best love pairing story I have ever heard, espicially for my favorite thief King. The author paineted an eloquent picture in my mind, and the charecters reacted just as they would in the manga or show. This has become one of my all time favorites, and this author deserves an award. Espicially after he grandfather died, which my grandmother had done just recently. She kept up at a frrequent pace and kept me going from start to finish, wanting to know more. I look forward to this authors other work.


Paper.Eskimo.Boots chapter 15 . 2/2/2006
Cue cheesey audience "aw". I applaud your fine writing *claps*. Bakura is so cool! Anzu and Bakura is like, one of THE BEST couples in the WHOLE WORLD...Yami was a bit of a [insert bad word here]in this story at times. I seriously really really really really really liked this. Got a little crazy at times and really seriously random but it was really fun to read and a few times my mom came down to check on me 'cause I was laughing so loud she could hear me upstairs *sweatdrop*. Keep writing! :3
Kuroi Enkou chapter 15 . 8/29/2005
It's over? No!...Oh well *shrugs* any ways *shifty eyes* this was spectacular! standing ovation
animeroxz chapter 15 . 3/4/2005
Great story read mine
A. Valentine chapter 15 . 2/23/2005
Your story was great, I absolutely loved it! The pairing worked really well, and it was written very well too. Awesome job!
Sylvok chapter 15 . 9/16/2004
Great story! Cute ending two chapters! Love your stories.:)
Verbally Insane chapter 15 . 9/10/2004
Oh my God! That's so cute! I loved it! I like how you made the character's in character! I've read this story once before and that's how I fell in love with ... I lost the story and haven't seen it until recently, and personally it get's better every time I read it! Good job... Oh and if you're interested I'm working on my own Y. Bakura and Tea story, I don't know what to call it but look around for my authors name... I LOVED YOUR STORY! I was so surprised to see only twenty-four reviews, I thought there would have been a hundred! Keep up the good work! LOVED THAT STORY TO BITS!


Twilight Phoenix _~

Eve-Of-Misery chapter 15 . 7/11/2004
I loved every single part of it. Awesome story. You're a great writer. Oh and I loved the main couple.
Eve-Of-Misery chapter 2 . 7/10/2004
kvun chapter 15 . 4/18/2004
hi i think ur stories r like totally amazing...even though u wrote these like ages ago...but's cuz of ur stories that i even started to write some myself (*hinthintread my stories*). so ya...keep on writing l8er_
Ente chapter 15 . 2/23/2004
aw! so kawai! i especially liked that yugis gradpa is drinking spiked punch! glad that i wont have to be there when he wakes up and has a hangover! _ thats so great how you made the millennium items have a new purpose! *dances around* love it love love love it! and the backstabbing on tea and mai! and attacking ryou and pegasus and EVERYTHING! omg! lol! ok, if i don't stop im not going to be able to stop laughing and ill suffocate and die and we all know what a trajic loss that would be!
ps: in case you coulfn't tell, I really enjoyed your story! _
Ente chapter 9 . 2/23/2004
_ great story so far! im so sorry about your stuff being deleted! T_T just saying this story is totoally awesome! some of it is so sweet, and some is so funny and some is just plain insane! and i'll be back to read more! bye!
Scarlet-Moonlight chapter 15 . 2/22/2004
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